I feel like MME wasn't playing anywhere near as good as everybody knows
they can play. Balls gave FB top inside 4 mins despite having both a ward
and Flash at his disposal. Aphromoo accidentally stole Blue and Xmithie let
it happen. Xmithie gave up chasing and killing Lautemortis for no reason at
the 4:45 mark. At 7mins when Bigfatlp went top to help gank Balls,
Mandatorycloud didn't even try to roam or counterjungle or push.. instead
choosing to jungle... ?? So different from their usual play!!
Dont see why you have to offend me, but i guess you have some problems with
yourself. Honey, raging at people on the internet wont help, go to the guys
in white, they can help you. As for people with brain, like M5, they play
alot of different strats, which is why they teared clg a new asshole at iem
world semis this year. Even tsm employs more strats than clg, but thats not
the point here. Yes, this strat may work against average teams, but against
top teams... not a chance. kthbye
You mean that SK that never won anything and went 0/3 at s2 finals? Btw, i
dont remmember them beating m5, unless maybie in some scrim or online
tourney where m5 never tries hard. Again, im not disputing effectiveness of
this strat, i just find it stupid thats the only one they do. And S3 will
show which team is good and which is bad. And you dear sir can go fuck
yourself. See you soon when clg plays against a real team and gets analed.
Not really... problem was they should've noticed rengar wasn't there, plus
they know about the teleport since the start. The thing is people get mad
cuz they dont think they should've won that round because of their strat
but then again wouldn't that just be them exploiting their opponent's
weakness? These aren't 1300 elo players they're playing against, neither is
thats like saying. "TSM WINS teamfight again. for the gazillionth time. So
creative." Retard. Its a strategy, it may not suit 500 elo players like you
who only think teamfighting takes skill but people with a brain can see the
skill it takes.
Batman definitley never got over the death of his parents hes still a
lunatic wearing a costume e very night searching for fights with other
crazy people... doesnt sound healthy too me
Either mono s taking crack stuffed mushrooms this round or its damned
rigged.. lost blue to a tiny DoT? Pointless fb? Full hp amumu not going for
20% hp skarner? Rigged as fuck :-
Split push is just a fancy name for backdooring. Yes, i know, he does have
minions with him, but its essentially the same, drag enemy team to baron,
attack base from behind.
fk man like honestly only people that run bd is clg, and they run it
perfectly your comment is like saying ap mid... so creative, if you dont
want to see it, dont watch
R.I.P. BIG MOE!!!!! I hope again all you youngsters jamming this now KNOWS
this is a cover by lil wayne on BIG MOE's BARRE BABY record...R.I.P. BIG