+teddy thank you :Dno, not really .. I used to a lil bit, but not anymore.
[speedpaint] DJ SONA
Aaaand here she is!!! DJ SONA IS SO FUN TO DRAW !!! AAAH :DD (I removed the annoying weird green dots in the end dw) Music: DJ sona - Kinetic Psycho ...
so? I'd like to see you try to draw something like this asshole. aw you can't? Then Stfu.
Sexy DJ Sona
DJ Sona shaking her ass infront of thousands of people. She cant speak, but her butt does all the talking for her. You can get the full pictures over at ...
This is amazing, I really wish there was a ripped cloth version or some
type of nude version; although I dont even know if shes human or machine,
awesome work though.
+OsKarMike1306 I downloaded LoL just because of this and i played like insane just to buy her and this skin... Sooooooo yeah...
2015.04.14 [ DJ Sona] drawing time-lapse
Illustration of DJ sona *** *** Music: "Return" Composed by Shilin (me)*** *** The music is NOT free to use for your own purposes. *** Full video of my DJ sona ...
I absolutely LOVE your artwork and your music. I am so envious!! How long
has it taken you to be this amazing with your skills? And also you should
totally do like one of those piano tutorial things that shows the
composition for your music. That would be so amazing! I know it's a
personal song of yours but I'm sure several would love to be able to play
this...It's so gorgeous. I'm extremely jealous of your talent. Keep up the
wonderful work! And please draw more of your favorite League champions? :)
+Sora TheExplorer I do work on paintings on and off, most of the time it's not because I am taking breaks, but because I have a lot of other things I need to do that takes priority
I saw you set your canvas to 6000x9000, what resolution do you regularly
Also, your music was great. I banged out some solid line work while
listening to it. Do you offer downloads or sell it anywhere?
+Stephanie B I leave the initial amount at whatever it happens to be! sometimes i'd open a piece i have and it would be like 200x300 inches large at 72 dpi haha
+shilinTV I know it's only really relevant to printing, which is why I was wondering what you set yours to. It sounds like you only bother with it when you actually go to print, and let it resize itself when you change the dpi in the image size. Also, it does make you put in a value of some kind for resolution when you set up your canvas so I was curious what you put the initial amount as.
+Stephanie B dpi is irrelevant unless you are talking about printing, in which case the same 6kx9k canvas prints at around 200dpi for a 24x36" poster and around 500 dpi for a 11x17" poster. dpi has no impact when only talking about digital terms
Hah mam statyw do kamery :D więc miodzio ! A gdy jeszcze nie miałem kamery
to używałem komórki którą przyklejałem do lampki tak żeby nagrywała z góry
:D( tylko jak wiadomo dużo bawienia było przy tym - przyklejanie taśmą itp,
samo ułożenie komy zajmowało czasami więcej czasu niż samo rysowanie xD i
jakość 480p wiec szalu nie było) dlatego kupiłem sobie kamerę + mały statyw
:P - teraz ułożenie "sprzętu" trwa 5s a nie 10 minut heh no i jakości HD
;p. 3maj się wszystkiego dobrego w Nowym Roku 2013
Eh.. easy guys :)... Ylaziel why do you say that it ruins the video? I
think this songs is good @,@ ...But remember this is SPEED DRAWING.hmm...so
give me your songs that would match into the movie :) Have a nice day and
thx your opinion :)
Wow.. nice, but u started directly from the hair without using any
guidelines or stuff which is kinda. hmmm.. not cool for a how to draw vids
:D cuz not every one have sharingan to imitate ur hand :\
oo to trudne pytanie :D po prostu wpisuje w google. I rysuje to mi wpadnie
w oko. Czasem sobie łącze 2 różne rysunki w jeden mój czasem dodaje coś od
siebie (wyobraźnia) :D
to ja i moje genialne pomysły trzymałabym ręką XD Ślicznie rysujesz : OO
Gratuluję talentu ^^
Dzięki za miłe słowa :D. Teraz trenuje painting (kolorowanie), myślę ze
przed nowym rokiem wystartuje z nowym projektem DA. :P (więcej rysowania ,
więcej tutoriali) :P
Witam, wlasnie tym teraz sie zajmuję. Nowy projekt tutoriali krok po kroku
wystartuje szybciej niz zakladalem - jak wszystko pójdzie dobrze to w
połowie listopada :-)
dwie op postacie ^^ Super wyszło :) Jak rysowalem to tez zazwyczaj
wpisywałem w google i łączyłem postacie rózne z anime , można sie duzo
nauczyc wtedy :P
I would have no problem with the music if it wouldn't have been mixed like
this. You can use more tracks but make a good transition, not chaotic like
this :)
Vayu, what is the name of that sickly heavenly beat? :D You really partied
it well with the drawing, which also I'm in love with. I'm glad I decided
to come back and see your things again.
+kittycosmos if youre referring to the music in this video, its ethereal form DJ Sona (just to clarify)
Drawing DJ Sona - League of Legends
DJ Sona my favorite Sona skin xD. It's incomplete cuz I screwed up while I was inking it T^T Like and Subscribe for more videos :D Music: DJ Sona Ultimate ...
Sketch That - Kinetic DJ Sona ( Hand Drawn)
Character and Song: PROPERTY of RIOT GAMES I know I did Sona already, but the absolutely LOVE the new Sona Skin, so I wanted to draw her this way.
Arcade Hecarim and Sona skins - speed painting
feel free too HIT THAT SUB BUTTON UP and thumbs up ^^ People forget that this IS speed painting, it takes me at least two three weeks to finish an oil painting, ...