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Patrick Coleman: 'War on Shamanism' - StateOfDaniel & Bill OReilly vs. Bernie Sanders - DPP #153

This is the Drunken Peasants podcast with Ben & TJ featuring Scotty. Bringing you the latest in news, entertainment, politics from an altered perspective.

User Comments

Goddammit! Laci is such a fucking coward, flagging anyone who challenges her bullshit videos! Has anyone mirrored that portion anywhere? Or do I have to register whatever Soundcloud is.
+theblocksays Oh nevermind, found the unedited version....
Scotty fucking nails it on this episode.
That's what she said!
So if we make our own reality why aren't I rich yet? Fuck you, brain. Also, does that Daniel guy not feel bad for copying the CinemaSins style?
+Sameji The thing that is the most disgusted is he is basically saying that kids who find themselves in horrible situations are subconsciously putting themselves in them.
Fuck burnie sanders Scotty Kirk for president
Oh and fuck TJ
I'm a smoker trying to quit - so that portion of the livestream when they were tearing TJ a new asshole about smoking made me laugh so hard
+TherinAndHisBongos I was being alittle bit technical but yes I was a kid and curious what cigarettes were all about so I licked the end of a clean cigarette my grandmother had. It seems pretty silly but them again where do I begin with silly. I really hope you do well.
Okay.. Thanks for the sympathy.. wait you licked the end of a cigarette?
+TherinAndHisBongos I really don't know the struggle as the worst I have done is experience maybe second hand smoke a few years as a kid. I'm not bothered by cigarette smoke but I have never smoked a cigarettes in my life. I have maybe licked the end of a cigarette to find out how it tasted but I have never lit one up and smoked it all the way down. I most likely will never smoke a cigarette in my life unless it is a cigar at a wedding or something. I support those trying to quite but it is alien to me.
The excuse of the democrats when their candidate is criticized is always to attack with "Oh but look at the stupid republicans". Yes the republicans are backwards striving asshats who want to control our lives and make the bible some law book to be followed. Socialism is not the solution, they want the STATE to rule our lives and tell us how to live. Conservatives are no the solution, they want GOD and Tradition to rule our lives. What we need is Libertarianism, they want YOU to rule your own life. How is this a bad thing? Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Adam Smith. These people had it right, individuals and free markets are the creators of wealth, not state politicians.
+maggru91 Sorry socialism is not evil as you claim it is, anyone who says that is a fucking idiot.
+Bob Patrick It's so funny you mentioning our educational system, what with it being like the biggest bone of contention in our country at the moment, slightly behind immigration. Our schools are not good, you hear daily about how our schools are not teaching our students well.Just very recently PISA or Programme for International Student Assessment. Gave Sweden at very poor grade, and they compare us to other countries in OECD. We are behind for example the USA in all the subjects they rate.As i say, the grass is always greener on the other side.
I mean the VAT is 24% in my country and sometimes thing can get too expensive.But I'm sure that you're still doing much better than my country.I mean our hospitals look like complete shit(not all of them,but a big number).Our economy is growing but I don't think it's anywhere near the swedish economy.Every country has it's problems.Socialism can be good from time to time,you just have to know how to apply it.Still,your educational system is the best in the world,and I am jealous of it because our educational system stayed the same for over 50 years.
+Bob PatrickI live in Sweden, been living here all my life. Was born here. And I am telling you, the grass is always greener.American liberals sure like to love on the northern countries. That we are some kind of shining beacons of light in this world.But if you actually lived here, if you were actually subjected to the state of our medical system. The elderly homes were human beings have to sleep in soggy diapers because there is not enough money to hire people to take care of them. My mother had a serious injurue, it took her 6 months to even get an MRI because the line to the machine was so long.And the Swedish economy is only good if you don't look into it very hard. The public debt is quite low, but the private debt in Sweden is near Record levels. And the same is true for Denmark and Norway.But that is not such a chocking think when you actually consider what may be the cause. Taxation in the Scandinavian countries is insanely high when you consider the income tax and a VAT of 25% on almost everything you buy.When the government takes a giant share of your money, you have no recourse but to take a lone if you wish to buy something.It's just so sad to see all these people I look up too, who can be so shallow in their understanding of us Scandinavians. "Oh they have free healthcare, what a swell place, lets embrace socialism and be our brothers keeper just like them!" when they fail to realize that free medicine does not actually mean good medicine.
+maggru91 Socialism is so shitty,just look at all those succesful european countries with their socialist regimes,with their good economy and all.Disgusting.
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