//transportevolved.com/ Volkswagen's first entry into the modern electric car market is the e-Up!. Based on their city Up platform, the e-Up! is a fully electric ...
Electric / hybrid technology and battery technology continues to improve
every year......
The first/second generation of the Iphone was really cool too but the next
generations were much better...........
The next generation of electric/hybrid cars, batteries and charging
stations will all improve the owners experience.
How fast you drive, the outside temperature and what accessories you use
like heat and AC all impact the battery range.
Totally agree with you on the price. Looks an awesome car but it's way way
too expensive.
The E-UP is similar in spec to my partners HIGH UP. She paid £10300 for
Ok take away the engine/gearbox/exhaust/clutch. Etc etc and take a wild
stab in the dark that these components cost £2000.
So the "shell" effectively for an E-UP should be around the £8000. But
their asking £24000???
So what your saying Volkswagen is that the EV drivetrain and your smaller
18kwh battery costs £16000?
Come on Volkswagen your taking the mickey.
As Nikki says if they sold the car for £15000 they will sell like hotcakes!
+Transport Evolved Future Car News Just curious, what about the home charging efficiency from, say, a standard220 V, 3 kW socket (for example, the Zoe is notoriously very inefficient in that) ?And does the car have the heat pump for heating/cooling? What about its behavior in colder climates ?
+Transport Evolved Electric Car News I agree, but the incentive is 25% of the cost of the car upto a maximum of £5000.Even if they priced the car at £20,000, this would mean that the buyer would still have the full £5000 incentive making the OTR price £15,000.Correct me if I'm wrong?https://www.gov.uk/plug-in-car-van-grants/overview
Okay. We think there's an article in this. The price of the e-Up is less Volkswagen's fault and more public incentives. IN order to be eligible for the full £5,000 UK government grant, the car has to be above a certain price. Without the grant, we'd not be surprised if the car was less...
You let yourselves get carried away. You remark the ridiculous price but
then you completely whitewash it in your minds. The base ICE Up costs
8.2k£, the E-Up costs 24.2k£. 3 times as much. 18.7kWh of LGchem cells cost
2500£ including VAT. How does that become 24.000.
That's embarrassingly sheepish, guys. VW is the declared enemy. The long
established enemy of EVs. The pinnacle of corporate douchebaggery. And you
do the EV cause a huge disservice by applauding their evil.
And don't call it a city car. It's a small car, it does fine at long
distance with fast charge. Have some intellectual independence.
And no it most certainly doesn't blow the Zoe away. It has a smaller
battery and it's a much smaller car than the Zoe and they cost about the
The E-UP would be an acceptable first try from VW IF AND ONLY IF the price
was half. As it stands, because of the price, it is a 1/10. The price of
obviously an insult.
I know you are not comfortable being in conflict with society's authorities
but that's what you have to be if you want to be right when they are evil
and mindless and they most certainly are. You might be offended by me
telling you the truth like that but that would just be a further mistake.
Dan, We're going to ask you to tone things down a little again. Thanks.
Tesla's Little Secret
If you want to comment go here //www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_49757&feature=iv&src_vid=o7NdxnjetSw&v=acuc9ARNtfc Create ...
Consumer Responses to Electric Vehicles
(April 14, 2010) Tom Turrentine, Director of UC Davis's Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Research Center, discusses recent anthropological research on changes ...
This lecture should be corrected to : .... (((American))) ..... Consumer
Responses to Electric Vehicles ,this as American may be very different to
other nations .This due to differing national journey time / distance /
needs / reliability.. v v you can use another car if the electric one is
not charged-ready / perception / income / whole life cycle cost issues and
acceptance to this v v lease or buy / socio economic/ the acceptance or not
to Climate Change etc
@noggin100 Agreed ... I AM American ... we can rarely all respond the same
way about ANYTHING .... so I agree with you 100% that our view should not
be treated as a "majority" or used to make ANY decisions for the rest of
the world!
Good, I like that you share this video, I wish success always discusses
recent anthropological research on changes in consumer behavior in response
to the recent rapidly growing and changing alternative-fuel
Your Video Is Very Useful Sharing discusses recent anthropological research
on changes in consumer behavior in response to the recent rapidly growing
and changing alternative-fuel vehicle market
A new invention by Italian researchers could provide a significant boost in the performance and efficiency of electric cars. The ILHYPOS supercapacitor can ...
im sure you'll build it yourself. I made it 2 weeks ago thanks to inplix
Forefront Research in Batteries for Electric Vehicles - Stephen Harris
APS March Meeting 2013 Session R0: Kavli Foundation Special Session: Forefront Physics for Real World Problems: Energy, Climate, and the Environment.
20150107 BBC Intverview with POD's Simon Dorris on Electric Cars
On 7th January the BBC's Sally Bundock interviewed Simon Dorris of POD Research on the impact on electric car sales of the falling oil price and the outlook for ...
The Ohio State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: Team Buckeye Current
Many of our Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) undergraduate and graduate students not only excel in the classroom, they use that knowledge to mark ...
Expanding earth my ass
Why are so many people willing to believe a nutty 19th century idea over 50 years of solid and growing evidence for plate tectonics? Because scientists are ...
What baffles me the most, is that *why* do the creationists/flat
earthers/geocentrists/what-have-you even pretend try to explain anything
scientifically or with natural laws. Most of them are subscribers of a
certain religion, so they could always invoke the "God did it" explanation,
and they wouldn't be inconsistent in doing so.
Hello, friends, this is for Neal.
Guess he'd love that. Was quite upset by the Moon's origin impact theory.
He may rest easier now, here's more evidence for a HEAD ON impact like the
one I suggested, not a glancing blow.
Everybody have a nice day, folks.
