medical assistants | Hourly to Salary | Top Careers in Demand | Most fun jobs | Salary
// business brian mahoney career Hi I'm Brian S. Mahoney of Brian S. Mahoney Online dot com. Thank you for watching.
Medical Assistant Salary Per Hour
// The Medical Assistant Salary Per Hour has been furnished on the following web site along with a university finder.
Nursing Jobs : How Much Do RNs Make on Average?
On average, RNs make between $21.79 and $29.99 per hour, depending on how long they have been employed. Find out how the pay scale for RNs changes ...
@MissDJ That's absolutely true. Many people graduate and never get a job,
and move on to other things. It's not a guaranteed path to a stable career.
Nothing is anymore. If you do go to RN school, DO NOT quit your old job-
you may regret it. Also consider what you are giving up in exchange for
nursing school because you may graduate and find yourself with no job at
all like many of us in 2010. 9 months out and hundreds of apps- not one job
interview and that goes for many of us grads.
In Saskatchewan, Canada, RN's in the SK Union of Nurses make $34.25 -
$44.46 (CDN$ for 2012). This is similar accross the western provinces such
as Alberta and British Columbia. In SK, if you are willing to work,
full-time is easily found in rural and northern areas.
This is confusing, and disappointing. You always hear that there's a
shortage of nursing, and that they're in demand. Then you hear that new
graduates can't find work because those with experience are preferred.
I graduated from phlebotomy school 8 months ago , and am ASPT certified.
Please note * ALL hospitals, as well as labs and clinics require 2 1/2 yrs
or 1500 hrs. of experience , and your class externship does NOT count
toward that! It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get hired because of this
reason!! None of my class mates have gotten hired either! You are
misrepresenting this career when you leave this fact out!! How do people
get hired when no one gives a chance I asked response was I don't know.