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Nazi germany people's court Videos

Judge Freisler's People Court 1944

Judge Roland Freisler was the presiding judge of the People's Court situated in Berlin Germany. These are excerpts of the trials against the defendants of the ...

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@1stLtDavis Well, courage may be interpreted in many ways, yes he did shoot himself, only after biting down a suicide capsule, when, as you stated, the enemy were right there and there was no hope. Well I wouldn't call that courage, courage is when you go out and meet the enemy head on, no matter what are the odds, as opposed to hiding in a bunker which he did. And Europe is not monolithic, scattered, divided it wasn't much of a challenge, where as Russia made the ultimate blow against all odds.
So..In our country, we would have never let Hitler burn down a building like the Reichstag (spelling?) which was required for him to set up his dictatorship, nevertheless replace it with this sadistic Kangaroo court (which ended in death or life sentences 90% of the time) because we have laws protecting us from that. 2nd; because HITLER WAS WRONG and because he knew he coultdnt defend his actions with REASON and knew OTHERS couldn't argue thier actions in a LIGITAMITE COURT, he created this one.
1st-I'm american, and Im sure you may know this already, but I cant be sure, but in our constitution it calls for the overthrow of our government if it, lets say, enacts legistlation or commits acts that are contrary to the will of its people or better, to the good of the community. We have freedom of speech because we understand that in the REAL world what is MORAL is also congruous with what is RATIONAL and what is rational is the very thing that comes from dialectic and contructive criticism.
You see by denying, lets say, a nazi due process, and further killing them off (which strikes me as your fantasy) you would be creating the very same situation we have here, only in reverse. It is very nihilistic, really (the head eats the tail). Because then THEIR children would say "I hate so and so," and it would go on continuously, when we could have educated them as to why it was wrong, rather than to STOOPING SO LOW. Do you understand. I see the star of david; try READING the scripture.
the freislers are still among us. careerists who dont care whom they are serving; and even if it is the devil himself. freisler was not extraordinary. he was one of the many little talented careerists who set themselves up as judges of everyone as soon as they come into office. he was a disgusting person and his screaming is gross (especially if you speak german and understand him). but he was not a historic exception. today, in every country there are freislers just waiting for their chance.
@eriksson55 Hitler was a COWARD and nothing short of it!!! He could not face the Russians. And Himmler too was a COWARD! Goebbels was a Gimpy little bitch that locked himself in his room and wept for hours when he wanted to join the army. They took one look at his puny body and LAUGHED! The Americans should have turned Goring over to the Russians! They all killed people who did'nt fight, But when the Russians came to Berlin, they ran like RATS. Freisler should be tossed into a Jet Engine!!!
Hitler took his own life because he was too scared to think about what the Russians would do to him. He could kill millions of people on a daily basis but was too much of a wimp to get what he deserved from the people he and his scumbag followers inflicted on other people. Hitler only stayed in Berlin because he was that much of a retard that he thought Germany could achieve a "Final Victory" against the USSR which they (The Nazis) didn't. Nazi ass was brutally kicked instead!
And futher, if by referring to my other post, you are suggesting I am defending this "judge", that is not the case. I am merely pointing out the fact that your intense hatred (which might well be justified), is the very same force which compelled the nazis to kill 6 million jews. I regard that force as evil, and as an evil I will try my hardest strike it down whenever I see the chance, not with deadly force (unless it calls for it, such as the case in WWII), but with REASON.
Roland Freisler was a judge in Germany, and was certainly not soft on the enemies of the government: But I prefer him to the court in Israel go free and always leave all the Jewish soldiers who kill Palestinians every day. When will be processed the Jews for all their daily war crimes? I feel the lack of judges as Roland Freisler. Thank you, peace will be there when all the criminals who occupy Palestine will be tried and convicted for their criminal actions.
you people are FUCKING IDIOTS, even if Hitler was killed the Allied countries would have still kept the war You people do not understand and will NEVER understand that the Allies were no better than the Axis, Allied made the same crimes as the Axis. They just won the war so we never hear of it and when some Allied WW2 veteran says how he killed and raped civilians people never take it as true "NO ONE WILL ASK THE VICTOR IF HE TOLD THE TRUTH"
The "report" by Daniel Schorr at the end is simply dishonest. Hitler refused to even look at still photographs of the hanged men. And he was displeased with Freisler's performance and didn't allow the film of the trial a general release. Schorr is a Jewish propagandist. He told another lie about Barry Goldwater, claiming Goldwater flew to Germany to celebrate his nomination for the US Presidency in 1964.
Ähm, NRW liegt weit im Westen von Deutschland. Desweiteren bin ich Dipl. Ing. und habe einen interessanten und gutbezahltewn Job. Also ganz so schlecht siehts bei mir nicht aus. Du scheinst irgendwelche Komplexe zu ahben. Die mich aber nicht weiter interesseiren. Lass mich raten, du bist ein unberbelichteter und unqualifizierter Kanake, der sich versucht in Europa durchzuschnorren.
@josefkesselring I don't dispute the fact that the plotters of Hitler's assassination were hanged. However, the story about how they were hanged using piano wires and their executions filmed for Hilter's viewing has never been verified. If there was such a film, why hasn't it surfaced for the past 65 years? People are not simply going to believe something until they have seen it.
@Psycho9263, if that's what you tell yourself so that you can sleep at night, fine. Hitler most certainly wasn't a coward; he shot himself in the head only when the enemy was literally on top of him in the streets. Little ol Germany, led by this 'coward,' conquered Europe and fucked with two other super powers.....that apparently just eats you alive.
I would agree. What out of my whole rant would make you think otherwise? I'm starting to think english isn't your mother-tongue. As for your channel... I commend you. Please continue to help keep this memory alive. As for the nazi who got me stated on this whole rant has mailed me to tell me he has no time for a debate. Typical for a nazi.
actually he was offered to leave berlin often, he refused to leave the city that was the heart of his movement, even though it meant his death. Hero! but with a last name like Pilsudski i can see why you have a grudge against them. If it makes you feel any better the Soviets you admire so much stomped you guys right along with Germany!
@jonvonman First, I restrained from using profane languange and second I did not disrespect anyone on this page. My comment was just a way of saying that Freisler was off the hook. The last thing I would do is make a joke that would advocate on the side of the Nazis. It's just a way of saying that Freisler was a monster.
The contention that the conspirators were hanged with piano wire is inaccurate, but there apparently were stills of the hanged bodies and movie film of at least the preparations of the hangings, available for view at the FHQ, as they are respectively described and referred to by Albert Speer in his memoires.
Freisler, former Bolshevik. Hmm, I've always thought threr wasn't much different between the far left and the Nazis. Also interesting that Youtube post a warning that this may be offensive. People need to get off their eaily offended asses and watch this stuff and learn about history. They SHOULD watch it.