+Clemente de la Cuadra What does not fit the facts is that the Moon has one identity, it is not a conglomerate of 2 or 3 whatever your fancy is. The only way to save face is to say, they melded together instantaneously, which does not make any sense whatsoever. If I crash one egg against a pumpkin, no matter how much velocity the egg has the pumpkin and egg can be identified because in this case the egg is only 10% of the Pumpkin. For science to say that they melded instantaneously is not proven, it is suggested, based on the findings. What physical study shows this idea to be true, its hypothesis, based on the findings that both Earth and the Moon are identical. I say the lid popped off the idea of a Planet the size of Mars striking Earth to form the Moon, its the last nail in the coffin and you act like its just the opposite, go figure
+michael delaney Michael, Michael, volcanoes do not blow up mountain tops. Volcanoes FORM the mountains with ejecta. At least, the mountains you are mentioning. These ventings are local and the amount of ejecta compared to the total size of the Planet is minuscule. Like a zit in your face. When a zit goes poof, you are not BLOWING, man. Well, at least I don't. Maybe your zits are bigger than your face.About a hollow Planet imploding, that is exactly what I am telling you. Internal pressure is due to gravity. Gravity is what made the Planet accrete, in the first place. It is impossible for a Planet to expand without increase of mass. Total mass.The reason why the Moon is only 1% of the total of Earth mass ?. Take a look at the models. This is not something I am inventing. I am only telling you what has been found to fit with the state of the art observations and calculations. Consider that Mars is only 10% of Earth mass. Consider how much mass would have been just throw away at escape velocity, never to return. Consider energy; the Moon is quite high on Earth's gravitational field, and most of that impact energy got radiated to space, anyway. I will say it hangs together quite well, models or no models. It is you model which does not fit facts, not the astronomer's.Have a nice day, Delaney.
+Clemente de la Cuadra Planets are not balloons, otherwise they would explode but they do become pressurized otherwise the planet would not vent granite by blowing the caps of mountain tops. Besides, if a planet the size of Mars hit Earth, how come it only displaced 1% of Earths mass?
+michael delaney Good night, Michael. There is no such thing as a "balloon Earth". The internal pressure is caused by gravity, man. By the weight of the crust, mantle, etc. You tried to claim this before and the reply is the same. And a space rock is called a moon because it orbits a Planet, which is another space rock mound, only bigger. A protoplanet does not orbit another, but the Sun. You are trying to somehow confuse the issue of a protoplanet colliding with another at the beginning of the Solar System formation. As I see it, it was a megagigantic impact, which vaporized literally the silica mantle, then coalesced in orbit and later accreted forming the Moon. What iron was on both protoplanets went straight down to the core. All this is logical and hangs together. A Planet "spewing" a Moon does not. Energy does not add up.About the Earth orbit being circular, why should it not be ?. If formed by accretion, it is what one would expect. Not perfect, and it isn't, because of many factors. Heck, it could be it was elliptic and the impact made it circular. Could, could ....
+Clemente de la Cuadra What else can be said if there is just ONE identification, they MUST claim that both planets coalesced on contact in order for there to be ONE I.D. It however, can be as I say, Earth was under that right conditions when it was struck and mantle material had been building similar to the Tharsis Bulge on Mars.
+Clemente de la Cuadra There is also the possibility that the collision just ruptured Earths mantle at a time where it was under pressure and Earth belched a portion of the mantle. Possibly something as small as a Moon like Phobos crashing down on Earth at the right time. If the moon and earth are alike it is also quite possible that there was no such collision, at least not one that compromised Earth as would be the case with a Mars sized planet striking the planet, why is Earths orbit almost circular?
+closeharlan TRUE,...But such a candidate MUST have shown, in his life an application of LEARNED qualities of a broad and inclusive nature, to the solution to problems outside his perceived areas of expertise.. Not just for Art and Writing,.. but for Invention, Creating new concepts, and applying them to a broad spectrum of endeavors, a NATURE that helps the common herd to advance all around him,...and takes on every fight for advancement, and through dint of RESEARCH and not speaking until the argument is already won,...WINS over and over and over again! A person to whom limits are struck down by MORE EDUCATION in related fields, once discovering that "SPECIALIZATION" is the BANE of real "BIG" discovery. A person, who values Family,.. and Work,..and Health equally, so that NONE suffers for the sake of the others. BUT,.. and at the base and for this project uniquely. we need an artist who sees the problem and is willing to study all the sciences to solve it,.. but who is also skilled enough to actually SEE how the continental plates fully and completely FIT PERFECTLY together on a smaller globe by simply pushing them together in straight lines till they all meet. Such a skilled Artisan would KNOW the impossibility for this to be UNLESS these particular pieces were actually TOGETHER, ONCE, 200 Million Year Ago and the impossibility for any other deviation for this exact configuration to exist and have a SPHERE, would be UNTHINKABLE!,....And, in MY CASE "SHOW IT" with cutting edge technology! Have you noted that NO ONE IN THE WORLD, including BIG COMPANIES has produced such a perfect animated globe for the defense of ANY THEORY, all the time that this animation has been presented,...TEN YEARS???
+nealadamsdotcom Indeed. It is possible to be brilliant in more than one field. Leonardo Da Vinci is an excellent example of this. An even better example might be Thomas Jefferson. He was a genius when it cam to writing, designing and architecture. He was a complete dunderhead when it came to finance, however. At least personal finance. The man died extremely in debt. So sure, a person can be brilliant in many subjects if they apply their abilities in the same way in multiple fields. But it's an awfully big "if."
+closeharlan Your problem is this: If a person is "BRILLIANT" in one area, how can he NOT, if he applies the same rigorus standards, be JUST AS BRILLIANT??????