Still getting used to all of the things XD If you wonder why we have a second ad carry and a support top, well, the answer is duo queue. Random fact: unless I've ...
Iceborn Gauntlet on Ezreal ? Kite to win (Kite to win.)
This item proves to be very advantageous in both gold and utility wise for
ez. First off it costs less 800 gold than a trinity force. your build would
be accelerated in terms of how well your itemization for late game would be
because you could nearly buy a pickaxe or a vamp scepter from it. It even
grants you a slow which procs on all ( i think ) of your skills on first
hit. Only con i see is that you got less AS... still i think its better...
You do realize that this is a replay of the game and not actually in the
game right? He didn't have all the vision of where his opponents were, like
we do, when he was playing.
Blue build ezreal is taken because it provides similar dmg to ad ezreal but
is overall safer, cheaper, gives survivability and kiting potential. Not to
mention that crazy cc mark that can disrupt enemy ADC so that your assasins
can get a free kill.
So I main Ezreal for about 1 year now and I prefer a Hybrid sort of build,
I rush Manamune and then after that I go straight damage, it's actually
pretty effective if I say so myself
+MercilessX Most build that now including myself. Rush the Manamune then go TF - then w.e like BF or IE, althought i skip LW altogether unless tanky setup
dude shut up if ur playing ez as an aa based champ then ur the one playing
him wrong, ez is an ad caster and he always will be gauntlet + muramana can
deal way more damage then ad ez anyway. ez is like corki he needs his
abilities to fight aa's might as well just be in between abilities for
extra dps but arent needed. also turn on quickcast ffs
He has quick cast ignorant retard.Its just with indicators.Give me a reason to listen to your bullshit if you don't even know what indicators quick cast is
So..... fuck the utility, survival rates, and long rage poke of Blue
Ezreal. I mean all we need from Ezreal is just damage right?
I didn't like that fact that you took everything Blue build Ezreal had to
offer and glossed it over with "damage". Particularly Ice borne gauntlet,
it can be used even by Ad ezreal as an effective kiting, utility, and
defensive tool. But hey, more damage right?
Don't mind that you prefer auto attack Ezreal, and I do think Ad Ezreal
have more potential to carry games. However, using "damage" as an argument
is kind of lame. Anyways, just my thoughts.
LoL: 4.19 - AD Bruiser Ezreal vs Aatrox Top - Normal Gameplay/Commentary
THE BRUISER BUILD IGNITES! If you ever feel an ADC is too squishy to do anything in teamfights, slap on a troll bruiser build and see what happens! It worked ...