TO CPS - The New US National Socialist Workers Party - The New Nazis - Dying We Live

Please remember to visit //shreddedsociety.com - Dying We Live This is the first video of my own assault against CPS, and I willingly do so on behalf of most ...

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Well here we are, 2 years later (after my last comment) and I must point out that you were right, even where I had hope. I am so sorry, but I feel I failed on my part. You were so right, for there at the beginning I and my closest associates took our cause before this President, gave him the full picture and pressed our issue, and less than a year later we were given the UN as his answer. If I remember correctly, even before him, the UN was part of the problem. Remember the Johnny Goesh story.
I would like to know how our current President is to blame for this. This problem existed long before him and found it's foothold during Bush's reign. This video was great up to this point, but then took on the tone of the neo-zionist, the great pretenders whose only purpose is to disrupt and twist peoples' views of reality. CPS needs to be taken out, but be careful where you lay the 'Blame" for it. The only problem I see with Obama in this, is the Clintons who sold this travesty to the States.
Trouble though, is it is the "Socailists" that have moved towards Naziism not the right and this is not just Europe that has made this lunge. It is everywhere where a socialist infrastructure has left its mark. The injustices made by CPS in the UK, Canada, America, even Israel are staggering. But it has been the (socialist system) that has introduced these perverse and immoral policies, which could be easily described as Orwellian. Thus, effectively driving voters to elect even the far right.
Untrue, I have seen enough around the world to see where the politics lies, there is no question that in the US, Canada and Europe even Israel, children have been removed for no justified reason at all. Over the Fran Lyon case, the UK Government admitted that Social Services had acted in a fraudulent manner. Fran had to run from her own country to protect her unborn child. I can also categorically say that children in adoptive homes have been abused horribly. You are the one who is stupid!
Wrong again, actually the rates are now increasing and also I ought to mention, my kids have never been taken away. But had I stood by I would have seen this happen to a friend who had committed no harm to anyone. And at the end of that campaign, even parliament acknowledged not only that the Gestapo had acted wrongly but that over 5000 over children may have been taken into care. So you are wrong about retaliation. Yet again, you show your ignorance. But you are the troll in this charade.
Maybe not that hard Nancy, more like a blinkered perception and trying to put blame onto feminist movements is nothing more than a smokescreen, which tries to detract from the fact that CPS is an out of control state system, which neither heeds nor respects the rights of individuals. It has been given massive and extensive powers without any accountability and it is backed up to the hilt by corruption within the family courts. That makes it extremely dangerous in any civilised society.
I am actually more worried about the lack of difference between the parties these days, the whole of Europe has lunged to the right, something unheard of even 20 years ago. There are Republicans who should never have been elected and there are Democrats also. Balance is a hard thing to get, I dont know Obama is all that bad, but as you say time will tell. My major concern though is the serious underlying juidicial corruption and fraud which is clearly underlying CPS and the family courts.
I think you need to go and look at the channel of Innocence Destroyed, who was a good friend of mine, to realise that CPS is an out of control Government agency that seriously needs its wings clipped. Indeed in the case here, the behaviour of the Guardian Ad Litem and the court judge, almost exemplified the way in which the people's court behaved towards their victims. No defence, not even allowed to speak and this doesn't just happen to mothers, but also to fathers. Nazi too damn right!
CPS is centrally run every court practices the same, rather like alarge tree. Whoeever developed this and organised the US Central Government has Nazi origins, just because the Nazis only lasted 4 years, does not mean the movement is dead, far from it. I have 3 of Alex Joines Videos now on my channel I need to now find the maternal side of the people who are most aggressive in this. Someone or a group of people are hiding this within the Senate and in our case central government.
