here are the lyrics in Spanish; Oh dime si vez - al amanecer lo que al
atardecer - con orgullo aclamamos De quien fue el brillar - de la estrella
al pelear sobre muros cruzar - elegantes los vimos Rojo del proyectil - en
el aire explotar dio prueba que hoy - la bandera esta allí oh dime si aun
esta aquel pendón de estrellas en la tierra y el hogar del que esta en
Spanish Heritage in the United States, California Missions
Spanish Heritage in the United States: California. The first European to explore the California coast was Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. Landing on September 28, ...
Like Joseph, I was raised in California, living with and observing the
wonderful customs, music and influences of the Spanish and Mexican people.
I lived also in Florida and Cuba, while in the Navy. Now we are finding the
settlements and forts of the Spanish in N.C., as well as many legacies left
here on our coast, some living! horses. Thank you for sharing this
wonderful video. Father Serra was my hero!
Es la parte que nos cuenta reconocer, a los que vivimos en Latinoamérica,
el aporte de España a las colonias. A diferencia de los anglosajones, que
no fomentaron el mestizaje, los españoles conformaron una nueva raza. Con
sus defectos y virtudes se han construido naciones, que queramos o no, nos
liga mucho a España. Ahí tenemos la comida, la música, los bailes, algunas
fiestas paganas, todo ligado a España. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha seguimos
viéndonos, los españoles y los americanos, con mucho recelo. No sé si la
globalización pueda hacer que haya un acercamiento más estrecho; puede ser
que pasen algunas generaciones pero hay que empezar a vernos como alguien
cercano. Difícil pero no imposible. Saludos desde México.
+tzezontle Lo cierto es que la expansión española y europea, en general, se iba a producir fuera en esa época o más tarde, la tecnología y los conocimientos ya estaban maduros para llevarlo acabo, no hubiera sido posible en 1392, por ejemplo; comenzaron los portugueses explorando las costas africanas y al cerrar los turcos el acceso a comerciantes europeos hacia Asia eso condujo a buscar una ruta alternativa por el oeste.De todas maneras lo que plantean indigenistas por LA, que curiosamente una buena parte no son indigenas, es ingenuo y falso, me refiero a que las sociedades constituidas eran poco menos que paraísos, en realidad, eran imperios guerreros el azteca e inca que invadieron y ocuparon a otras naciones sojuzgándolas, al igual que Roma, China, Mongoles, Árabes, hasta en África hubo estados guerreros que estaban en proceso de formar imperios cuando llegaron los portugueses.Es algo a nivel mundial, el deseo de dominio de unos sobre otros, después del imperio español, le tocó al inglés y ahora al norteamericano, puede que dentro de poco le toque al chino y esto nunca acaba.
+jjgnbf efectivamente, es complejo el asunto. En el caso de México, y apelando un poco a Octavio Paz, la conquista fue traumática. No sé si es cierto o no esta afirmación, lo único que si te puedo decir es que en el resto de América, la conquista, tuvo impacto de manera diferente. En las sociedades indígenas mexicanas, que en su mayor parte, eran sociedades altamente religiosas, de la noche a la mañana les dijeron y obligaron a creer en otra cosa. Y creo que por ahí va el asunto,el porqué no se acepta el origen europeo, pero tienes razón es complejo esto. Saludos
tzezontle ; he leído con interés tu comentario y es un tema complejo de tratar y en el que siempre aparecen gentes que hablan con mucha carga sentimental.Es curioso como una parte de los mestizos en LA, sobre todo en tu país, reniegan de su origen europeo incluso planteando que solo son indígenas, mientras en Filipinas los mestizos nunca reniegan de ese origen, todo lo contrario, estan totalmente orgullosos hasta el punto de acaparar en las TV filipinas la mayoría de puestos, debido a ese orgullo de "casta" y a que las gentes mestizas, hombres y mujeres son considerados allí guapos-as y además pertenecen a la élite económica y educativa.
+tzezontlehola tzezontle. Acabo de leer tu mensaje. Disculpa la demora...Tienes toda la razón. Coincido 100% con lo que comentas sobre nuestras malas formas. En España hemos perdido esa forma educada y cortés que tienen ustedes de tratarse con respeto. De ahí podemos aprender nosotros mucho de ustedes.Por cierto que nosotros hace tiempo sustituimos el empleo habitual de "usted/ustedes" por el brusco "tu/vosotros"; forma mucho más seca y en ocasiones descortés. Parece una tontería, pero solo con eso perdimos mucho respeto hacia el prójimo.No obstante, creo que el desencuentro es inicial; de primer contacto, y por desconocimiento mutuo. Como bien dices, lo que cambia es la idiosincrasia de cada pueblo, no más. Pasa incluso dentro del mismo país. Aquí en España, la gente del norte es más parca en palabras, más seria. Los del sur, más habladores y abiertos. Siempre hablando en términos generales claro. Lo importante es que personas cultas y educadas, hay en todos los países y culturas del mundo. Esas son las que nos interesan. Las que pueden crear puentes, y hacer que el resto camine por ellos. Saludos cordiales.
