Bought a Lamborghini with uber money! Back at it!!!
Back riding for uber! Great week, $300000 made already, bought a Lamborghini. I keep it in my garage as a reminder than anything is possible captain planet!
ETGC niGCa, we alway Xe M8V3N, 83GC, Crips run This shiT niGCa, C.I.Pk. Tx
all The G's whx never made iT, resT ya sxuls in Crip CiTy,an Tx all my LxCs
Xeefin in LA, sTxpk iT, idC why ya GxT Xeef, niGCa wanna Xeef, walk away
Then, Cuz lasT I was TauGhT, This a family and we sTiGC TxGeTher, I wxuld
die fxr any my LxCs, I knxw we have yxuTh whx TriGCer hapkpky, XuT we have
Tx TeaCh em Tx hxld They finGer Till They musT pkrxTeCT Themselves an The
xnes They lxve, Tx many xf us killin eaCh xTher, iTs sad, an I am Tired xf
waTChin my family die, Cmxn Cuh, ya Think Raymond xr Tookie wanTed us Tx dx
This shiT, dx any xf yxu even knxw xur hisTxry an why The Crips are here
Txday? Cuz if ya dxnT, Then ThaT is sad man, if pkarT xf This fam, Then
learn The hisTxry an Xe mxre Than pkrxud xf jusT yxur flaG, knxw why yxu
Call The hxmie nexT Tx yxu family, if he Xe XlaGC xr LaTinx, Asian eTC. if
They Claim Crip an fiGhT fxr The fam, Then give em ThaT lxve an sTxpk
sh83Tin ya hxmies, we dxin The 5-0 a favxr when we kill eaCh xTher, This
family is aXxuT 55 years xr sx xld, we have hisTxry an misTakes Tx l83k
XaGC xn an fix, sx insTead xf l83kin aT The lil niGCas sayin we never GeT
xuT The h83d, helpk em make The mama pkrxud insTead xf Cry an waTCh Their
Child die, we are XeTTer Than ThaT, sx Ima Xe The firsT Tx sTarT This shiT
xff, I lxve all my lxCs, yxu always made sure I was G83d an made sure ThaT
I had f83d Tx eaT and ClxThes xn my XaGC when I needed iT and Gave my life
I pkurpkxse when everyxne else said I didn'T have xne, Thank yxu fxr XeinG
The XesT family a lil nIGCa Cxuld ever have
Lmfao marc lamont hill cant just say his argument is invalid because its
been used before, so if MLK said all men were created equal and then i say
it now people are aloud to tell me "psshhh thats the same old rhetoric, so
ur wrong"
+Mike Swan it's not accurate, because the things that the man said were inaccurate. He was bringing up Sharpton & Jackson as if they said anything, when they didn't. I'm not a defender of either one or anything like that, but saying "it's because of this or these people said this" when it's factually incorrect is stereotyping a situation. If you go back and watch the video & see what statements Marc was refuting, you'll see exactly what I mean.
+Mike Swan he's saying that these things WEREN'T said, and that he's bringing up old rhetoric that people will believe now. Did we even watch the same video?