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Fiat currency australian dollar Videos

Silver Prediction #3 + a Thank you

Silver is about to reach new highs. With the comex falling apart and the US dollar coming to the end of it's fiat currency life, silver and gold are going to show ...

User Comments

Graham, I don't think they will control the Asian Reserved currency. f they did it will be history repeating itself. These Banksters think they will be in control but the Chinese have other plans for these evil overlords. I am sure of it. How do we get your email add?
+Charles Wilson Thats a fight I would like to see...but I do feel it is just history repeating [email protected]
Thoroughly appreciative of your depth and honesty in explaining the reality of this current system. Im so glad i stumbled onto your channell. You've reaffirmed my believes and validated the opinions of those such as Peter Schiff, Stefan Molyneux, Andy Hoffman, Gerald Celente, etc Cheers mate.
+Anthony B Thank you very much , I'm very happy to have helped.Cheers
The Asset Secret For Monetary " www.thecollateralhouse.org "
+Cakra Adi Wibowo What were your thoughts about that video ?
+Cakra Adi Wibowo Very interesting thank you.. : )
Oh and By the way, have you quit smoking yet? ;).
+Inside Silverlol......
II haven't stopped trying to give up..I can say that...lol
+Inside SilverJust look at that cig and ask yourself, WHY DO I NEED SOMETHING THAT IS MADE TO KILL ME? When you look at it in a different perspective, you will see how silly that is.... STOP IT NOW ;). Go from TRYING to DOING...
+Barnone11970 um... arr...no. I did try a few times, pills, patches, gum but the damn things won't let me be...crap now I need one..lolcheers mate ; )
I thank you for those kind words and how funny is it that when I make a video talking about how I am getting back into silver for the 1st time in over a year the next day we see a rise in silver and gold. Not saying I had any part in that or anything, just saying that is some prefect timing ;0). Keep doing what you do my friend I am proud to call you friend :).
+Inside SilverOur National debt has increased 1 TRILLION dollars in the past 30 days. Do people REALLY think that can last forever? They cannot be THAT naieve can they? . I already know the answer to that keep in mind ;).
Agreed..we have worked hard to help people benefit from silver
+Inside SilverYou can have the credit, I will just be happy that people will see that eventually we will have been proven right all along ;).
+Barnone11970 thanks mate thats very kind of you and the feeling is mutual. ..lol sorry i'm already taking credit for the uptick...haha..but seriously, it looks like I was right about the 4 year cycle though, so we have a good chance to break that $16 mark

The world reserve currency is dying

//www.learnaccountingfast.com We're standing at the cliff of a critical change of the way money works in todays world..How will you be prepared? History ...

User Comments

+letmejustdoit Just saw your post , but the dollars has to be as good as gold or silver. It cant be backed a lot of metals or by any other precious metal like platnium or palladium. platnium is very rare thats why it cost a few hundred dollars above gold making a money supply shortage(great depression) and palladium is not wanted as a currency backing ,the us Constitution says gold and silver is legal tender.but they have to bring that bavk into law with a presidential executive working like how Nixon to the dollar off the International gold standard with an executive order
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Tim..either way the currency seems to be coming to an end and a new beginning is about to surface. I wonder if the Chinese will win the race to have a gold back currency?
Wouldn't one possible solution to have the Dollar backed not only by gold, but by silver, platinum, copper, etc, instead of being backed by only one single "precious" metal?
It is about simplicity and control

printing Fake Notes US Dollar,Euro,Pounds,Australia dollar,currency printing,Jamaican dollar


If you think the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing will only affect the US dollar, think again. Now that the United States has officially begun it's third round of ...

User Comments

who thinks america will get better by the end of this year or worse? for some reason i vote worse. worse to point where the average person cannot cope financially
How will hyperinflation affect contractual agreements such as leases/rent? Will they be allowed to break it or increase the prices?

Australian Dollar

//www.Australian-Dollars.com - Over the last several months, Australian dollars have been on a surge against the euro and the US dollar, and the currency ...

User Comments

Australia ? :) . .i think we'v found our Party :). They'r called Rise Up Australia (RUAP), whats slogan is "Keep Australia Australian" :). They'r Politically-Incorect, &i would b interested 2 see how many of you like them as much as i :), & won't say "That's just the way Australia's going" & won't pack it in :) ..If you'd like, the RUA Principles hav been read & written out here on YT for you to hear/read. ..please enjoy :)

1995 Australia Kookaburra Silver Proof Golden Eagle Honor 10oz & 2oz & Gold Nugget

Here I have 1995 Australia Kookaburra Proof Golden Eagle Honor Mark Set! This set includes a 10oz Australian Kookaburra and a 2oz Australian Kookaburra, ...

