TX2K12 - Underground Racing R Version TT Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera
Make Sure To FULL Screen ! TX2K12 - Underground Racing "R" Version - Twin Turbo Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera. Street Racing against a 1400rwhp + ...
1. slicks are not street legal and give MUCH more grip 2. does the supra
have an interior like the gallardo? 3. 1/4 mile in this car is completely
unnessecary to know, because it has traction problems... not like the
aventador TT, which goes 0-60 in 2.2 with normal tires on a normal road.
but 1 mile the gallardo did it in 22,4s @ 394km/h
Erm... Supra = less displacement engine, less cylinders = bigger spool up
Lambo already pulled away while Supra spooled up, you can see him later
keeping up pretty good with the Speed. I would like to know, which boost
both vehicles are going? Then we take a comparison.
i know but i'd just fucking punch it by the time you hit 200 cruise for 2
exits and you'll be 2 or 3 miles away from the cop get off the next exit
and find a place to cool off i know its not smart but i also don't like
dealing with cops
im not saying the gallardo isnt fast, Im just saying that the supra didn't
look like it got a good hit. The Gallardo that did the standing mile run
@22.4 seconds had transmission built by total race. This one wouldnt get it
in 22
That cop sounds like my homeboy...LMAO Running from HPD or Harris County PD
on that night would have been the worse possible decision anyone (not on 2
wheels) could have made.
Im guessing a 200 dollar ticket is better than getting arrested and may b
getting your car ruin by a tow truck, its hard to run from the cops in a
city that you dont know...
I respect the underground racing squad tons but a 1400whp turbo nitrous
supra... i dont think would have gone as smoothly on an even spool...but
could be wrong it happens
Thats already happend. last month at texas speed syndicate. UGR went up
against AMS's alpha omega package which was 1500+hp. Long story short. AMS
got spanked.
+Renu Chris Stone. His Instagram is @cstone710.Here's one of the pictures he took: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11130112_10103103452892579_5005247608317318613_n.jpg?oh=6a7d8d17bf561059ae0877c5ed00d036&oe=55A64952&__gda__=1437874662_06afe8bc998d90367740ac8d60a3f76a