Video of what I eat in a day on my Mini Mary Diet! The Mini Mary Diet (MMD) is an offshoot of McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss Program. The MMD further ...
Dr John McDougall's Asian Dijon Salad Dressing Recipe by CookingWithPlants
Welcome to the CookingWithPlants youtube channel. Here is how to make Dr John McDougall's (Starch Solution) Asian Dijon Salad Dressing. It's very quick to ...
I have all of Dr. John and Mary McDougall's cookbooks. I have made this and
it is very tasty. Let me ask....Do you have any easy to make Asian or Asian
fusion recipes? (with easy to find ingredients) It is interesting watching
the products that are available to you in your country. I am in the Dallas,
Texas area, and am able to find most of the ingredients (not brands) of
what are in your videos.
Thanks for your feedback. I have a curry sauce and a fried rice recipe which are great. I'll also be doing some more Asian style recipes soon. Stay tuned :-)
Kurzes Update und Ankündigung McDougall Challenge! :D
Ein kurzes Update über die Neuigkeiten der letzten Woche und eine Ankündigung: Ich möchte eine 30-Tage McDougall Challenge beginnen! The New ...
Vielen Dank :) Ja, es sind so viele tolle, einfache Rezepte drin. Und im Moment hab ich einfach das Gefühl, ich komm nicht so richtig voran mit Obst und Stärke etwas durcheinander. Morgens mach ich mir zwar noch meinen Smoothie, aber den Rest des Tages ist es etwas chaotisch :D
Tolle Idee ! Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß und Erfolg bei der Challenge !:)
Und die 811 Challenge kann glaube ich noch warten, denn für Neulinge ist
die ein bisschen zu krass erst recht in Deutschland(außer vlt. immer
Sommer), finde ich !
Vielen Dank :D 80/10/10 ist nicht unbedingt krass... Aber wenn ich mir vorstelle was für eine geile Früchtequalität man von Orkos bekommt.... Es ist einfach auch eine Geldfrage, das leugnet ja auch keiner, der 80/10/10 macht. Siehe Durianrider, der gibt ja in manchen Wochen über $ 1000 für Obst aus und dennoch greift er dann noch auf Cornflakes etc zurück. Ich liebe mein Obst :) Aber ich möchte einfach mal McDougall ausprobieren, ich finde den Mann so toll.
Cool vielen Dank, das wäre noch ein Kompromiss. Ich muss auch mal schauen ob ich so ein Abseihtuch bekomme, da habe ich noch ein interessantes Rezept für Hafermilch gefunden. Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden :)
Vor Weihnachten war ich bei 110 kg, bin dann im neuen Jahr auf 114 kg hoch, dort war ich bis diese Woche, bin jetzt wieder bei so 113 kg. In diesem Video sehe ich ziemlich dick aus, aber ich glaube das liegt an dem XXXL Pullover, den ich anhabe :) Am Montag mach ich wieder Nackedei-Bilder, dann gibts die ungeschönte Wahrheit.
Gratuliere zur der guten Weiterbildung :) Die McDougall Challenge ist
sicher realistischer als eine von Atilla Hildmann, da du bei der
ausreichend mit Energie versorgt wirst und keine "Superfoods" kaufen
brauchst die schwer erhältlich und teuer sind. Viel Erfolg damit!
Ich ess derzeit auch so einen Mix, ich bau so viel Obst wie ich schaffe in
meinen Tagesplan und der Rest ist dann cooked vegan high carb (und Grünzeug
wie Salat, wobei es mir da echt schwer fällt das runterzukriegen :/), so
schafft man auch die 80-10-10
Ich bin ja so aufgeregt auf das Projekt! ^-^Ich habe auch vor ein paar Wochen meine Kalorien endlich erhöht und bin endlich dabei (fast) täglich Sport zu machen, fühlt sich definitiv besser an :)+Going801010 - Mein Umstieg auf High Carb
Das ist genau das was ich daran klasse finde, dass man so viel essen kann wie man will. McDougall schreibt, dass man lieber den Sport erhöhen soll als die Kalorien zu reduzieren. Diäten mit Kalorienreduzierung bezeichnet er auch als Semi-Starvation. Und die meisten Zutaten sind richtig günstig! :D Ich denke ich werde mir einen 10kg Sack Naturreis besorgen, Kartoffeln habe ich noch ordentlich da :D Bin schon voll in der Planung.
