I don't mind me a full bodied woman as long as she carries it well. I would
rather that than have an Ally McBeal anytime. That being said, if you want
to improve your physique, there is no substitute, absolutely no substitute
for hard work and eating healthy. You have to put in time on the track, on
the road in the gym, in the dance studio... Then eat healthy - you can't do
nyam chom and alcohol every single weekend and expect to look like Kerry
Washington (my crush!).
And this is why I say women are the most spoilt people in society yet they
complain more than children. Just look at how so many of them die trying to
look beautiful. Men aren't that stupid and have better things to do with
their time. I've even heard some of them claim that men enslave them that
women are some kinda oppressed group in society. But all one has to do is
look at the things they prioritize in their lives
Lmfaoooo your not supposed to use plastic wrap there is actually a tight
bamboo laced wrap you buy that will actually work better and keeps the
blood moving and the client comfortable and are used in specialized spas
here in the states. This woman using plastic wrap is dangerous i bet she
learned how to do this from watching a youtube video...
In East African culture it has always been the voluptuous woman who has
been preferred, really in all of African culture. This new preference for
skinny women is only a further sign of being whitewashed, basically just
wanting to be like white people, skin lightening and all of that kind of
stuff, also hair weeves
and what ingredients r in those chemicals that melt fat? sorry from my
medical background never heard of any weight loss creams!! if only people
wud be educated on non pharmacological measures / eat healthy , exercise /
!gym onstead of paying for some future cancer....
My dears this thing is not a long time solution.You need to exercise so
that you build muscles.Muscles burn more calories and are much leaner than
fat.No pain ,no gain that is the bitter truth(cardio,weight
training...).Exercise is just an everyday thing like eating.
this is very dangerous. What it essentially does is that the stomach's
internal organs are being displaced due to the constriction of the plastic
wrap. Essentially being pushed up into the diaphragm.You don´t lose fat
that way. it only displaces your organs.
We are Africans. We like the tummies, we like the love handles, we like
those saddlebags. This woman is just a quack feasting on insecurities of
women. We do not conform to the Western World's version of a beautiful
woman in the reality of Kenya...
wow super cool dude. dont waste time guys , rush to this site and get ur
ipad3 or iphone as per ur choice. just listen for now, give ur delivery
addr with phone number to make sure you get it. rush it here ->
CRAAAAAAP nothing comes easily...Whey doesn't she offer healthy eating
options and fitness. Simply go to a training centre near you, register and
get that blood pumping..Open your eyes guys this is just a paid
advertisement piece.
Just get rid of the nyama choma and fire the mboch. Do your own housework
and you'll burn all that fat off. Wacheni beer burgers and fries and you'll
be good. Focus on being healthy instead of looking good and you'll be ok.
5000? What an absolute scam. No doctor would ever back this. These people
prey on the insecurities and low self esteem of women, and steal their hard
earned money. There's no shortcut to losing fat.
pay 5000ksh for loosing like 2 inches on my tummy? o-O?? why cant i just
pay for a personal gym trainer... that way i'll be healthy and still look
good!! this method is stupid!!
Whats wrong with these pipos . Be adviced short cuts have consiquencies n
anyways u look as good as u feel n ugly as you think no body give a hoot so
all that is cat shit
Have you ever heard of someone ordinary burning fat--and enjoying 3 full
scrumptious meals at the same time? Just Go and Google Fat Blast Factor to
discover more.
If people were to only eat what their body required then non of these
business would be there. But in our society, greed is good and self denial
is frowned upon.
This almost-magical weight losing method loses fat faster than any powders,
pills, or potions. Just go And Google Fat Blast Blueprint to find out more.
very interesting... but are there any side effects.. you know all those
chemicals burning the fat
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