Today I broke a molar tooth with a large filling while eating a bagel. I thought I could get to my dentist to have the razor sharp edges ground off. I called his office ...
What day that was!,,,I now have a new permanent crown on that tooth which
I'll be paying for on the, "easy payment plan" since I don't have a dental
plan other than my wallet! It took over two weeks for my very sore, cut up
tongue to heal up.
Did you have a shot of "Doc" Holliday's private label Whiskey before
starting this project? Your Flashlight holder assistant should have been
irrigating with a water pistol. For some reason I feel like eating an apple
The InvisiBlend Shear is very unique in that it doesn't create any straight, hard lines in the hair. On this shear, the teeth have a sharp convex edge while the blunt ...