//www.therenegadehealthshow.com - This has everything and nothing to do with health... I'll explain here. This is not a list of health resources, so clearly to ...
When you find your vision, you become successful. Your vision finds you
after you go looking it. The more you seek your vision, the more you
impress upon your servo-mechanism that you are looking for a great purpose.
The more you search, the more you will find. So keep taking steps forward.
Your subconscious will prompt you with a vision that will represent which
you are truly here to do. Keep expanding your self-image. You will you
accelerate the process of making your vision a reality.
Hello Kevin, Watched your video, loved it, decided to do a post on it,
included your video in the post and also a link to your site. If you want
to take a look at it, go to my name and add . com. Look under blog, Finding
Your Passion. I am a Marketing Specialist and believe that great health, in
many ways contributes to great wealth. Your Friend in Marketing Ken
Somerville P.S. Had my wife do an article on Creating a Vision Board.
I'd say email lists are very useful for SI, I just love Michael Lee's
books, video and artickle list, informative emails, free pdf books... If
you want to find good email lists, starting with this guy is recommended.
He drops info on so many SI areas, and will give you names of other with
good email lists. Search for him at ezineartickles(.)com. You don't have to
buy his products to get his free stuff, and he has good free stuff!
For a self-actualization book that will stand the test of time (8,000
years) and that's an easy to read (even a high school kid can understand)
-- try The Freedom of Choice by Tom Chalko You can get the free ebook.
Oh terrific video - great idea - and thanks for those book reccomendations!
The first and last one I had never heard of - they sound like just what I
need :-)