+explorersl Igualmente, saludos desde México. Aunando a tu comentario, creo que también es importante mencionar sobre las idiosincracias. He tenido la oportunidad de platicar con algunos españoles radicados en México y hay algo que me llama la atención: la comunicación. Cuando los oigo a ustedes hablar, tanto hombres como mujeres, parece que están enojados y sobre todo hablan muy rápido que hasta hay veces que no entendemos lo que dicen. Mueven mucho las manos y además llega a parecer que gritan. Los mexicanos tan susceptibles que somos, es algo que no alcanzamos a entender. Te voy a dar un ejemplo, aquí las cosas se acostumbra pedir las cosas "por favor", y se dan las "gracias" cuando alguien te hace un favor o te da algo. Por lo que vi, ustedes no acostumbran esta clase de detalles y para la gente en México eso está mal visto. Y esta es la parte que creo que si va estar difícil cambiar. Habrá que llegar a un punto en el que los españoles y los latinoamericanos pueda haber, pues si no un cambio de idiosincracias, si una manera de que seamos tolerantes unos con otros. Entender el medio cultural en el que cada quien se desenvuelve.De nueva cuenta, saludos desde México y de igual manera un abrazo.
Saludos tzezontle.Coincido plenamente con tu comentario sobre la diferencia con el mundo anglosajón. Lástima que en América no se valore en su medida el mestizaje. Por contra en norteamérica no hubo mestizaje alguno, quedando únicamente los ingleses, sin vestigio de las culturas locales. Lo curioso es que los ingleses consiguieron extender por el mundo la leyenda negra sobre España.En general, desde España si se siente cercano a México. Sin embargo creo que desde México todavía se ve a España como la madrastra colonialista. Pero esa visión es artificial y está creada únicamente para reforzar el sentimiento nacional mexicano. Se puede entender en parte, pero va siendo hora de mirar al futuro sin prejuicios. Los que ahora vivimos en ambos países conformamos otras generaciones. No podemos cambiar el pasado. Pero el futuro es nuestro.Es una utopía claro está, pero imaginemos por un momento una unión política y económica desde México a Colombia y luego hasta el Perú, y más allá hasta Chile y Argentina, y a la vuelta por Venezuela, Cuba y todos los demás...Ni siquiera les hace falta España, porque lo hispano ya fluye por sus venas.Soñar es gratis.Un abrazo
Great presentation. Spanish influence has woven through my life like a
tapestry. I'm from California but left as a child. I have lived in Florida,
Cuba, Diego Garcia and Spain. I remember dreaming in Spanish but that
hasn't happened in a long time. I greatly appreciate the Culture.
Gracias a Dios hay personas como usted,pensando en nosotros los
emigrantes.Ya empece a estudiarlo,para presentar el próximo año el
examen.que Dios lo bendiga por siempre.
At last, a video in Spanish. Better later than never, right?
How Guam Became a Territory of the United States (Spanish American War)
The history of how the US acquired Guam. (before losing it again and then getting it back in World War II. This was the first time it got it.) It involves the Spanish ...
Untold History: Early US Imperialism, Hitler, Roosevelt, The Spanish Civil War
Peter Kuznick, co-author with Oliver Stone of Untold History of the United States, discusses Roosevelt's attitude towards Hitler and the Soviet Union.
+mario rodriguez I did some searching on two academic data bases. JSTOR has nothing! EBSCOHost has two reviews, one is by Carruthers, an a academic, for History magazine. Both seem to say that none of this is new to them or historians in general. NOTE: Beware of the little three line excerpts in Google, as one had a sentence seeming to debunk the book/film. It was out of context from Carruthers!
usa aided Germany to invade n kill Soviet n jews, then after german turn
against west, usa then turn against Germany n Japan after kicked all
western imperalists out of asia by first spewed hate at Germany n Japan 100
times worse than truth n western imperalists were 100 times worse
atrocities than axis n get whole world to fight Germany.
+Emilio Salinas During that period there was a fairly strong communist party in the US. One could be a communist. It was OK. The party was ripped apart by the FBI and other federal agencies after WWI. When Stalin gained power in the Soviet Union, and when his horrific pogroms were exposed, that too helped dissolve the American communist party and the socialist party as well. But the idea that communism and socialism are somehow evil is the result of a very long propaganda campaign by a capitalist/corporate dominated government. And so it goes.
The Treaty of Versailles was a 'peace treaty'? It caused massive starvation
in Germany. It was down right robbery. It took the life right out of the
Germans and then France imposed sanctions because Germany could not pay.
They went for the jugular of the German nation. There was absolutely
nothing peaceful about it. It was the very set up for WW2. No doubt about
+Fringe DwellerYou are dealing with a paid poster, b52g.....more than likely a jew. Give up. You are wasting your time. I admire your perseverance though.
