Jeep jamboree pa 2013 Videos

Wheels of Time Rod and Custom Jamboree - Macungie PA 2013

A few cars from the 2013 Wheels of Time Rod and Custom Jamboree in Macungie PA.

User Comments
Just ran across your channel. subbed. good stuff. I would like to know why you think fuel injection sucks though.... Because you know, its better in pretty much every way.
why can't i get pictures of aug.27/28/29 2015 show . i was there with my freinds from florida ???? thanks jerry
Great vid! I had a great time there this year and the weather was great! Thanks for sharing!


Something a little different... Taking my Jeep up "RattleSnake Road" with a fresh 2 inches of snow on the ground. The RattleSnake is a dirt road located on Line ...

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Me and my buddy have been snowboarding down this dirt road for the past few years, its actually a pretty good "slope".This road gets really hard to get up when there's over 8 inches of snow on the ground. We've spent days shoveling sections of this road so we can get the Jeep to the top just so we could snowboard back down it. We'll dig out a stuck vehicle and use that snow to make a big jump. But hell we hardly got any snow last year or this year so we're payin to S-board this year. -Denny
Im in SW PA and we have gotten some id say 2-3ft this winter total this winter. Just enough to piss you off..Not enough to really snowboard in and just enough to make all trails a muddy mess that sits around for a week. Im still working on my 88 trying to get it straight before the gncc season starts in 2 weeks @ peaceful springs. I have a feeling ill end up on the Yfz for the 1st few races.
That's good to hear. No quad for me. Maybe time to invest in some ice tires if we really wanted to do the snow thing. It's not really the snow that bother's me it's the patches of ice. We'll probably try to get up there in the beginning of March sometime.
Feelin' great, the "surgery" went well. I've been fixin up the old 250R the past few weeks, I can't wait to get back out there too. And... sell those motorized bicycles and get yourself a nice sport quad so you don't have to fear the snow, Ha !! -Denny
Thanks Mega T. The video is a little boring, but perhaps the local guys will get a kick out of seeing the ol' RattleSnake Road and maybe I few out-of-towners can use this video motivate em to find the RattleSnake.
Hope everything is going well and your feeling well. Just sent in my RAC permit can't wait to get back up there once the snow clears.
I'm feelin' great now that the kidney stones are gone. Expect to see a whole lotta 250R and YFZ videos this year.... -Denny
now grab out sled/snowboard and fly down that... looks steep. love the vids man keep them coming.
Keep up the great vids...hope your feeling better. :)
Hope you feel better... Great vid
awesome cant wait :)

2013 Philadelphia Auto Show Jeep Ride

User Comments
@baolitsky , no u dont get to drive the jeep, but its such a fun expierence. However there are 5 ride & drive events on the weekends, where you can actually drive the cars on the streets. Cars including Cadillac Escalade, CTS-V, ATS, XTS, SRX; Chevy Camaro SS; as well as several Buick, GMC, & Hyundai models. Licensed adult 18 yr. and older.
i rode it, the line was only like 25 mins big deal! i actually got to ride in that red wrangler thats on this vid. going up that hill feels like ur on a 70 degree slop and its only 30 degrees
In my Opinion that setup was not unnecessary, there were many SUV s and Trucks that were there that could do the same thing for instance the Ford F350 or the Toyota Tacoma.
I was there but sadly I didn't ride it because of the long line.
do you drive the jeep?

Jeep Trail Session 2013

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