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How to vlookup with multiple conditions Videos

Easy to use Excel to Vlookup multiple condition

Excel Vlook up 多條件查詢.

Excel Magic Trick 758: Extract Data With Two Criteria - 5 Formula Methods

Download file: //people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ See 5 different formula methods for extracting data with two citeria. See functions such as: MATCH, ISNUMBER ...

User Comments

Hi there, I'm using the latest versions in both Mac and Windows and would like to get your thoughts on this query that i have posted in a couple of locations but to which i have yet to receive some answers. I previously requested help on different forums, one of which is //www.excelguru.ca/forums/showthread.php?4053-Match-Index-VLookup-Hlookup, but but am still no wiser. I am trying to identify the value of label at the top column for a value selected within the core of a table. Using Match(1300,B5:I5,-1) returns value 7, which is the value I am interested in. Note that Column 1 is 'B'. Having found 7, i.e. Column number 7 starting from ‘B’, I need to know the value at the top of Column 7. And this is where I am stuck. , A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I; 1, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 7, Type 8; 2, Level 1, UL, 2232, 1488, 2232, 1488, 1907, 1116, 651; 3, Level 2, UL, UL, UL, UL, UL, UL, UL, UL; 4, Level 3, 4464, 2418, 1628, 2418, 1628, 2372, 1302, 837; 5, Level 4, 7347, 3627, 2418, 3627, 2418, 3581, 1953, 1256; I think i basically need a function that allows me to return the value "Type 7" after using the afforested MATCH function. Would you have any idea on how to address this issue? Many thanks.
+Laurent Richer Just wrap your match function within an index function.Vândalo
I love your videos!!!! SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!
Glad you like them!

Excel Magic Trick 703: Extract Records Multiple Criteria (AND OR logic) Filter, Formula, Adv. Filter

Comprehensive Video that shows how to extract records from a table covering these topics: 1. Filter with 6 criteria then extract records to a new location 2.

User Comments

Thank you for this! An amazing and easy to follow video and does exactly what I needed it to do. Brilliant
+Ryan Evans Glad you like it!!!
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