Gentoo in Review - youtube-viewer CLI client. This great CLI utility allows you to watch youtube videos, subscribe, comment, like, etc... just about everything ...
Ufff it used to be one of my favourite applications. Then it got orphaned,
Youtube changed its api so the old version on the repos won't work anymore.
Sinustron overlay offers a slightly more updated version, but It won't work
anyway because some perl modules not installed fixed some of the problems
to just found more and more untill i just gave up Tried minitube, which
need some crazy shit to compile. And... it won't work anyway either (videos
never start, froze on the first frame)
My old laptop plays Youtube videos so slow that I am afraid it is a goodbye
for me from Youtube! there is a 2 second delay from voice and video even at
240p :'(
Portage Basic Tutorial: How to configure and install (Part 1 of 2)
Basic Tutorial for Portage and its command-line interface emerge... This part explains how to configure portage and use it to install application. Links referred to ...
I do understand what you're talking about but it has nothing to do with
dependencies or Gentoo per say. Sometimes applications link to libraries
and if you update those libraries you break the links to them, you only
need to recompile B so it links back to the new version of those libraries.
I have been using Gentoo for a while now and revdep-rebuild is there to fix
those kind of things. That is offered by Gentoo with the gentoolkit
package. I might do a tutorial on it.
Hello, heard your talk with Linuxspatry, just have a quick question for
you. How has Gentoo evolved in it's ability to handle dependancies. I tried
Gentoo in the past but got frustrated when you installed program A and if
it used newer dependancies that were shared by program B, you ended up
breaking program B. Never was able to figure out a fix for that. Does
Gentoo still have those issues to overcome?
Portage takes care of dependencies by itself, but revdep-rebuild will find
broken links and broken dependencies or even missing dependencies and will
fix them. You should give it a try. I will at some point make a little
tutorial on it. And you're very welcome.
hey, nice vid. I still can't control my brightness using this script, it
shows the little cursor going sideways, but the brightness doesn't change.
Do you have any idea what could it be?
Linux - rimozione tearing e incremento prestazioni (Nvidia vsync solo per driver proprietari)
Ecco il video di "The Linux Gamer" canale di BlasterGamming ...
LFS 7.5 Systemd Tutorial Chapter 6 6.70. Vim-7.4
The installation of the most famous command-line editor...Vim.