I don't think you should paint all Christians with one brush. There are as
many kinds of Christians as there are styles of architecture. You wouldn't
say "All buildings have small windows." would you?
+nicksum29 " //www.gallup.com/poll/27682/onethird-americans-believe-bible-literally-true.aspxChristians make up 70% of America. Doing ball park math that's about 45% of Christians believe its literal in America. UK numbers are lower than that.So over all most Christians are not literalist.Which was my point thank you and good bye."" +Dùbhghlas .Douglas Yes, I know. That is why I said good bye. Are you slow or something?"Talk about projection.
+Dùbhghlas .Douglas Listen, chum - I was merely pointing out a little anomaly in your statistics - one that is common knowledge amongst theologians and biblical scholars. I am truly sorry if you find it hard to acknowledge a brief aside, or a red herring (kippers are deliciously juicy by the way, especially when had with the nice dry white of literalism). Now you can get back to having a discussion with yourself about literalism, OK?
+Dùbhghlas .Douglas All I was trying to say is that the numbers within the Catholic Church do not reflect the actual number of believers within the Catholic Church. Simple. I was not commenting on what they do or do not believe. To me THAT is a moot point.
+nicksum29 I can say the same to you. Because you missed the point I was making in the first place. Keep up with your red herring to the actual point I was making.Nice projection bye you.
//www.gallup.com/poll/27682/onethird-americans-believe-bible-literally-true.aspxChristians make up 70% of America. Doing ball park math that's about 45% of Christians believe its literal in America. UK numbers are lower than that.So over all most Christians are not literalist.Which was my point thank you and good bye.
+Dùbhghlas .Douglas Fact remains, that the Catholic church counts him as a member, which allows you to say that the Catholic Church is the largest denomination.
+nicksum29 yes you can.It doesn't matter if they recognize it or not. Moot point.My grandfather left it. Without chruch consent. He's not catholic period no matter what the chruch says.
+Dùbhghlas .Douglas And as I said, you cannot leave the Catholic Church, so to say it is the largest denomination does not count the many millions who have abandoned the faith.
+Dùbhghlas .Douglas The word "most" is a very deceptive word when you actually look at the figures. Most Christians are non-Catholic. The Catholic church is merely the majority denomination ... by 4 million. And considering that you cannot leave the Catholic Church except through excommunication, those numbers are not particularly reliable, and do not take into consideration people who no longer call themselves Catholic, or have left the Church. And to say that all Catholics are not biblical literalists is simply not true. I know of a great many biblical literalists who are Catholic. What the Holy See declares official is very seldom the official religion that is practised.
+GodWorksOut Here are honest statements: Most Christians are homophobes. Many Christians are fundamentalist literalists. That would be an honest statement. I would never say "Americans do 'this or that'..." I know Christians who have done, and do, remarkable things in the world. And they are driven to do so by their religious convictions. It is morally irrelevant whether or not something is factual in a scientific sense. What matters is whether or not it causes harm. If the "Sky Daddy" or the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" motivates you towards goodness, then it is just as relevant to humanity as a material fact. I would be the first to slander fundamentalist biblidiots, and religious crazies, because they do very real harm to others. People like Bishop Tutu, however.....
+nicksum29 You have to understand that when someone says "Religion" or "Christians" or the "Religious" it is implied we aren't talking about the whole group. It's just like saying "Americans" do this or do that. I don't want a shit-fling, but I know you must have understood this and there was decent content present in the video that you could comment on.
No, but that is because your analogy is off. It is more like saying "Buildings have windows." It isn't a blanket statement. Most buildings have windows. Only an idiot would think a label could apply to everyone.