i like how people like you can sure the core fundamentals of nba 2k ppl
always talk a bunch of crap and don't play basketball or always saying nba
live fundamentals was better where as the put them in their games to say we
put em in their but their always broken in each nba live game, gamers need
to wake up bruh real talk
Keep them coming 704!!! Not only are helping people with NBA 2K14 but your
pressing real basketball fundumentals and simulation basketball I have to
go back and look at some of the other videos you have put out already!
Lebron picked some nice songs, don't get me wrong, but they're mostly songs
you can vibe to, but not songs that pump you up for a game, and that's what
I look for when I play 2K. For example, 2K12 had the best soundtrack to me
because they are mostly energetic songs, like Eminem ft. Da Royce 59 -
"Fast Lane" is a song that pumps you up and gets you ready to play, not
Phil Collins - "In the air tonight".
We need blockable dunks, stiff ball to net impact for jump shots, running
not sliding, no leaning layups, if i get a O rebound and i'm freaking 6'8
lemme put it back quick and easy like real life. better passing mechanics
and less computer pass tipping. and last but not least let us edit our gear
like 2k12 set shoes for home/away same for things like sleeves etc etc etc
The only thing that was better about 12 then 13 was the realisticness of
jumpshots going in or not. In 2k13 you could throw up a piece of crap like
a fading contested 3 and it would go in. 2K12 had a good shot quality as
well. Obviously there are more issues then jumpshooting as we head into
2k14, but that's the only thing 2K13 DESPERATELY needs to work on.
it's all fun and games until the censored 2k version drops.... remember
last year with Mercy? that was turrrrrrrible, at least this one has less
words to censor...i hope
+Herbert Cavalier Jr Change your teams playbook to this one and u can run it then
PS4 - NBA 2k14 Remote Play Demo (Off Screen)
Hey everyone! I received a few requests for Remote Play with the PS Vita so here we go. First up is NBA 2k14. I am recording this off screen with my phone since ...