Bad Parents not always, in a lot of cases, CPS are no more than Nazis and there are hundreds of children who have suffered the most horrendous abuse even died as a result of their malpractice. I don't know maybe you were fortunate, but there are thousands of others who have not been, perhaps you should look at InnocenceDestroyed's channel, then see if you are still of the same blinkered viewpoint. CPS and family courts do behave like Nazis, the only thing missing, the uniform.
What is worse and watch carefully is that parents from the very start are being undermined by the state. Practically everything we should be involved in is now State Provision. Nowadays both parents have to work in order to just exist thus providing more taxes to the state. In turn this leaves a whole generation of latchkey kids, without the remotest Idea of what parenting is. The state seems to want to run our lives for us at every possible level, whilst removing human rights
Oh no I do not support any right wing influences, but this runs deeper, Claire McCaskill is one of the people responsible for the cover up of this case. This woman has committed no crime against the state whatsoever yet has been persecuted, every person in that courtroom and every person I have spoken to that has stood by this has been a Democrat. It is the far left that has destroyed this womans life. Not the zioinists. However I do believe racism has had its role to play.
As for the others involved, Margaret Donnelley Democrat stood for the post of District attorney, her actions, perjury, falsifacation of evidence, denial of human rights. Jay Nixon Governor Missouri, Democrat, Destruction of court documents and conspiracy to cover up the fraudulent use of court processes. Do we have proof yes. I also have proof of sexual assault between the other two girls in the house, as well as physical and emotional abuse of the daughter.
It gets so old to hear the anti Jew talk all the time. The world hates the Jew, which is almost enough reason for me to love them, yet history speaks for it self, and what people are saying about the jews is untrue. you are correct in saying this problem existed weel before Obama. yet you are misguided if you do not realize that Obama is the most socialist,controlling, and dangerous president ever. Just wait 5 years and look back and see for yourself.
CPS is worse than the Nazis. The Nazis only lasted a few years, and were limited in their geographical area. CPS has been committing crimes for decades, all over the world. CPS has state and private funding, and the backing of everyone from the US President to the lowly social worker to Nancy Grace. There are many more reasons why CPS is worse than the Nazis. Please visit Alex Jones website, as he is aggressively fighting CPS, especially recently.
Also, please do not forget that a great many of the SS changed their names after the war to avoid detection. Many fled to America where they simply became sleepers. How many of these have slipped under the political and how many of their sympathisors are involved in this, Please no one tell me this movement is actually dead, my second video equates to the way the Nazis behaved in their courtrooms, yet this presents itself across the world.
I suggest you look up Fran Lyon and her story and the apology that parliament gave out afterwards is on my website. These parasitical vultures known as SS and CPS drove a heavily pregnant woman out of her own country. Don't come on here with this crap, I have seen enough to know how bad and what lying pieces of human trash these people really are. Another one you can look at is the case of Sally Clark.. CPS - Child Persecution Service...
I think shreddedsociety-Sonja should make a lawsiut against the state of Missouri..It's hard to post a comment..and I know it's hard for shreddedsociety to post one too,because it's heartbreaking to do so..@2:21 the 2nd song is beautiful,sometimes a song can say more than words..The USA Goverment attack on killing the wolf in 2009 is the same thing.difference is they are Killing The American Family.tracylane
And I look at where we are today, and the CPS problem has escalated. What has changed is our knowledge of our enemies starting with the National Association of Counties and its unConstituional existence in our nation and a host of other adoptions which we the People had turned a blind eye to and allowed to embed themselves into the culture and government of these United States.

