I got my brown vest cincher from prettygirlcurves.com and the black one on the wish app. If you search corset waist trainer you should find it for about $18. get ...
+Mommy Minute well on the wish app I know the sizes aren't in numbers, well at least not the one I'm ordering , they have sizes like small medium large XL etc.
Its ok we r all adjusting, having to say 2015 instead of 2014 lol that's
always everyone's first resolution. Anywho love the video, glad ur back.
Keep up the work out routines and let us know how its going from time to
+BeautybyGenecia I love this video! Great tips on DIY workouts at home! I
have such a hard time with keeping up with daily routines and eating
healthy. But I really do need to! Thanks for this video! I will be
downloading PumpUp really soon! I want to try the FitTea too! Do they have
+Lacey Johnson so happy you enjoyed this video. I had the same exact problem with eating healthy and having a routine. But if you set little goals everyday it helps prepare you.
Wish Package Review: The Corset!
This shit's tight! Get it? Cuz it's a corset...? I'm sorry.
Origami Corset / Bodice Instructions
Learn how to make a pretty origami corset, bodice or swimsuit from a single sheet of paper. ⬇OPEN ME ⬇ This is a cute origami bodice which could be part of a ...
yes please do one for android! I am so excited for this app, I love your
workouts. Of course it wont be a blogilates app without the videos, even if
they are just linked to you tube it would be good. Also to make it a great
app, you should have a calender as others suggested, but with a meal
planner as well. I noticed yesterday that you also have some recipes, maybe
those videos or "recipe cards" can be inserted into the calender/meal
planner. It would also be helpful to have vids in categories.
Have shops that you love to shop at, post food hauls, post favorite
workouts, links , alarm link to time how long you workout everyday,
playlist if workout songs for you to listen to, listen to other workout
playlists, and tons of other stuff! Eep I love designing things (: maybe be
able to gain points for every healthy meal you complete, and when you earn
enough you can join a blogilates fan club or something and get free things
each month! Have cool little deigns like when you finish a (cont.)
Updates that give you a motivational quote, track your diet, show your
tumblr, workout videos. Printouts. Shop, be able to keep a workout journal
, keep it private or read others, have a chat section where you can chat
with others around your age about diets and workouts, have a profile where
you can post progress/ any kind of pictures, our own profile for things
like that, sort of like a social network (Instagram, twitter) for popsters
and fans or just people who love to workout and eat healthy
Forgot to mention I would like some motivational sentence of the day on the
headline when the app loads to keep us going on and doing the workout and
also lots of tips for working out correctly, nutritionist terminology
dictionary on app with examples such as carbs and what foods are carbs,
proteins what foods have proteins etc. Tips for comfortable working out
gear that we could easily buy in stores and in your store but thst will
make girls who are not skinny look good in workout clothes:)
Yay I love your work outs. One feature that I would like the app not to
have is links to your YouTube video as the work out. That's really annoying
when you are in the gym and you have to have Wii Fi or have fast foward to
the certain excersize. It would be best if there was a work out and a
demonstration of the move along with a meal or recipe of the day. Like puts
work out or oust workout. or the beat meals for rest days. Can't wait till
this app happens. The links can be an extra feature.
I think it'd be awesome if the app included a Callender where it reminds
you day by day on what the meal you're supposed to be eating is AND the
workouts for that day instead of having to look it up online and email.
Also little clips on some amazing workouts you can do during your busy day
but also include little pictures or something like that showing ppl what
that workout is targeting on the body. And a must have is your recipes!!
Love you Casey! Sydney C.
A workout, you get a little thumbs up or a maybe every time you finish a
workout you add a muscle to like a cartoon body and once you finish getting
all the main muscles you get a prize! Hahaha I know you can't dd all of
that but I hope you see these, even if it is from someone else stealing it,
I don't care if I get the shirt or not, I just hope you can see all these
ideas and love them! I really wish no one would steal them tho :p okay,
train on!!
Hi again Cassey! I think it would be really great if you could add a food
diary option to your app! Maybe so that we could put all our meals in
picture form (like instagram!), but have the option to share w/ other
members so that we could motivate each other (: I think it would also be
great if we could see the pictures that we uploaded on the blog, instead of
scrolling down to look for it! But I really love the app (: Thanks so much
an android app also if there was a section that tracked what you have eaten
during the day maybe through tracking the amount of food put into each
meal, like the amount of oil/salt etc. as every homemade meal varies so if
you can tailor it to what you've eaten specifically. Also as there are many
different types of food globally it would help when some one is eaten a
food that not normally found listed on other fitness apps.
the exercises on the app could tell you what each exercise/routine is
really good for (although it has an impact on all of your body the specific
area that particular routine has more of an impact on). You could split the
exercises into categories. But also have like a set routine for the week
for those who just want to follow that instead. Also like others have said
something that motivates you to keep exercising.
A notepad/journal area to reflect our workout or perhaps a chart where we
can enter how many say push-ups we do & for how long etc. only to motivate
us more into seeing more improvement each time. It'll be great to simply
have a note/journal/chart type thing within the app for easier hauling.
Great app! Love love love it Cassey! You're truly all around amazing! I was
extremely excited for the recipes tab! :)
For android app (since I havent seen the iphone app) I would like an
estimate of how much calories each workout burns, also connect the app with
Facebook and invite friends to get the app and be able to comment on each
others progess etc. Please keep in mind that I have not used the iphone app
since I dont own one so If those features already exist then thats great
you should make one for android too! and include how much calories to
consume a day depending on weight and height, and then you can put in what
you ate or what workout u did that day that includes how many calories
gained or how many you lost. and maybe an inspirational quote, workout and
healthy recipe of the day :)
CALENDER OF WORKPOUTS AS WELL... Like the one on your site (and a checklist
so we can tick the ones we've done . If you're going to put pictures and
the name of the moves only (to make the app smaller) please have links to
the move on a video tutorial for begineers (like me hehe)! Thanks for
making an app for us !
A list of the best foods to order when eating out that won't mess us weight
loss goals. Ny fiance and I have been on a health journey these past few
months and have lost alot of weight but we do like to eat out. But all we
eat is sushi now cause we dont want to go overboard lol
Maybe by adding a part in which you would give away pieces of advice about
how to lose weight, how to try to stay strong and keep up with your
workouts, like a written "Ask Cassey" ^^ that would be great to add this to
your application (which is awesome by the way )
I think this app would be great for android phones as well because now they
too are competing and on the same level of popularity as iphones. Also it
would be great to have your monthly calendars straight onto the app to make
a better reminder to do them :D
Can there be a little billboard of notifications when you workout so we can
all workout together worldwide? :D -Which food to avoid in order to stay
fit -Most asked Q's (and answers c: ) And of course more healthy and yummy
The app should have a timer :) to count how long we have left on a position
or rep, (or a rep counter) . Food log thing with the calories sheet of the
food recipe available (if there are any)
REMINDERS on food, activities, etc!!! Cause we all can be a little
forgetful. The reminder should have a little motivational quote to push a
little more, too.
@shereefa hasnah good idea oh blogilates can the app include easy recipes
and have it tell us how long will it take to keep fit when we do a certain
You ridiculous, obese, ugly madman! Don't you realize how ludicrous that
looks on a man, especially a FAT man with big gross tits? You are a
disgusting display of British excess. The whole fucking world is either
laughing or gagging at your appearance!