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Fresno ca homeless shelter Videos

HOMELESS - the forgotten

I had a hard time making this video because I became very emotional. I am deeply affected by the homeless, and I wanted to do this as a start for my soon to ...

User Comments

People help people,give a man a fish he will eat a meal,Teach a man how to fish you will feed him the rest of his life.Its not the goverments fault its OUR fault this is going on all over the world I have personaly seen this and I have avoided it by my personal decisions Not to do drugs.Go to school.Go to Church and Have faith.Work hard,Not to blame others for the decisions I have made .I have a fishing pole and some line if any one wants it but you will have to cast it into the water yourself.
Just a thought or two... I think for a lot of us it's hard to see that thin line that brought these people to the edge. It's natural to want to protect what we love and have worked hard for. It's leads us to walk away from people who have lost their way. But, perhaps love that doesn't exclude these people will keep our hearts and society on the right track. It's a monumental challenge but there's something beautiful in that place. Homeless people made choices too. Stay strong.
this is a Good Video I hope this is "AIR" a lot It is always here NOT IN MY BACK YARD So they push to another area away from the tourist centers I work as A Head Cook of aSoup kitchenfor the homeless / and a USDA food Bank for the low income people but a hurricane damaged the center so the Local Gov was Slow in The Gov Grands and both the owner and I the cook went to the hospital for a few weeks with out us the place just CLOSED
Wow, and when I think of the recent events surrounding AIG, I really get pissed off. Great video.
this is a very sad vid. the music fits perfictly
Beautiful work! Well done! Muito bom!

Spokane Businessman Opens His Own Homeless Shelter

Temperatures will be well above the 15 degree mark needed to open Spokane's warming shelters Friday night, which means many homeless people will be ...

User Comments

I'm so glad you did this. Kindness and compassion is going around and comming around for to you for sharing your resources, I just know it!
God bless him :-)

Dozens of sex offenders live in Tallahassee's homeless shelter

I uncovered dozens of sex offenders and one predator live inside The Shelter in Tallahassee among women and children. Law enforcement says its legal but it ...

User Comments

Hi there, very good piece on the Shelter. Although you are not reporting the whole truth. Sex offenders are a new subclass that has been formed to control a selected part of the population. Originally to get on the registry's across the county you had to commit a serious sex offense. Like child molestation or sexual assault. In the past ten years the laws have been radically changed so that anyone who commits a minor offence like grabbing a adult woman's ass with out asking for permission WILL put you on the registry. If you are a prostitute or a "John" - registry. Currently there are over a million men, woman and children on the registry with more being added every day. There are about 350 million Americans living in this country right now, that is a 1 to 350 ratio. Did you know if you are dating your girlfriend and she is 17 and you are also 17 also. Your birthday happens to be 6 months before hers. Her parents, if they don't like you and they have proof you are having sexual relations with her when you turn 18. You can be arrested for statutory rape. I am saying that most sex offenders are not re-offending but they have a life sentence once they are registered. There are now over a million American who are unhire-able because of this registration, most can't find housing and there family's have disowned them. In my opinion, a sexual offender is like having leprosy in this day and age. The really scary thing about this is, is that it a mark or a label you can't wash off. It's stuck with you till your dead. Since it seems you hate these undesirables so much you should get your congress men to set up extermination centers for all sex offenders and predators. This thing you think is a good thing for this country is pure EVIL!
It must be a very slow news day 


Emergency homeless shelter protest at Mayor Bloomberg's Pelham Bay office

On October 17th a group of East Bronx residents picketed in front of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's Pelham Bay campaign office in protest of an emergency ...

CA - Homeless Sex Offenders on Fresno Streets

Homeless Tent City in Fullerton, CA

A large homeless tent city on the edge of Fullerton is being evacuated this weekend. There is no permanent homeless shelter in the city, so many people are ...

User Comments

Nice song, I completely understand, been looking for decent work for over a year now, thank god I have good savings and plenty of shit to sell still. This is the result of our bigoted employment system, fuck the USA.
love he song with the video. great job, god help us all

Inner City Threads-This is COMMUNITY

Homeless in California.AVI

User Comments

Hey bud... You need to know how the American government works. Everyone tells these homeless people "why not just get a job?" Problem is, there are no jobs. Even if they did get a job at McDonalds, that would not be enough to pay ANY rent in California. Secondly, our government is too busy sending BILLIONS of dollars to other countries rather than taking care of it's own people!! Our government really doesn't care about the people. They only care once every four years, for about 6 months!
1:08 - I'm not sure I understand that. I own a house in NY, and everybody who owns real estate is absolutely required to pay taxes on their property (unless it's owned by a religious organization or charity). If you don't pay your property taxes, the city/county will send you multiple warning notices and eventually send the sheriff's department into your building and kick you out, and then sell it off to private investors.
If you look at any of the abandoned buildings illegally occupied by homeless - most are / have been destroyed. American taxpayers are a endangered species with almost 50% of Americans not paying any tax at all - and these very families that have not a single $ in to Fed/State taxes, windup GETTING thousands of dollars in refunds. That is not fair to those who get up every day and go to work -
The homeless problem is only going to get worse as jobs are lost to imported workers. The health care bill gives them free health care so why not come here and take our jobs? The federal government is encouraging them. I just cannot believe the cops would slash the homeless peoples tents. How does a cop that does that sleep at night?
Excellent idea! I have often wondered as I drive the roads and see the empty homes, barns,buildings just rotting away and wondered why can these places not be used to shelter people. We must take care of our people.Most people wwould take good care of the places. you seemto be a true humanitarian!
Some Cops think they are the boss, and what they say goes
LMAO You are very right LMAO
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