Bookkeeper of Auschwitz Oskar Groening, 94, jailed for 4 Yrs

A German court has convicted a 94-year-old former guard at the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz of being an accessory to the murder of at least 300000 Jews.

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Zion-Nazi Jews Lying without shame!

Roland Freisler - Hitler's Blood Judge - Part 4

Roland Freisler, president of the Nazi's People Court (Volksgerichtshof), was Hitler's blood judge. Approximately 90% of all proceedings at the Volksgerichtshof ...

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In Berlin I have on the Bendlersblock the monument than for Stauffenberg was founded many times seen. That his daughter Konstanze, who was only born when Stauffenberg was executed in 1944, a complete biography of his wife Nina, who is also her mother was, wrote is very exceptional. Sometimes doing Konstanze (I came myself when reading previous books about Stauffenberg there later that her older sister Valerie had died in 1966, the same year that Walt Disney and my grandfather Harry Slegers, which is two years older than Stauffenberg, deceased) I did think of Katrin Himmler, the second cousin of Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS the Stauffenberg family, who initially wanted to delete but not that later left, who also wrote a book about her infamous great-uncle, Heinrich, her elderly great-uncle Gebhard and her grandfather Ernst that she has never known. I would also appreciate it if there is even a biography of Roland Freisler was written, the nazi judge, who is the uncle of Konstanze, Berthold von Stauffenberg, von Üxküll-Gyllenband and her great uncle Nicholas had condemned to death. Suppose my grandfather Jules Vismale SR. in that plot had been sitting (he was a Suriname) then he would have undergone the same fate as most conspirators such as Erwin von witzleben which in Berlin-Plötzensee were hung on meat hooks with slings of piano strings!
A German majority voted Hitler and the nazis into power so stop thinking they were innocent and just duped by Hitler. Need I remind you that the German conservatives led by Franz von Papen agreed to a coalition with Hitler to gain absolutely majority in the Reichstag (German parliament) ? Also, while the Germans learned the lessons of rabid nationalism and fascist ideals it is clear certain other countries never considered they are very much influenced by these ideals themselves. Many examples.
@fuhmeregan Like in every dictatorship...almost every German knows the movie "Die Welle", based on "the third wave", a teachers experiment with US students to show that a dicatorship is impossible "here" in the states (here is everywhere), in fact a dictatorship was installed in the school in a few days/weeks. Same clothes and a special salutation. Physically our body is excellent, defends us daily against millions of viruses, but mental if infected once there is only a small chance to recover.
Uh, that is not entirely true. Hitler and the nazis were really popular right before the war and also when the war going great for Nazi Germany. Had they defeated the USSR in the winter of 1941 and isolated Great Britain into capitulation they'd have total continental supremacy. In this world Hitler would have been seen as the greatest leader of all time, not just by the Germans. It was only after the war was going bad and Germany faced serious destruction that people started to doubt Hitler.
Had Stalin had his way every nazi would have been executed. Unfortunately the western allies saw fit to re-instate certain leading nazis (or people with former nazi sympathies) into West Germany post WW2 both into the army and the jurisdictional system. The reason was to prevent "a total collapse". Oscar Schindler was originally a greedy asshole that used jews as he saw fit. When the war was going badly he changed his mind. This was in 1943 btw, when many abandoned Hitler's ideals.
You are an embarrassment to your country, you little Brit Nazi cretin. We should have the time machine so idiots like you could be sent back to the Nazi era and put in front of psychopaths like Freisler. It would cure you of your stupidity before you could so much as wet your pants.
Hitler, he only had one ball, Goering had two but they were small. Himmler had something similar, And Keitel was too close to call. Rommell had 4 or 5 I guess, No one's quite sure 'bout Rudolf Hess. Schmelling was always yelling, But Mister Goe-balls had no balls at all.
Stopping political parties casts winds of the fresh smell that was national socialism. It isn't democracy if only some parties are allowed. If the people wish to vote democracy out, then they should be allowed to do it - that's democracy, when it works -- at least.
Far fetched, I know, but I wish someone would have given Freisler a Joe Pesci (as in Goodfellas)answer in court: "Okay, I'll give you an answer: go f__ yer mother!" At the next question: "You still here? I thought I told you to go f__ yer mother!"
One of the accused said to Freisler that Hitler was for him the "executor of evil" - I thought that this is already quite much, knowing that he was speaking his own death sentence with that expression (scene not included in this documentary).
Elinorsahm: Who are you? I can make the same claim for the "Schwanenfelder Schwerin" Some of the comments are so wrong and mean spirited, aren't they? Those people don't know anything. How come you live in Israel?
Thanks for posting this. These men and women who were convicted by that bastard Freisler were in my mind, heroes, the real German, not the weaklings of the Gestapo. oh Karma got them alright *see Nuremburg Trial*
@fuhmeregan there is only 8 people memoirated in berlin for the war. It is the men of the jully plot. Germans were taken captive. National socialism and any racist political parties must be stoped at there start
i think thsis guy is the most fucking useless SOB in the whole who third reich, a Bolshevik judge in the nazi party and shout ike a mad og whatever he wants? u think the louder u shout the winning chance higher?
What happend with the story of the White Rose?.. Well Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans and another young man were sentenced to death by that pig of a judge and were murdered on the 22 Febuary 1943
There's a piece of the original doumentary missing here -- at the end of Part 3 a woman is talking about the White Rose case and this part starts at a completely different part of the film.
By the way, it is actually against the law in any nation to plot or even attempt take the life of the head of state. If you don't believe me, try it.
Somebody should probably have just stayed there with the bombs. I hate to say it. And Strauffenberg might have screwed up but he was gutsy.
Thanks for posting this...At least a way to make people understand what it has meant to normal people living under Nazi-dictatorship....

