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Gang stalked at work

This is a prime example of work place gang or group stalking. A situation when a number of people will gang up on an individual an harass them through out the ...

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I wrote a Blog about Hiller in her Honor-and the Sad thing about this is how the Fire Department is Involved in these expeditions Hiller was being sprayed at Work and at Home-being Sprayed is a Organized Stalking Tactic-That fact is all over the Internet-and I know the fire department WAS Notified about her being sprayed and the Police were as well-they just let this ride out until THEY Snapped her-Google Remote Behavioral Influencing Techknowlogy and VOICE MORPHING then Remote Neural Monitoring
Gun Control-I dont own one and wont touch one but what people have to understand is that gangStalking is Desighned for MULTIPLE crimminal Aspirations and these programs are desighned to stroke the Motivation-Gun Control out in this Case see Crime statistics are brought before Law makers-as a Result laws are passed the more incidents of mass Shooting and then we have all of the Other Crime Concerning Guns then these manuvered sceams to to cultivate retaliation-the host of these crimes CRIMMINALS
I write the Thruth to Expose the REAL Crimminals the Police the Fire Deapratment the NEWS Stations david larson discussed how News Stations and Crews are told what and How to Cooperate in thses expeditions to conceal the Thruth and to spread Propaganda-Just Like the Quaid's in hollywoodTheir Doin the SAME Exact thing to Leslie Williams in San Diego CA Its organized Crime in the System at EVERY level The Sad thing about this is even alot of the Gangstalkers they use are being controlled as well
It is perfectly legal for corporations do destroy entire countries, it is entirely legal for supervisors to harrass, it is entirely legal for employers to surveill with cameras, it is entirely legal for greedy suits to destroy all that is good, fuck them! Not promoting violence, but remember when henry ford had ss style guys beat men to death with baseball bats because they were standing up for the workers, I hate lazy liars in suits. Senator Prescott Bush, Nazi war profiteer, would have been p
For the longest time I followed the lead of other Targeted Individuals... "To educate the public about gang-stalking and about organized hate crimes"... Only to find out... that a large portion of the public are part of all this. Participate in the harassment and entrapment... or become a target yourself. There was an instance in California. A single Deputy from the Riverside Sheriff Department made disappear the whole army of stalkers... See my new video, San Jacinto Gang Task Force Targeted.
@Snapshotok2000 In a "perfect world", that might be the case, but, unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that ALL levels of Law Enforcement (and military) ARE DEEPLY INVOLVED and EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE for the ongoing surveillance, stalking, electronic harassment, etc. There are VERY few (if any at all) who have not become totally dedicated to helping ruin the lives of TI's. They include our friends, family, and neighbors as well as complete strangers. Trust me, I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE, too...
Again Google "A GangStalking Tech everything you need to know" A Manifesto of a Manager of organized GangStalking-It doesnt tell the Whole tale but it can be used as a Template of Reference-I waant fellow Americans to Understand Leslie WIlliams RISKS her life exposing these crimes for everyones SAKE EVERYONE Balck White Asian Persian ETC... because God created us all with one innate integrity Freedom of MIND-Neural Enslavment Remote Neural Monitoring-Google and You Tube it _Peace Always-Shalom
I am a long time targeted Individual (worked at a cannabis club, do I need say more), and I can tell you that a person who is being gaslit (search "Gaslighting") would most likely respond this way if the perps had access to the shooters psychological profile. It looks like that is the case. I think this looks very "Gang Stalking" related, and it is sad all around. The perps are also victims in every case. It's Pawn vs. Pawn. The real masterminds of "Gang Stalking" are never held accountable!
@gangstalking Hi! She didn't made a 911 call. Someone spotted her re-entering the building with a gun an called. I know what she said about how she a harassed was true. I went threw the same thing. And I know some of her co-workers were begging for what happened to them. Both she and them are both responsible. Even now the perps try news things and more lies to try embarrass in public. But I found out my perps are actual rapist, thieves, and drug dealers, We don't want what's waiting 4 them