+b52gf16c Yes. Some common ground. I will certainly agree that there are a lot of ways to look at situations and with more and more information becoming freely available, that is exactly what a lot of people are doing. We are taking new, and some considered reliable information and finding that it doesn't always fit neatly with what we've been previously taught. I will also agree that Germany was not negotiating from a position of strength but will attest to her vulnerability being through artificially created diplomatic, economic and political means and not by militaristic weakness as the official narrative seems desperate to uphold. In this era of information technology the same investigative resources that are available to me are available to you and I find much of it to be precise and not vague at all. That the armistice was agreed to on points that not were included in the treaty which was only presented to Germany after she had given up her military positions shows to me the allied efforts at securing peace were deceptive at best. .. On a side note I wish to apologise for my previous personal derogatory remarks. After dealing with the many trolls you often find on sites such as this I sometimes find myself slipping into that same attitude. It is not normally my style and it I do not wish to attack you personally. Again, I apologise.
You have to admit that's rather vague, and I don't buy Freidmens version either. The Germans had to know that they were not negotiating from a position of strength. So the Treaty whatever it was , was better than wholesale occupation in their mind. Actually hold that thought, perhaps occupation would have been better, the incredible recovery made by West Germany might prove that in retrospect. Now presumably you have no problem with these same banks forgiving a very large % of German debt in the 50s??? There are a lot of ways too look a situations
+b52gf16c I'll give you the name Rothschild and you can run with that if you like. Then there's the other points I've already mentioned. Also you might like to listen to Benjamin Freedman. There are you tube recordings of his speeches.
Now let me just guess who owns it and controls it, does it start with a J???? Can you give any specifics names of banks,transactions, deal dates, names of individuals etc etc etc???
+b52gf16c O.K Apart from the Balfour Declaration which is specifically a deal between Britain and International Jewry another place to look at this is the Central Banking system, it's origins, who owns and controls it.
+Fringe Dweller Pal I understand what you are saying, I just don't buy it!!! German Jews were rather loyal, they had the highest military participation rate of any demographic in Germany during the Great war! Hitler got his Iron cross on the say so of his superior officer who was Jewish and a two time winner of the award. So I just do not accept that the Jews stabbed the Germans in the back!!
+b52gf16c I had doubts about your ability for rudimentary understanding right from the start but, chose to give you the benefit of that doubt. Now, read this slowly...I have already given you actual facts - 1. The Balfour Declaration. - 2. The Revolutionary Stewards. - 3. Wilson's 14 Points. If you are capable of undertaking further investigation on your own that would be outstanding and I would support your efforts, but I'll have to stop here. Too many words at once are likely to confuse you.
+b52gf16c They were being screwed over by jewish bankers and facing the possibility of communist revolution. They accepted Wilson's proposals in good faith and stood their still militarily strong armies down expecting the allies to do the same under the terms of Wilson's points which were not adhered to up to the point that the Americans wanted nothing to do with it. They did not choose that treaty and as soon as they found a leader who had some balls they let the warmongers know they would not be bending over the table any longer. I suggest you undertake research going back at least to the turn of the century. There is much more than one piece to this puzzle.
+b52gf16c Sooooo- cognitive skills are not among your stronger points. Perhaps if you were to read more slowly this would assist your powers of comprehension.
+b52gf16c The entry of the Americans into the war initially causes some major headaches for the German military but the Russian Revolution and subsequent cease-fire on the Eastern Front relieves some of the pressure and the Germans begin to recover. In November of 1917 the Italian Army is defeated at the Battle of Caporetto. During Phase 1 of the Spring Offensive of 1918 the Germans achieve a costly victory and while Phase 2 is disappointing by Phase 3 the Germans are back on the move and Phase 4 delivers substantial gains. Meanwhile during March of 1918 Trotsky officially surrenders, and Germany's Ottoman allies successfully take Armenia in May of 1918. Not looking too bad for Germany on the military front but there's trouble brewing back home. Not only is the Balfour Declaration of November 1917 taking an effect on Germany's economy, (in the Balfour Declaration, jewish international bankers promise to squeeze Germany's money supply in return for British assistance in setting up a jewish homeland in Palestine) but also a communist group known as the Revolutionary Stewards is organising strikes in German armament factories that is literally splitting what had been a united labour front into two sharply divided groups. The German Army is being stabbed in the back and when President Wilson shows his 14-Point plan to the Germans on 5-11-18 they agree to an armistice effective 11-11-18 on the understanding that these points would form the basis for the peace treaty. Germany withdraws from France and Belgium and General von Lettow-Vorbek surrenders his undefeated army in East Africa. Not a single shot had been fired on German soil. The Germans are not invited to the drawing up of the Treaty of Versailles and are only given 3 weeks to view this very extensive document before being told to sign. The points requiring the multi-lateral disarmament of all belligerent parties along with assurance that the defeated nations will not be made to pay for the war are conveniently left out. In fact, the only one of Wilson's points to be adopted by the treaty is the establishment of the League of Nations. The United States refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and did not join the League of Nations.