Longo lexus europe Videos


Introduction to laboratory containment - Russian subtitles

Commissioned by the European Union funded Flu-Lab-Net avian influenza research programme. Produced by the EU Community Reference Laboratory, ...

Red Bull Hill Climb Brazil - Rhys Millen - Serra do Rio do Rastro - SC

A special session with racing legend Rhys Millen Racing to establish a hill climb record in the spectacular Rio do Rastro Mountain Range road in the South of ...

User Comments

you said it yourself, AWD is "sliding" not "drifting". Drifting refers to a technique where you maintain full control of the car whilst it is going in a sideways direction. Ken Block can control the car in a sideways motion around small corners because all it doesn't require a high amount of control. /watch?v=_CK94zCXsKI
Drifting is inherently slow. It's a style thing. Rhys is also a competitor in drift competitions along with Tanner Foust. The sequences where he is drifting in this video are all for show and are not clips of the timed hill climb they are referring to. The clips of the hill climb toward the end show him taking it seriously and actually trying to keep the rear wheels planted.
These comments on this are funny as fuck there is a huge difference between drift and rally the cars are set up totally different eg rally cars are set up for rough terrain where drift cars are all solid alloy bushes etc etc and are very very rigid now stop ya arguing and enjoy te driving cunts
Loeb has more aids than your toilet...Yes he needs quick, hands and quick reactions and decisions but its not like driving with your rear wheels in constant drift.. its just not the same, AWD can't drift, they can POWERSLIDE...even loeb.
No racisim implied here, but do any of these white drifters have any balls to go downhill? I have yet to see a video of them going downhill, and to add on to it in an under powered car and go drifting.
At least Hyundai is making RWD cars, thats more than can be said for a lot of the manufacturers these days. i would have one over any FWD Honda POS. but i do agree, its a bit of an eyesore.
Ken Block needs at least 10 attempts on every corner , Ken just have nice editors behind him ..all his videos are just fake..I can do better with that cash and that crew :D
ken block does gymkhana which is a new urban version of precision drifting...no comparison with RWD real drifters and gymkhana racers like ken block and tanner foust
first half of the vid I'm like "why is he doing all that drifting? It actually slows you down!"... then I see he drove normally to try and set an actual time. lol
My god. I have pictures on snow with my family there when i was a little boy. Now these lunatics are doing this crazy things in my home. Crazy world.
huiyndai genesis, not sure if the european version is the same but we have a butt load of ricers driving those cans in canada and the states.
that's where most of the bikers around here in south Brazil go riding,when we get the chance that is,it's kinda of a long trip. 
Will drifting actually get him through the course quicker, or is drifting done simply for a challenge and something fun to do?
Essa estrada é mto foda. Já passei 1 vez lá.. com serração e chuva. Não dava pra passar de 20km/h. Mtoooo mtoooo foda
Put Bruno Ianello with his GroupB Lancia Delta S4 there, no need to drift for a hillclimb recod. watch?v=tkwVdJYO864
Not too far away from my home, this road. If only I could go up and down a couple of times with a closed road...
different opinions bro, the genesis personally my favore cate, and Hyundai got a lot better over the years.
rhys millen is a very good driver fuck the car he's the man drifts up time attack down in the same car
Why is it shit? Just cause not everybody can do it? And it allows to pull sick stunts? Good arguement.
put a japanese on crack cocaine that is not affraid to die in a S15 with a RB26.... see the result
i agree like seriously what the hell does the cars looks have to do with its speed or handling
Ken block would make a good show, as far as making a good time.. he'll probably crash
Tsuchiya-san in his ae86 would be more interesting, and real drifters go downhill!

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition

Compre Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition em //www.xogo.com.br/G/LostPlanetExNX742844/ XOGO Gaming Network: ...

Z06 Vs Audi R8 1/8 mile

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