Creating a reddit Username - Beginner's Guide to reddit (For Marketers) Part 2
Creating a username is the first step to become a redditor. It's also requried to do pretty much anything on reddit except browsing. If you want to vote, comment, ...
How to choose your reddit username as a blogger
Things to consider when choosing your reddit username, because you can never change it. Originally broadcast on Periscope.
Reddit Song: Your username is your alterego, What does he do for fun on weekends?
Minecraft News 13w38c - Future Name Change Option, Bug Fixes, Map Maker Tools & More ! ! !
Option to change your player name coming soon, bug fixes for week 38 snapshot, news for Map makers, and a lot more (not all of it good)..... Previous Episode: ...
The name changing is gonna suck balls for me as server administrator.
Permissions is already confusing enough, if we're gonna have to use ID's
thats gonna complicate things even more. And i'm already having a difficult
time tracking people who are up to no good, and if they're then able to
change their name, that'll make life hard for admins and moderators. I
think its a stupid thing to do. You should just have your username and not
be able to change it.
Oh gosh I was on full volume on my pc and almost full volume on video and I
noticed that I was watching ur videos and that the "HEY!" in the beginning
of ur videos were always loud, so I turned it down, thank goodness the
video didn't load in time. T.T
like i said at 5:55 the names that are currently blocked will be
automatically converted later after the UUID's are more integrated into the
accounts so there will be no need to go through and block everyone again :)
I think the better question is: Why does it not matter? or better yet why
did you reply to me just saying "Why does it matter?..." Waste of seconds
of energy. TROLOLOL
*is shot in the face* O.< ow! ive redesigned my skin btw ^^ i has a posh
lookin suit now, i look swish...actually i look like a mafia enforcer but
nm :P
Minecraft - 5 Name Tag Tips & Tricks That You Might Not Know
5 quick and simple tricks which you can apply to mobs using name tags in Minecraft. 1. "Dinnerbone" and "Grumm" for upside down mobs. 2. "jeb_" for a rainbow ...
Naming villagers is a good one too. I open up a LAN world, and use my
second Minecraft account, then I use 1 player to open the villager for
trades, and then the second player can name him.
+COOlGuy 123 I used to have a schedule before, but I'm having a hard time keeping up with it since I'm very busy with studying and other things. So it's pretty random now, unfortunately.