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Chinese herbs taste awful Videos

Natural Healing with Chinese Herbs (11)

NATURAL HEALING with Chinese Herbs Chinese herbs do not grow in China only. If you find the right climate and soil type, you can grow many of those herbs ...

User Comments

-shrugs- I never liked using traditional Chinese medicine. They tasted bad and I've always disliked the Trad. Chinese doctors (they say such silly things. D: ) But Chinese herbs probably do work a lot of times. (: I mean, the stuff's been around for thousands of years. Still, western medicine--none of the taste, and they sound safer too. XD Personally, if I grew herbs, I'd probably kill myself. - A -;;
There are many books but none can claim true authority regarding herb mixing. Think of this as a cooking art. If it works it works! It's also a very personal thing. You should follow some basic rules as I explained in my videos: "Synergy & Conflict", "Hot & Cold, I and II". I will explain later some very simple combinations which you can use as platforms to add more herbs.
good video , im still trying to figure out the synergy aspect, like which herbs mix well together and which herbs should not be mixed together. Ive been trying to find different recipes or combinations of herbs that mix well on the internet but havent had that much luck, I guess I need to search harder and get some books. any reccomendations? Thanks :)
Hey pal... its against the law to say that anything but a Pharmacuitical can heal you... You are Liable to be arrested by the FDA! I got rid of my Hepititus C using Herbs (After Interferon almost Killed Me), But They (the Herbs) Didn't Heal me... My Doctor Said It Was a Fluke... JUst Ask The FDA ... They'll Tell Ya...
very good, 8), any way i could get u to tell us the best synergys for energy( u know for the morning, something other than coffee)and for sleep ( u know to help us get the much needed rest after working way to hard and for some reason cant get to sleep) oh, names of the herbs would be great 8) ty
You mentioned damp, spleen, energy, etc. Try to understand what they mean. Many people just quote the words. Sorry! I don't have the time to explain whatever is being requested. If you have viewed all my videos, you would have gotten a sense of how you can better understand Chinese medicine.
My purpose is to explain Chinese medicine, not to give out herbal formula upon request. If you are interested in energy, please see my video "Low Energy" where there is a general formula given.
There are herbs for too much bleeding due to menstruation only, not for other reasons. You should find out what are the true causes for vaginal bleeding. They could be serious.
You can eat anything you want by turning them into powder form and swallow them. Herbs are no exception. But why do you want to do this? Does this serve any purpose?
What do you mean by "that book"? I haven't mentioned any book in this video. My presentation is based on my lifetime knowledge, not copying from a single book.
It works, nothing was helping my athsma till I drank the herbs, I do not use any inhalers anymore.... Thank God for Chinese Herbal Medicine.

we love turkish coffee taste like chinese herb tea

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

User Comments

You need to put sugar in any coffee to make it taste good... Maybe some milk or cream too...

Buckley's: It Definitely Tastes Awful... But Does it Work?

Hopefully. First-time taking Buckley's Coughs & Congestion Original Mixture. To get an idea of the taste, imagine chewing on a combination of a pine tree, salt, ...

User Comments

I prefer to just chug it. Much quicker!

Buckley's Commercial

It tastes awful and it works.

User Comments

I don't normally care about commercials, but this one does such a great job at poking fun at itself, you can't help but enjoy it.
god i wish this stuff would get back on the store shelves already!
I saw this product used on "The Price is Right" years ago.
I screamed and cried through it
I know that man in person !
I need a dose of Buckley.
hell ya it works

What does Customized Chinese Herbal Drink Taste Like (www.DrYiSong.com.)


WATCH //bit.ly/239ZCiW More and more cases of domestic violence has been constantly reported. The series of these cases are very alarming to the society ...

Driven Sports Craze Review | Most Stimulating PWO Around?

Visit //rawmusclegain.com Driven Sports Craze Review A lot of people love pre-workout supplements because of the way they make them feel. Driven sports ...

User Comments

craze is the only pre workout gives me enough energy to do 3-5 hours at the gym it sounds crazy but craze only 1 scoop helps more than other ones like 1mr Jack3d and last stay away from TITAN KRE-EX its garbage. craze can make you gain a nice to decent body in weeks if you train hard enough mix it with some good protein and vitamins and you will see results
Craze is great! I use it alone and with others. Too bad it kills my appetite after workout. Other than that - solid stuff
sucks that this is not being selled in sweden anymore
Same with Canada.
I miss Craze
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