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Android browser and webview Videos

Android: WebView | Createing Simple Web browser

User Comments

very useful tutorial for webview...
Thank you.

31 WebView ile Browser Uygulaması Android Eğitim Seti

31 - WebView ile Browser Uygulaması - Android Eğitim Seti - emrealtunbilek.com

Android uygulama geliştirme eğitim seti //emrealtunbilek.com Eğitimler Udemy.com sitesine taşınmıştır ...

WebView navigation methods in Android

This Video help to how web browser work and also can costume navigate in android application.

Bangla Android Tutorial 14: Create a simple Web browser in android studio

WebView Tutorial by android studio If You have any Question just knock me at Facebook . Fb id: https://www.facebook.com/sunny.sultan.37.

Handling External Links in WebView

When developing an hybrid application for the android platform and the web view displays links the user can press, whenever a link is clicked the default ...

HTC One won't let you type in a WebView's Text fields!

Split Browser uses Android WebViews to display webpages and we recently discovered HTC One won't let you type in text fields in a WebView! This is an ...

User Comments

I am also seeing that the HTC One is unable to type into the fields contained in a WebView. What wasthe resolution for this issue?
Hi, I had to remove the override for the onCheckIsTextEditor() function inside my WebView and let HTC do its work. Hope it helps.
same here
Loser :P

Chromer Android App - In app Google Chrome Review and Tutorial

Chromer allows you to use chrome custom tabs on your phone without requiring app developers to implement it manually. By doing so, you get a lighter, faster ...
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