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Inside China's Stock Market Collapse
July 8 -- Morgan Stanley Investment Management's Ruchi Sharma discusses the bubble in the Chinese stock market. He speaks on “Market Makers.
This is GREAT NEWS for EVERY OTHER COUNTRY that is not CHINA, when
companies decided to DUMP European and American workers, and then went to
china, while still trying to sell to the now unemployed Americans and
Europeans, IT'S FULL CIRCLE BABY! We can only hope it collapses, it will
just bring jobs home.
+Pete Kiryluk This is what happens when Americans and Europeans can't afford stuff because the jobs that provided that manufacturing base went to what "profit sharing speculators and board of directors call" "Far EAST". I love it! Take that rigged market down! Hell we might actually stop global warming,lol. Since no demand means less coal, and CHEAP FUEL.
+The Flexitarian Hermit it leads to bigger bubbles, the smartest thing china can do now is to freeze the market and let things settle for a few months. Then enact some laws to regulate trading so people stop investing like lemings.
Oh and let me be clear, I have no problems with Chinese people. I feel for
the Chinese citizens and what there going through. I'm honestly perplexed
with all the stealing they do. Chinese Americans are EXTREMELY intelligent
and creative people. They also tend to be pillars of there community's. The
ones in China I'm not so sure about. Maybe if they ditched Communism and
let the people think and be creative this would all go away.
So are you for or against the Chinese government? No one is saying Capitalism is perfect, it's far from it, but ill take America any day over China. I'm not aware of any other country on earth that limits how many children a family can have. The ruling party calls themselves Communist!
You have to wonder if the fact that damn near the ENTIRE world HATES China
right now. 1. They've been manipulating there currency for years now. 2.
They hardly invent or innovate ANYTHING. 3. They've been blatantly stealing
EVERYTHING that isn't nailed down. 4. They've had several manufacturing
issues with people/pets getting sick or dying. 5. They've literally got an
environmental disaster of EPIC proportions on there hands. It's been
reported that smog is so bad it's impeding photosynthesis. There's major
concerns with there water supply. Lung cancer rates are skyrocketing. They
have cancer villages! 6. Less and less tourists are visiting
China...because breathing is important to most people. I wouldn't go to
China even if someone offered to pay me to go. 7. Us Americans are getting
bombarded every night on the evening news about China waging a Cyber War on
America. The U.S. Military has invented a new word. Hybrid War or
something. 8. They're destroying the ecosystem in the South China Sea for
artificial islands that many question as to if will even survive the first
monsoon or typhoon. 9. They've threatened to start a nuclear war if the
U.S. doesn't stop interfering. I'm by no means an expert but I have to
wonder if any of these things or the combination of all has to do with
there dire situation. There's an old expression that says "Don shit where
you eat." China is literally buried in shit now and they better come up
with a plan fast or there seriously screwed...
You honestly believe the U.S. government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks? For what purpose? George W. Bush was a moron that thought Iraq would be an easy victory. He probably thought that the bullshit intelligence was legitimate. The man can hardly put two words together that makes any sense. Ill give him the benefit of the doubt.
+Michael Justice So when are you going to talk about the US government orchestrating the 9/11 attacks and then using that as the motive to invade Afghanistan and Iraq but only to not have found any weapons of mass destruction. 15 years later there are now more terrorists not to mention ISIS formed to avenge Suddam which the US indirectly helped to rise to power. Have you also not forgotten the sub-prime mortgage caused by the capitalists in America and the unaccounted $700 billion the US government gave to the Gold Man Sachs.
03.13.2015: Stock Market kept artificially high by Central banks and Stock buybacks
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