Interior Finishes Begin | The Cambridge House, Episode 13 (2005)
Landscape contractor Roger Cook shows host Kevin O'Connor how he's installing a pre-fabricated pitched structural foam trench drain at the entrance to the ...
That computer center is horrible. It looks like a pile of garbage from a
fast-food place: here's the milkshake cup, there's a burger box, over there
a discarded fries container.
This is an update on the plumbing. It took me 3 full days and 5 evenings to complete this job. I ran in to many obsticles. The hardest part was getting the tubing ...
Thanks Maiden. Well let's say that when I am finished with all the upgrades
I will have just under what it can be sold for on the high end of it's
value. These rigs sell in the price range of $10,000.00 to $15,000.00,
depending upon the upgrades. We really don't plan on selling for a long
time. I will be retiring in just under 5 years and we are going to go full
time in the GMC. I hope to have it all finished by that time.
Yes, we will probably have to redo everything over time as the coach is
fairly original. Luckily my other half found the leak pretty quickly (it
was under the stove) and the system seems to be holding pressure for now.
The coach spent most of its life in Nevada so excessive heat making
everything brittle has been our biggest problem, rather than issues from
winterizing (or lack of)!
Good luck with your project. As you saw in the vid, I had to totally
replace it all. The main reason for that was the leaking plumbing going
from the bathroom to the kitchen sink. The leak was found afer many hours
of repairing the leaks I found first. It's up to you but I would suggest a
total replumb. Then you know what you have.
I am loving your series! If you don't mind me asking, how much did you
purchase this for? Also, what kind of overall cost did you encounter? Thank
you so much.