Nazi war crimes suspect tried for Slovak killings

1. Wide shot, media at court entrance 2. Noticeboard 3. Media 4. Files 5. Media in court 6. Ladislav Niznansky enters court 7. Public gallery 8. Various, Ladislav ...

SA the 'Secret' Police State

People under police control, by use of secret evidence and court proceedings - with no right to defence sounds like Nazi Germany but is actually what's ...

User Comments

Australia is a police state , it dictates fails transparency and hold your assets to ransom , the only way to combat such is by there own system as they call it . even than the law is one sided, misuse of public office is criminally exploited because they say they can, such lack of accountability has now become a liability. all you have to do is express our concern publicly . even than like in my case a gag order is issued under threat of detainment ,this created further losses upon me , this now added value to my intellectual property , 
For your info I am solicitor and biker for life living in Europe and have brain. I not watcing TV and behind every drog diler is police in any country on this planet.What hapening in hole EU we have police state Stalin was dreaming about.Wars are going on becose is easy way to ocupy forein country and you goin to say yes for that.Bikers are not saints but in media we are like Rupert Murdok in reality. Corapt bilioner with corapt police warking for him. Have life. Love and respect for all bikis
WE have a CD our Australian government does not want you to know about, as they claim it could undermine our Authorities decision makers, this CD is now for sale from outside Australia. You have the right to copy and resell it, as it now added value to its political affectedness. Only $50. Register your interests by writing to PO Box 20 Thung Fon Thailand 41310 So if our Australian Gov does not want you to know about it they now can buy it of us.
this is a bloody joke, people need to wake up and realize that these politicians are using bikie excuse to take more control of the people. people become criminal because they cant find jobs or dont want to be slave and work 50hrs a week for these corporations and get minimal wage. this country is becoming a fascist country, the cops are so rude and they are just there to make revenue for the system. we should call the cops the tax man.
Fuck Australian leagal sistem , misuse of publick ofice , will be combated , I am charged with intending to couse harm and distroy property when I expreced my consern, when police themselfs distroyed our personal belonings themselfs . besides there fals claims and manipulation of facts. but now they stay silend , but still I am thretend . I can not even make a drawing under courts orders in South Australia. hence I am in asia.
how about creating a Gamma ray detection switch and sell it legally , so when a parcel is scanned it switches any device attached to it , it will certainly discourage any unauthorised interference . we sell our business for 20 million dollars . . it would make detection useless and unwarranted. its worth millions to certain people .for you not to know about this , so make and sell to them. 
@jacobscott691 you go fuck yourself scum, you know very well that racist secret white police go around shooting up foreigners houses leaving bullet holes all over the house just missing a child's head.. that's how much of a coward you white racist australians are to do that.
Allowing more bloody Corruption and Criminal activities by our POLICE, Pollies & others in authority, That's the RANN Government for you; DON'T COME to South Australia the POLICE STATE, once a great state, not any more
As corrupt as people think police are, the world will be a lot worse without them. Bikies are low life's, and I couldn't imagine what a world would be like if the Bikes controlled it. Wake up You ducking dickheads
I dont see the problem with this at all.. Of course if you really wanted to know - you could still require polticians to get a police clearance
and the mainstream media wants to complain about China and Russia, fucking hypocrites. Australia is a fucking nazi style country
I am gaged for a simular tool of encouragement under thread of detainment . protect your assets against misuse . .
Adelaide is the most corrupt state in Australia i have lived here all my life and things are only getting worse
@jacobscott691 What makes you think Australia is the most free country in the world?
Respect for bikies fuck police and government thay are like Hitler. Outlaws rule
The masters are tightening the noose slaves. Wake up soon.
Pollies are more guilty of breaches of law then bikies!"
@covertgreen are you a retard? You have no idea.

