-18 with the wind chill isn't that bad. go to bethel or barrow Alaska.
Driving Conditions in Bowling Green 1-6-14
These are some of the road conditions along Dixie Hwy in Bowling Green during a Level 3 Snow Emergency. Please excuse the radio in the background.
More of the Road Conditions in Perrysburg 1-6-14
Driving conditions in Perrysburg during a level 3 snow emergency. Please excuse the radio in the background. For the latest News-Weather-Sports updates visit: ...
Shallow Water Seismic Gun Boat - Toledo Bend
Seismic project in the Toledo Bend Reservior. The water level in the lake was very low. Shallow water and lots of stumps.
I wonder how many prop marks those stumps have on them.
Dikembe - "Worst In The Fury" Live at Little Elephant (3/3)
Watch Dikembe play "Worst In The Fury" live here at Little Elephant in Toledo, OH! Buy Little Elephant Merch: //littleelephantmerch.bigcartel.com/ Like Little ...
Started gluing some more track down and also just ordered more as well. More roadbed down as well! If you have any questions on what you have seen in this ...
At the least, I would solder the curves. If you're going for a signal
system, then your mainline turnouts need to have switch machines like the
tortoise.. They're used to tell the computer which way the turnout is lined
and that is used to set the signals.
+Jacob Oliver I was just gonna do block signaling. Just insulate the rail or leave gaps where the signals are. And I can't do switch machines on the liftout anyway-JG
Not nessecarily. you haven't soldered the joints yet so all you have to do is slide the railjoiners with a file and that will allow you to work on the turnouts without having to disturb the track. Make sure to mark the location of the turnout rod. That helps center the switch machines. Once you've marked it ,cut out a one inch circle in the track bed and drill a one inch hole through the plywood. The one inch hole gives enough room for the points to move the full distance. Ok, I hope that wasn't confusing. If it was PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I'll be glad to make a reference video.
We needed to update some information. Unfortunately YouTube doesn't allow
you to simply update an existing video, you need to totally re-post it as a
new video. There's unfortunately no-way around this.
The first fighter pilots were frequently former cavalry officers. They
mounted their horses from the left side when they started flying the habit