User Comments

Kooks...love'm! Very nice set. Rare! Very nice addition to anyone's collection. 
Thanks Psych ! I want to welcome you into the PM community! Enjoy our vids and we look forward to yours!I'm glad you like the kooks . Peace PS1
they look incredible!!!
They are truly amazing and I'm super excited to have them!
Thanks for sharing the Kooks PS1
SS , Happy to share my friend.
Beautiful coins and music to boot.
Gracias Rebel... Always a welcome viewer!
True, You alway comment first. Thanks for viewing my friend.

Why Dollar Inevitably Will Collapse In 28 May 2016 ? Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Why Dollar Inevitably Will Collapse In 28 May 2016 ? Rabbi Jonathan Cahn This collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat ...

Big Banks: "We Are Going To Rob You." Are You Listening?

Big Banks are creating a society wherein you are forced without other options to have all of your money digitally in their banks so that they can have their ...

User Comments

I talked with a banker the other day.........Claimed he knew nothing of the cashless society and was surprised to hear they want to eliminate the 100 dollar bill. I must of caught him after he had the big "meeting". I should send a friend in there to ask him the same questions just to see if he's still playing dumb.
+Tyrell Brown lmaoooooooooooo that would wake a few ppl up lolol :)
"The world can't afford another financial crash - it could destroy capitalism as we know it" Great! Because fuck capitalism!
+MattyD 4Truth hey matty speaking of trolls.....how's your old buddies at the NSA keeping these days.
+Tyrell Brown What is wrong with you... Capitalism is the reason financial crashes can happen. Don't be hostile, it's what they want; divide and conquer. You get much further by a healthy open minded debate without flaming.
+Jordy6669  The problem with the United States today is that the country has been infiltrated by individuals who are actively dismantling the country (destroying the economy by outsourcing American jobs, disobeying the US Constitution with the intent to wage war against the United States, and as revealed by Sandy Hook, a decision has been made to commit genocide against unwanted Americans).  The laws of the United States allow for the death penalty for these crimes of Treason!  However, the law is not being enforced, because if it was enforced, a lot of scum would be sentenced to hang for committing Treason!
+Jordy6669  Under your system of anarchism, if two or more parties enter into a contract (to abstain from doing physical harm to another party, or to agree to do some kind of work in exchange for food/shelter), and one party unilaterally withdraws from the contract, then who, besides a government, could one turn to for the enforcement of the terms of the contract?  Given this scenario, how is a civilized society possible without some, limited government?
+Pongo Huston Maybe the United States had those intentions back when it was founded. But right now the US (and almost all other countries for that matter) definitely want divide and conquer, to keep the sheeple under control.Fun fact: "Government" literally translates to "to control the mind" in Latin.
+Pongo Huston Anarchy does not mean "no rules". Neither does it mean "survival of the fittest". It means no government. You also have Minarchism, which is with a minimal government as you suggest. Please read the Anarchism FAQ in the link I've sent you. I feel like you have a wrong image of Anarchism.
+Jordy6669  The motto of the United States is E. Pluribus Unum (from many, one).  The motto of the United States is national unity (not divide and conquer)! 
+Jordy6669  Anarchy is mob rule!  A small, central government, whose function is to provide constituent service, is what is needed (and please remember, the United States was founded as a Christian nation)! 
+Scipio Africanus  How does more government in your life equate with having more freedom?  The Founding Fathers of the United States knew what it was like to live under tyranny, and they set capitalism (within the parameters of a small, central government) to be the US economy, for the promotion of freedom! 
+Scipio Africanus Please don't insult people for having different opinions. You won't convince them by angering them. This is what they want, divide and conquer. We're all on the same page. We can only prevail if we allow debate, be open minded, and are prepared to listen to what everyone has to say and are able to accept that they have different opinions.
+Pongo Huston You're seeing it way too black and white. There's more than just capitalism and communism... And myself leaning more towards anarchism, I don't want the government in my life at all! (look up what anarchism actually is, before you make any statements: //anarchism.pageabode.com/afaq/index.html ) With capitalism, the world is fueled by greed. Profit goes before everything else. And the message we get is "obey, work, buy, consume, die."
+Pongo Huston you are an insult to your avatar. Moron
+Jordy6669  Capitalism enable freedom!  Socialism/communism are synonymous with despotism (the more the government is in your life, the less freedom you have)! 
+MattyD 4Truth I am not a troll? I am not cursing on HowISeeIt's channel, at all???!! And I know what capitalism is... and it's definitely not a good thing.
+Pongo Huston what are you trying to imply? that we can't live without capitalism?
hey troll account...yeah you're spotted easy, anyway, learn what capitalism is before cursing on the guys channel
+Jordy6669  What do you want to eat, Soylent Green sold by the government?
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