How to make shoes - Prescott & Mackay shoemaking course.mpg
// Scenes from a normal class at Prescott & Mackay school give you insight about the birth of handmade ...
Dildanges Sumang, a freshman from Palau, tells her friends back home what she likes about Union College. For more information about Union College in ...
If you go to Union's homepage (, then click on "Virtual Tour"
in the left hand sidebar, you can see 360 degree views of the campus. Just
click on the names of the locations in yellow, and it will pop up. It
requires flash though, so it might not work on phones.
Thanks, these videos are really helpful as I hope be attending union in
fall 2014! Could you do a video showing the campus and possibly the
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Michael Crick at Kent College
Michael Crick visits Kent College to talk to sixth formers.
How survie your finals like a true college student
Rising Cost of College
Everywhere you turn reports suggest the cost of a college education is rising. But is it really? In a special report tonight our news correspondent Frank Fraboni ...