@Snapshotok2000 That is EXACTLY what they are trying to achieve- A "violent outburst" from the TI- then, they will have an excuse to call the police and have her/him arrested. It's all very simplistic, actually...that is why it is ALWAYS wise to carry a recording device w/you @ all times (to help you document "who" does "what", and "when/where/how it transpires"). There is an entire NATIONAL NETWORK in operation consisting of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of these COWARDS (set up work in shifts...
@momeesan All of us, " T.I's ", must keep our cool and hold fast to our faith in our HEAVENLY FATHER. Right now they're telling everyone that i'm a spy for the police among other things. And yes, on several occasions tried to set me up to get arrested. In my case, I know there are a few bad police officers, fireman and one person in the D.A.'s office helping the stalkers. This corruption doesn't appear mainstream. I do believe our police departments are trying to weed out the bad-seeds.
Check out my 2 films about concealed messages used in German films after ww2. The reason was not only to secretly pass on information the allies may not understand. A major point was the creation of a feeling of us ( the Germans knowing ) against the others ( the allies having won the war, but not being able to understand the secret German system to distribute orders and organize a new type of resistance, using secret murder to let disappear anyone not collaborating with the state ).
Understand this and be Clear david Lawsaon Repeadley Mentions that Even member of TV Crews are brought on Board in GangStalking Expeditions because many Things happen in GangStalking Expeditions targets are CONSTANTLEY Provoked and Corporate media is LITERALLY LITERALLY influnced by the Governement and Corporation to Conceal the Thruth-The American Public has NO IDEA what is Goin on because of how thisngs like this are Delibertaley Portaryed Notice the theme about the Gun at the End
Eh, i don't see GS in this clip. U have 1 person's accusations, and the clip doesn't discuss them in detail, so i don't think this is a good example of GS. For better samples, check out the utube uploader "Imagesfromapoet" her video on gang stalking... i keep commenting, and i got plenty of disinfo agents on said video trying to throw me off. If u care, u can check out my own GS situation on google groups alt.private.investigator and alt.security.neighborhood...good luck...
@Snapshotok2000 yes, i got mobbed at a BarnesandNoble 1 time. i see GS does follow 2 workplace. I knew a TI in Utah, Shawnee Plant was her name. When her toilet clogged up at home, the next day she went 2 work in her office sat a plunger on her desk. The TI in video claimed her workers used powder against her. This makes me curious, but it seems a bit jumping gun 2 call this GS. U can check out my own situation on Google group alt.private.investigator...good luck...
They always forget to say that the death toll could have been zero if she was not a Gang Stalking target. They create the scenario's and when the targets snap they call them monsters, but a society that could do these things to innocent people are the true monsters. I would love to hear her 9/11 call, as far as I can tell it was never released.
@MrJoshuaCopeland This is just one phase of GS. It is called work place mobbing. One or more person(s) will start a campaigne to make the target look bad. Savotose, gossip, spreading lies and gaslighting are use agaunst the target 24/7. People are positioned to wait for and follow the target in order to harass he or she where ever they go.
@Snapshotok2000 i remeber a TI i knew in Utah, Shawnee Plant. At home her toilet got stopped up, and the next day she got 2 work and there was a plunger on her desk. This is a govt op, ala CIA and NSA. I've been into many arguemnts w/disinfo who claim this is a freemasonry op, or rightwingmilitia op, or even alien...good luck...
BE A F L I G H T A T T E N D A N T and go w/ all those hunky airline pilots! drive yr stalker nuts! classes are online which you can attend, increasing yr chances of being hired. my stalker followed me, but i met a senior captain>: ) bye fat tub of shit
@momeesan Trust me, I know ! I always thought it strange. What kind of outcome were they expecting. It seemed as if they wanted me to go off on them. There's something strange about the whole situation. Something very, very evil going on. Peace !

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