Photoshop cs3 jar Videos

Jar Of Hearts Art by Kairi13Lawliet

User Comments
@Kairi13Lawliet your welcome :) lol. btw i'm still up turns out mom is getting her car tmrw morning so i can come over to hangout for a little bit [ sorry to comment this on your video xD i'll text you tmrw baibai 8D ]
Well i do have a tablet its just i dont use it 100% of the time :] the art studio just requires you to have a tablet^^
Gabchan did a really good job on this :D I saw it on deviantart as well xD. Good job gabchan, bansai omedeto 8D!
Aww thank you :3 :o dont worry i did most of this with a mouse xD only some was tablet^^
Haaha thanks keichan :]

Jar of Hearts | by fiNNy

Edit by : // Frags by eNjiz0 : // fiNNy ...

User Comments
@bryantkaldor I'm so glad you can act like a tough ass on the internet when in reality you're probably just some overweight 10 year old eating fat and carbs and drinking Hi-Fructose Corn Syrup in gallons. By the way, I'd love to see you act like this in real life. You'd get you're fucking world knocked upside down.
@TheGamersTutorial I swear if there was a way that I could, I would reccomend you, or whoever edits these, to make the commercials and ads for all of the videos games from now on. This was so in synch, elegant, jesus christ this deserves a nomination for something, or atleast get reccomendation from E3
See, i dont normally like CoD, but i get stuff like this in my sub box, im so happy because i love how high quality these montages are. its not even the skill of the kills, its the elegance of the blood music fusion.
@DarknessLight77 That's the same way I feel man.. I love these kinda chill edits.. With good synching and stuff. Cheers for awesome players that can do this. Especially WhySoJoe :P
@SinisteRevolver 1. That was extremely hypocritical. 2. I don't know what a "tough ass" is. Doesn't really mad sense. 3. Why are you getting so angry over an observation?
@x1MaTRiX1 When are trolls going to realize that clicking on videos just to dislike them and leave hate just because they want attention is just a waste of time...
i love it so much that im are the guy who inspired me to start editing you are the guy who is like my god because of your edits....
@TheGamersTutorial Thanks, and again this is great, it has a certain elegant beauty to it and i applaud the creator. Blood is Elegance i always say.
Amazing gameplay, edit and song choice. Probably my favourite mini edit on here. Especially from an unknown gamer, well done 'fiNNy'!
@SinisteRevolver can you tell me, how is this a troll comment, and i watched the video and liked it so how come im a troll hu?
The muffling of the song didn't go too well, just picked random parts to muffle it :\ got annoying but the editing was good.
I swear If I could make a Montage this good I would have to be Chuck Norris. Great Fucking Work ~Torq Slippy
@SinisteRevolver Mad bro? You mad? You seem mad. Are you mad? Tell me you're mad. Are you? Mad?
@SinisteRevolver "Yessir I am." I'm so glad that you can act like a black man in the 1940's.
conrats with your 3000st view :) very nice man i think i watched this vid like 30 times
@bryantkaldor Yessir I am. This YouTube community is shit. Especially people like you.

Photoshop Basico: Aprende a Dibujar Tu Skin de Minecraft "Facil"

Muy Buenas Chicos Bienvenidos a mi Primer Video Espero Ayudarlos y Cualquier duda solo dejenmelo en los comentarios Gracias :'D ✓ Link de el Skin ...

User Comments
amigo tengo un problema cuando pongo el nombre de mi skip de ves de aparecer el mio sale otro skip que ago ?
asi como lo oyes :´(
._. khe? xD
ya lo hice pero me salia que la imagen era demaciado grande asi que le puse en editar y lo cambie a 64 y 32 pero hay me salio pero mal colocada :O
Si tienes tu skin descargado, abajo de donde se pone el nombre del skin premium, dice examinar, le das, buscas tu skin, luego en aceptar y listo
¿Sirve en PhotoShop CS6?
le doy contornear trazado y no me sale nada que hago
+ZufrexX Crafter pss nada
Amigo porfavor ayuda no me deja contornear trazado
+antony gamer si vez que nosotros no podemos hacer uno para nosotros
alguien me hace uno
+Fer Gamer ya lo cambie y ni asi
a ok lo intentare
+TRAKSGAMER- noob-of-PvP Tienen Que Cambiar El Color A Negro
+TRAKSGAMER- noob-of-PvP a mi igual
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