TNC - The Natural Curriculum - Live at Dulcimer - 11/8/11
TNC - The Natural Curriculum - Live at Dulcimer - 11/8/11 Atmospheric (almost pitch-black) performance at Dulcimer, Chorlton. // A ...
Drew Herder throwing a frontflip off a picnic table box snowboarding at telluride Colorado. Stomped clean first try. Filmed by Ari Lightsey with the gopro hero.
Soooo clean, If you watch it frame by frame you don't nollie at all when
you're going into the flip, the nose is completely off the rail when u
start the flip lol. Looks great though keep it up.
@darrenkcurammeng to me boxes seem the same as a super mellow lip, but on
rails you really have to be locked in. i have never slipped out on any jib
frontflip ive ever done