Tekkit - FarmCraft - Ep 29: RM tools and Alchemy Bags
OK so this new series is by Milk and its a lets-play/guide through the Farmcraft (Forestry) mod and NOW the RailCraft mod you can find in the Technic and Tekkit ...
you could hae just upgraded 1 of each then condensed them lol :P and did
you know if you hold shift and controll and clish an item in a chest you
can take all that item to your invintory that can fit so you dont need to
click on each one :P same thing for a craft bench so you dont need to click
9 times
Let's play Minecraft Tekkit #78 - EMC-Farm überarbeitet - [German] HD
Beschreibung: Was ist "Tekkit"? Tekkit ist ein Modpaket für Minecraft. In ihm sind ca.50 Mods enthalten, die man mit dem Tekkit installer automatisch installieren ...
Du hast unter viele Videos fragen geschrieben, die man nicht einfach so in
den Kommentaren beantworten kann. Fragen ist erlaubt. Aber an deiner Stelle
würde ich lieber ein tutorial auf youtube suchen, dort bekommst du das
besser erklärt, als ich es in den kommentaren könnte :)
Hey PureLight mach doch eine Energyflower für deine EMC Produktion. Das ist
viel effizienter als deine Version jetzt. Die Flower produziert etwa 1 Dia
in 30 Sekunden. Ps kannst du mich bitte mal in der nächsten Aufnahme
erwähnen? Vielen dank im Voraus
ja das weiß imoment jeder, den tip hab ich schon 100 mal bekommen, aber
wenn ich die blazerod maschine baue, dann ist das lp gleich fertig, da ich
alles habe was ich brauche
Ja natürlich aber du könntest doch vielleicht mal mit einer beginnen und
sie mehr und mehr ausbauen. Ist natürlich deine Entscheidung und spielst
ja. Lg 910Fafa
ja das ist ja alles kein problem, aber woher soll ich so schnell das ganze
emc für die collectoren etc. hernehmen? da musst du dich noch bischen
Rob Makes the Dark Matter Pedestal & demonstrates its uses. Game Version Minecraft Technic 6.0.7/ 1.1 Get the game here //www.Minecraft.net Download ...
A few questions -What does the ring of arcania do in the DM pedestal? -Do
you have redpower in this version? Can you do some tutorials on that? -Can
you do more lets play type of videos, like your first few were? Those were
quite entertaining. I'm finding the tutorials are just one shot ones. No
need to watch it again, but LPs are rewatchable. -Are you planning on doing
an episode on dark/red/gem armor?
You are just the best! I watched all of your videos they are all so amazing
and useful, realy I had no idea how to play technic before I saw you. I
Subscribed for you and can't wait to see your new vides! May I ask you
witch day do you upload new videos?Thank you and keep on going whit the
good job!
Hey FMB! Just finished watching the last 47 parts. I gotta say for the
quality of your recent vids, you deserve a lot more subscribers! A thing to
note about the DM Pedestal is that you don't actually get xp from the mobs
it kills :). Keep up the great work! (and long live the ring of pork.)
Finally!! I've wanted something like an auto turret but couldn't find it.
Didn't think of a pedistal of course. BTW you must be lying about something
and since you have such good armor your pants couldn't be on fire. Thus
your head took the blame... or flame as it were.
Dormammu! (any Doc Strange fans out there?) I also note the arch ring
shooting arrows, it was producing XP balls, so the game apparently treats
the kills as if they were damage done by the player...so you could
incorporate this into an XP grinder?
Rob, just wanted to give you another thumbs up for your amazing work! In my
opinion (and many others too), you have the best tutorial for tekkit or any
other minecraft related series on YouTube :3. Keep up the great videos!
I watch the last 47 parts over the weekend Must say GREAT job. I felt like
making something to show appreciation so I put up a ring of beef In your
honor XD./ thanks for doing these I learned a lot and fast.
Oh my god, you are such a hothead...! ;p Good to see the DM pedestal in
action - it definitely works as an automatic defence! Looking forward to
whatever is next, loving the current format!
I've been testing some new software for editing and recording, its taken up
Quite a bit of my time, But once I'm happy with the setup we should have a
video every day (Hopefully!) :)
your hair is just a visiual bug with the quantum armor you cant catch fire
with it so it does this point your mouse upwards (in 1st person view and
right/left click to put it out!
You get xp when the pedestal is used with archangel's smite, but not with
the others. I'm guessing it's because the mobs are dying because of the
arrows and and nothing magical.
All 47! you are now qualified to make your own ring of pork, furthermore
you have the skills to teach others about pork rotational dynamics and safe
pork handling procedures :D
i seem to remember an item being placed on the dark matter pedestal and it
grew everything around it trees, plants you name it. can anyone remember
what that was?
oh look my hairs on fire . lets go make somthing -__________-
Robotic Arm
The Robotic Arm is essential for shooting up and over the product, known as 3D or multi-row spin photography. The Arm includes two interchangeable booms, ...