Speed doesn`t equate to driving skills. I`ve seen many drivers crawling
along with a death grip on the wheel; only to signal left & turn right,
we`ve all fimed the loonies. What can be done you ask. How about taxing
families with more than one car registered @ an address. Say £2000 xtra tax
for each additional car. My neighbour has 4 cars @ the last count. Shopping
car, company car, sports car........ Problem solved. The government makes
more cash for the bankers & the poor walk home.
Part of the problem is that the plethora of road signage makes it difficult
now for drivers to correctly read everything they're meant to see, like the
school/children crossing warning sign. I would propose a more radical
solution. I'd make one side of the road (the side where the school is)
double yellow lines, the entire length. The other side would be parking
bays set at 45 degrees to the road. I'd also close one end of the road,
forcing traffic to use the main road.
No apologies necessary! Just 110% support - and frustration at a solution
to speed-freaks. Frightening the that the police say "they can't ticket
someone here unless they're doing more than 30" - so what's the point of a
20mph limit anywhere! Bet the parents and old folks on the street are less
than happy with that. A couple of single vehicle "gateways" - measures
built out from each side narrowing the road enough to only allow one car to
pass through?
A street near me has a speed limit of 20mph and car beeped at me (I was
doing just above 22mph according to a garmin). I just slowed down and
stopped and went to ask her why did she beep, she replied "you were in my
way!". I said I was doing 22mph in the 20mph so I cannot be in her way
unless she wants to speed and pass me dangerously. She replied with "Sorry
can you go now?". I do that any time now, I would summit this to roadsafe
if I was you.
@growingvegetable I found a notice of the intended limit in the London
Gazette - I've added a link to the description as I can't put links in
comments. If I read it right, and if the order as notified went through,
then this 20mph zone is enforcable under the Road Traffic Regulation Act.
I'll have to pop to my local police station - sorry, Safer Neighbourhood
office - and have a word.
no need for the disclaimer - it's an interesting video. btw if you e mail
Operation Crackdown in sussex, they will send you car stickers for free
which say: "BACK OFF - I'M STICKING TO THE LIMIT!". I think that's a
reasonable message for tailgaters. They sent some to me even though I'm not
from Sussex.
@TheLabRatt And a wee bit of ammunition for you from the CPS - google for
"CPS Road Traffic Offences: Guidance on Fixed Penalty Notices", and look
for the link to the page on the CPS website; half way down, there's the
ACPO speed enforcement policy guidance which are SUPPOSED to ensure
consistency. :D
@electrictactical Last time I was beeped at by a boy racer (in my car) I
did the same. He just kicked it down to second and tore right past me. As I
recall he went past 40 on this sign, and I kicked myself for not having the
camera running.
Why is he saying "Howston" street isnt it "Houston"
Perils For Pedestrians 48
//www.pedestrians.org 0:40 --We visit the Federal Highway Administration to see a new course on pedestrian design for engineering students. 8:20 --We ...
Broadway Flint Wheeler traffic
StreetFilms - Scott Stringer and the 9th Ave Renaissance
Note: At 1:48, the "he" that Stringer is referring to when talking about
bicyclists and autos in Manhattan is Enrique Penalosa, the former mayor of
Bogata who regularly espouses that access to transportation should be safe
whether you own a $30 bike or $30,000 car.
Streetfilms - Moving Beyond the Automobile.wmv
A new video from Streetfilms takes a look at how it works and how London has fared since implementing congestion pricing. Here are the highlights: - London ...
Yeah, this really didn't work. The problem is that most people at a car
show don't associate their interest in the vehicles with the pro-oil,
pro-automobile, and pro-highway lobbies that are driving public policy and
that are keeping us enslaved to petroleum and cars through the power of
government. If you're going to demonstrate, do it on the steps of Congress.
Getting people to change their behavior means making transit, cycling, and
walking competitive, and government makes those changes.