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Donna brazile democratic national committee Videos

DNC Vice Chair Donna Brazile

Talks to reporters about nuts and bolts of the Democratic National Committees Voter Expansion Project.

How Voters Can Obtain A Government ID, from Donna Brazile

Certain states are trying to make it hard for people with no photo ID to vote. Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile explains your rights ...

Donna Brazile

Donna Brazile spoke at Tuesday's Interfaith Lecture. She is the vice chair of voter registration and participation for the Democratic National Committee, as well as ...

Donna Brazile - Women's Caucus

DNC Charlotte Donna Brazile Part 2

DNC Donna Brazile speech to NJ Delegation. Check out Part 1 of this speech at //youtu.be/-CBIynRG9zY See other DNC coverage at: ...

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No empty chairs here.
You groove girl.
Do it for Bubba!
Great commentary
Support Barack
Obama in 12
Go Obama!
Go Donna

Donna Brazile Explains the Credentials Committee

Donna Brazile on ABC's This Week, March 30, 2008.

User Comments

Sen. Obama played by the rules and has won the majority of elected delegates, as well as the popular vote. He won the majority of contests, and, now, most super-delegates have ratified the will of the people, as it has been expressed by all three measures. As Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the party, once said, a majority of one vote is as sacred as that of the unanimous. So, Sen. Clinton's historic campaign should now be remembered as having paved the way for future female candidates.
If the UNELECTED super-delegates were to overturn the will of the people, as it has been expressed by the number of ELECTED delegates, the Democratic Party will be destroyed because more than half of it would change registrations and boycott anyone with a "D" next to his or her name. Get real. The process is over, and the nomination belongs to Senator Obama because, after Pennsylvania, he has now earned an insurmountable majority of elected delegates. It's time to prepare for November.
Great explanation by Donna Brazile. My question would be, what about states like Texas, where Obama won the caucus and Clinton won the primary? Since Obama pulled more delegates, does he control the 3 Texas Credential Committee delegates? How about Nevada, where Clinton "won" the caucus, but Obama pulled more delegates? There are still so many procedural questions left out there, and that's why it would be a really bad thing to have this turn into an ugly fight on the convention floor.
Donna Brazile was Al Gore's campaign manager when he lost to George Bush--the worst President ever. She ran a nobel laureate against a chimpanzee and lost. The fact is she totally screwed this situation up. She is the reason anti-Clinton Democrats always lose the White House. She says the superdelegates shouldn't over-rule the will of the people. But she over-rules the will of the voters of Florida and Michigan. So if you want to lose to McCain in 2008, follow Donna Brazile's advice.
Obama is beating Hillary for a reason. She's a tremendously flawed candidate and he's run a solid campaign where she's run a wasteful one. He has shown remarkable leadership over his candidacy, while Hillary has consitantly shown herself to be a poor judge of character and strategy. Now she's playing spoiler for McCain, and you Clinton supporters are willing to watch her throw an election. For what? Pride? Anger? Fear? Obama has won, and he will be a good President. Join us and help.
Hilary is less electable because she lied about her trip to Bosnia on 3 distinct occasions, and said she "misspoke". That was undeniable evidence in the flesh. The Wright madness- not a hindrance on Obama's campaign that way it was two weeks ago in the light of her craziness. Oh yeah, MI and FL, agreed they wouldn't be counted, and Hilary said those states didn't matter. Now that she's behind, now Barack is the problem with being electable. Obama is more stable now than ever.
The elections were illegitimate for four main reasons: 1. Citizens were told the elections would not count so many decided to stay home or to vote in the G.O.P. primaries. 2. Candidates agreed to not campaign in these states, so Clinton's name recognition gave her an undue advantage. 3. Obama and most other candidates removed their names from the ballots to respect the D.N.C. position. 4. All the candidates acknowledged and honored the rules until one of them started losing.
I always knew that a lot of people dont like Hillary but I figured I should pay close attention to her during this campaign and form an opinion for myself. Her entire behaviour is bothersome to me, Ive rarely found myself approving of the way shes handled almost any situation, and honestly her political tactics and way of thinking often reminds me of the current administration. From what I can tell, she is the definition of the Sleazy politician.
an equal amount of hillary and obama supporters didn't come out to vote. obama voluntarily took his name off the ballot. his fault. obama and two others, the only other notable candidate was edwards. honoring the rules of disenfranchising voters is not one we should believe in, neither one thought it would come to the states, they had to be counted once they effected the nomination. this is America, we're suppose to count votes u nazi douche
My personal "favorite" HILLARY CLINTON LIE: Is the one she tells about Chelsea jogging around the Twin Towers at the time of the "9/11 attack"; this Hillary says, made the attack "really personal". Turns out Chelsea said she watched the 9/11 attack unfold while in bed at home!!! Perhaps Americans, Hillary "misspoke" on this incident as well!!!! aHAHAHAHAHAHAH Next SUCKERS on Hillary's List: Pennsylvannia
The prospects of the entire business being a fix is well over 50%. This is why people get into politic; to beat the crap out of the even odds. I am sure over 90% of these twerpi would like to figure out a way to cheat their way to wealth. Their "work" is to bugger the odds no matter what the cost to the truth or well being of their constituants. They got the wheelin' and dealin' thing happening.
What the hell is with this electability bull shit. If they get elected that would determine their electability. Saying they are unelectable before an election is removing the democratic process. The only way an unelectable person could win is through the un-proportional weight of the super-delegates, thus they create the problem you speak of them trying to solve.
He had nothing to do with why they haven't revoted. There were real problems with all the plans to revote, and neither state's legislation could work out a solution that was fair. Just because Clinton said something doesn't make it so. In fact, if past record is any indicator, when a Clinton says something, take a second and third look at what they are saying.
Incidentally, every hypothetical state-by-state match-up shows Senator Obama outperforming Senator Clinton against Senator McCain, so Obama wins the electability argument, too. The people have spoken. They have their nominee. It's time to come together now and prevent a third Bush term from destroying the country even further.
Lol, typing the words "first comment" is reall no comment at all. Why dont we pretend neither of us has posted yet so you can take another crack at it by posting something that at least remotely has anything to do with the video. Ok? Ill check back to read your real comment here in a bit.
Those states chose to break the rules, even after the DNC told them what would happen. Why should we reward them with a new vote? Whats the point of having rules if we don't stick to the punishment? and what kind of future flood gate would that open? They screwed themselvs.
So Bush is Donna Brazile's fault now? Not the fault of "hanging chads" or the Supreme Court or scores of gullible voters that believed the lie that he said he invented the internet? Or Clinton fatigue? I'm glad you're here to enlighten us, honestly.

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