Commuting run to the school I was teaching at during rush hour. I'm holding a good speed (27kph), when the Tiguan passes me with inches to spare. The driver ...
+Surrey Suburban Cyclist Merely pointed out that you were not doing the speed stated. 27kph is around 16 mphClearly not a speed you are doing at the start of the video at all
+sean sea Like many roadie cyclists, I track my speed in Kph, I don't know why its a thing but it is. Either way 27 kph or mph is perfectly legal on the road and I am more than able to maintain and control my bike at those speeds
LyX: Forcing Lag
Run the following command collaborate-speed + or collaborate-speed - to increase or decrease respectively, the speed of receiving data by 1 second. This will ...
LyX Autotests on Advanced Find & Replace.
LyX autotests framework allows for easy writing of test cases that can be run automatically as if the user were trying the program itself from the GUI. The video ...
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PAGINA Para que me ayudes Hermano,, Muchas Gracias. espero tu
Hola que tal? Felicitaciones por el video muy bueno. necesito que me ayudes
con la creacion de plantillas.. En el momento que ponemos configurar nos da
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EL tutorial escrito si te lo puedo enviar este es: En este tutorial
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@runakani hola bueno en el tutorial sale a doble columna por que lo
configure en formato IEEE , que es el formato que se utiliza para realizar
informes de ingenieros electrónicos, en este vídeo se muestra donde se
no me generó el archivo de compilación cuando coloco el código "sudo mv
IEEEtran.cls /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/"en la consola me sale error
badboxes ayuda tengo que entregar un informe en latex.
@runakani esto se puede modificar en: documento/configuracion/clase de
articulo. en esta ruta podras ver los formatos como APA e IEEE, que son los
que mas se utilizan
Primero debemos dirigir nos a los repotorios del proyecto ClassicThesis y
nos descargamos la clase, que es un fichero comprimido llamado
The load table for the norwegian locos has been made after mostly
experiences, not "calculations" If you take a look at the load table for
El.16 you will see that it`s mostly like the El.14`s load table even though
EL.14 has proven to be about 15% stronger, and has very much less wheelslip
than EL.16 If you look at the vertical profiles for the different lines in
norway and count in faling leefs from early Sept- late Nov. I guess you`ll
see why most fr.train Drivers here prefer 6 axle locos..
The BR185 Loco has now been tested here in Norway, and it does not
outperform any of our old El14 locos with 6 axles. I know that it was not
used sand in the video, but what I mean is that since you can not warm the
wheels, there is no other help than sand to avoid wheelslep. I`ve been
driving both 4 and 6 axle locos in Freight trains for several years, and
I`m not impressed by the traction with 4 axle locos... and sand are only
for pussys... sorry!
we'll see how well they fare in the cold and snowy winter, The brake hose
placement is stupid and will be packed with ice and snow, making it
impossible to get it out, The lower headlights will quickly become covered
with snow making them useless and the plow is too small/too high off the
rails. All of this is easily fixable but we only rent them and the owners
(angel trains) don't want us to make any modifications to them.
It seems that this locomotive forms part of Renfe 253 Series, and that the
tests were performed in Spain. Right?. Es sieht aus, dass diese Lokomotive
zu dem Reihe 253 von Renfe gehört und auch, dass die Prüfungen in Spanien
getestet wurden. Nicht war?. Parece que la locomotora es una Renfe serie
253 y que las pruebas se realizaron en España. ¿Es cierto?
We are testing the traxx br185 in norway right now and i drive them over
the steepest grades we have here in norway. 2,5% grades. I am impressed
with theese engines ability to get up grades. I was able to start a heavy
train mid grade on wet and leaf slick rails without much effort. Just
needed some sand.
But the traction here is not very impressive! why is there not block brakes
on the wheels?! every cargo locomotive needs that to warm the wheels and
increase traction. using sand is similar to pissing your pants to stay warm
in cold days. anyhow a four axle loco is not ment to pull freight trains...
@TheBrentieman Bombardier BN Bruges onley builds M6 and rebuilds M5
passanger couches for NMBS, and has some metro products other than that
theres some sort of frensh loco that is partualy build in bruges,
"peettheengineer" is right, there build in kassel for clients all over europ
@Kinkozes I can't imagine that only water would improve adhesion... it is
quite obvious that especially V-IRMS here in the Netherlandse skid with
rainy weather. The surface-tension of water between a rail and a
train-wheel won't help anything...
It is exactly the contrary, since adhesion is very poor in water conditions
and wheels tend to slip. That's the reason of the test, how the locomotive
can manage the power given to the electric motors in order to prevent the
wheels to slip.
True, i drive the el14 today, and yes it is a derivative of the Ae 6/6 but
the El14 is more powerful and built 20 years later. I'm looking forward to
trying theese locomotives though. not long till i get the training for this
Lo que sale no es agua. Es gel lo que echan a la via para disminuir el
agarre y ver el patinaje que tiene. Luego ya con las toneladas que pese el
tren y tal pos sacan sus datos y tal. Eso es Pajares por lo que parece.
@wapman28 The Bombardier IORE locomotives have a traction of 2x 600 kN, but
then, they are geared for lower speed and weight on each axle is somewhere
over 30 metric tons.