+13c11a is that with caffeine? I went off coffee and caffeine and had heachaches for 3 weeks along with hunger and lethargy. Other than going cold turkey there is a pop called Zevia now with the natural stevia plant and no artificial sweeteners or colours.
My biggest question would be the amount of fruit that his website
recommends. This is taken directly from his free McDougall program. Fruits
– because they are high in simple sugars – should generally be limited to 3
servings a day as they’re tasty and easy to over-consume. Why only three? I
do not see a lot of people if any following the starch solution only eating
3 servings of fruit. Maybe it's because I haven't read his book yet (I'm
getting to it), but I personally eat fruit much more then that. Thanks so
much! And please thank him on behalf of all of us!
I don't really like brown rice, but if I add sushi vinegar, I do enjoy it.
Is sushi vinegar a healthy option?
And why are dates and (dried) figs not allowed on the starch solution?
Thank you!
+Efthimia18 it's a starch based diet so figs/dried fruit add a lot of calories which inhibits weight loss. Many people are concerned with him limiting fruit and dates, etc so I will bring this up.
There is always this question "Where do you get your protein?" and being a
vegan I know that it is quite a stupid question. But, recently I
remembered the thing about protein that I learned in Nutrition Class in
high school. It was that there is complete and incomplete protein, and that
humans need complete protein to function better. But, most of the plants
contain incomplete one... so my question basically is Does it matter if get
complete or incomplete protein? Thanks!
Yekaterina: If you eat a "complete" protein, such as the muscle tissue of an animal, your body is going to need to tear that material down into its component amino acids, first, in order to make use of it. When you are eating so-called "incomplete" protein, you are still eating a whole variety of amino acids (which your body has no problem digesting and using). There are amino acids in every single thing that has ever been alive, plant or animal. Amino acids are in every single food! This "incomplete" vs. "complete" thing is so misleading. I've also heard it called "high-quality protein" vs. "low-quality protein" (usually by people who eat meat). Misleading. Misleading. Misleading. Getting all the amino acids you need is a very simple thing. (And, we don't need much! I believe you are actually more likely to suffer negative health issues from eating too much protein, rather than from too little.) You would have to be eating an incredibly poor diet (like eating nothing but candy), or literally starving yourself, in order to have a problem from a lack of protein. If you are eating enough calories to sustain your life, and if you are getting those calories from a variety of whole plant foods, there is zero chance you are not getting plenty of all the amino acids (protein) you need to be healthy.
I really enjoy your videos. I started McDougall about 18 months ago after
reading The Starch Solution. I don't know about you, but I am SO SICK of
hearing that starch makes you fat, and that you need a ton of protein in
order to build muscle. My experience has been the exact inverse of that.
Wow! An interview with Dr. McDougall? I am excited for you Will! I can't
think of a better spokesperson than you. You have truly worked the plan
with amazing results. Looking forward to watching. Go Potato Strong!
+Andrea GetYourHealthyPraiseOn Thanks Andrea! I'm discovering that it is a good resource referral to non vegans who are looking for a healthier way too :)
Love that there are more vegan cookbooks out there, so cool! I agree I find
a lot of vegan cookbooks with vegan butter and fats and all that. I'm
learning how to substitute plus I'm super lazy and don't have the patience
for a bunch of ingredients lol love keeping it simple
Love the new glasses! I really need new ones but it'll have to wait. Glad u
are doing well on SS. I'm still struggling with too much fat. It's so hard
to give up! Haha
+Team Broccoli I like your glasses :) I wanted red ones but they didn't have that color so I went with the Teal/blue. The vegan fats are hard to step back from. I really struggled the first week or so to ignore them but I think I'm through that part now and really like the absence of them.
You always look so cute in your workout clothes! The birthdays killed me
this past month, too! I had the same experience where "just every now and
then" turned into everyday. Then, I was thinking that since I was so
low-fat at home with fruits and no-fat starch, that my daily meal out would
"even out" to 80-10-10. No it doesn't! I've put on a few pounds. I'm hoping
it's mostly water, because prepared meals always have more salt, too.
+Shaunnanagins I hear you! Thank you :) I figure if I am dressed for workout, I have more of a chance of walking right into the opportunity to exercise and not have to 'get ready' to do it, it has really helped. Also, it helps to stay cool during the hot flashes lol!