@escalatorgeek881 This probably was a Hampton Inn. In Oklahoma and Texas,
Hampton Inn hotels are generally 3 floors. They all have Dover elevators. I
have ridden every one of them. It took me 5 days but I did it. Hampton inn
there may have moved to the new 5 floor location with the Schindler
elevators and the Wingate may have moved to the old Hampton Inn location. I
need to vist Richland sometime and get all or jsut some of the places with
elevators. Thanks. And also, good video.
@TheZekethunder You rode the elevators at every single Hampton Inn in Texas
and Oklahoma, you must be joking. Also, many of the Hampton Inns where I
live are usually 4 or 5 floors. I found one that was 6. The one in Richland
Northeast/Dentsville is 5 floors, the one in Harbison is 6, the one in
Lexington is 4, the one in West Columbia is 4, and the one in downtown
Columbia is 5.
This probably was a Hampton Inn. Generally, in Oklahoma and Texas, Hampton
Inn hotels are only 3 floors so they have Dover elevators. Hampton Inn may
have moved to the new location with the Schindler elevators and Wingate Inn
moved to the old Hampton Inn location.
I think these are late 1990's Dover elevators. Also, I've noticed a
yellowish-green color on the up arrow, and a yellowish-red color on the
down arrow, which is rather interesting.
No. I live in Oklahoma City and I'm not joking. The tallest Hampton Inn in
Oklahoma is 16 floors and the Hampton Inn has a parking garage with an Otis
Gen2 elevator.
@escalatorgeek881 No. I am not joking. I live in Oklahoma City and the
tallest Hampton Inn in OKC is 16 floors and has a parking garage with an
Otis Gen2.