Italy - Former Nazi SS officer acquitted

T/I: 10:59:54 A military court in Italy on Thursday (1/8) acquitted former Nazi SS officer Erich Priebke, 83, of war crimes charges stemming from his involvement in ...

Germany Issues Arrest Warrant for Nazi Guard Suspect

STORY: German prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for 88-year-old U.S. resident, John Demjanjuk on suspicion he helped murder at least 29000 people as a ...

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Throw Demjanjuk in a cell full of hungry rats!!! Looks like this FILTH was "nice" to people (non-Jews) outside the camp as well. Nazi war crime suspect John Demjanjuk could be proved guilty by DNA tests on the grandchildren of a woman he allegedly raped. The woman, who lived near the Sobibor death camp in Poland, is said to have given birth to a son. Prosecutors in Germany, where the 89-year-old is facing trial, say the tests could prove he was at the camp - a claim he denies.
Winston Churchill: "In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed, the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.Russia's concentration camps and slave labor system were "staffed in its upper echelons by Jewish Communists."In the Bolshevik era, 52 % Soviet communist party was Jewish,
If he was a nazi guard he did the right thing. The right thing was to follow orders and protect his country from the jewish threat. The number of jews who died in the war isnt accurate, it has been exaggerated to establish sympathy for the jews and coerce people to fight for their agenda. Dont believe the lies of the zionist jews. If you are German be proud to be German, dont hang your head in shame just because the jews want you to feel guilty.
If you ask Demjanjuk Jr. what might really have happened in his father's past, he doesn't have an answer. Why not provide proof of not being a guard in Sobibor and other camps? Where were you Demjanjuk during 1941-1945? On the moon, Jupiter, Cleveland? The ONLY proof in existence is of him being a guard! Therefore: "Tode durch den Strang" fur Demjanjuk!
"Now, Germany wants to try, convict and kill this 89 yr old. Is their nothing better to focus on? " ??? You know that no criminal gets killed in german prisons? Stop wasting our time,you ignorant fuck! Its justice! More than this kind of people garanted their victims. Dumb motherfucker°!
That creep in the video, zukoff I think, is the one who should be on trial. You cant believe anything he says. He lied to no end that demjanjuk was Ivan the Terrible and did all this awful stuff.
1952 – FILTHY Demjanjuk enters the U.S. 2009 Nov. – Demjanjuk’s trial on accessory-to-murder charges begins in Munich. Burn Demjanjuk Burn!!!
you have no clue about what there happended. LOL i work in this town what about french police??? there were no frenchs at all o___O
@JimmyFormerMarine i think he should be crucify on a cross and slowly strangled to death
This video has nothing to do with Demjanjuk if i listen carefully u idiots -.-
"no evidence proving Mr. Demjanjuk is a war criminal" WELL SAID! SAD........
It's about time these monsters are brought to justice.
@nowUhave and FOX news has you brainwashed 24/7
@realstress why should they learn english?
This video is not about ivan.
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