Why Durianrider Promotes Eating UNLIMITED Calories from Carbs
To learn more about durianrider, subscribe to his YouTube channel: //www.youtube.com/user/durianriders Harley Johnstone aka "Durianrider" on why he ...
One thing is eating unlimited calories and another thing is not limiting
yourself. If you eat whole plant based foods until you are satisfied, you
are still spontaneously limiting yourself. If the point is to show that you
dont have to be starving to thrive and lose weight, then they should be
more specific, because confusing between unlimited and not artificially
limiting yourself would lead some people to think that they can, or even
should, stuff themselves.
But as of yet, no one on a high carb, low-fat vegan lifestyle has explained
how a person can lose weight eating unlimited carb calories. I understand
why you wouldn't GAIN weight, but how would you LOSE weight? Would someone
please explain the science behind this? Don't you still have to create a
calorie deficit somewhere in order to lose weight?
Does he mean total energy consumed per day? If so, that's fine. If he means
net carbs, he's wrong. Anyone who takes the time to plug their data into
CRON-o-meter will see the true of this. Also, he is obviously an ectomorph
and likely has a high metabolism rate, so he can do it. So, he generalizes
himself to everyone else.
3000 calories is for athletes. These guys do not mention that you must burn
those calories. If you eat 3000 calories of anything and you don't burn it
off, you will gain weight. Thumbs down on the video.