Great video, as always! Oh and I only recently found out that you shaved
your head, which is crazy because I did the same thing just days after you
did yours.
Hi! What products do you recomend for a girl who bleaches her hair? i'v
been bleaching my hair for a year-two now, and it doesnt really fall out or
have slpit end, and it still feels silky most of the time.(before i did it,
it was very thick, greasy & wavy. when it was clean ppl said i had barbie
hair, but it would get greasy EVERY night, anyways, now when i get it wet
it feels sticky & stretches and only breaks when wet. what do you recomend?
im 16 so preferbly things I can buy in a store thnx!
Hallo! :D Ich find deine Videos, ja immer toll. :) Dein Shampoo ist
allerdings nicht wirklich nett zu deinen Haaren. Da sind 2 stoffe drin, die
STARK allergieauslösend und eiweißverändernd sind.. Außerdem stehen diese
beiden Inhaltsstoffe unter dem Verdacht krebserregend zu sein. Ich will dir
da nicht reinreden, aber ich fand, dass du das wissen solltest :)
@zeldahopper - you need to get some energy into your hair root & strengthen
your hair shaft. Furterer does a line called "Tonucia" with regenerating
plant extracts - look into that. I am the wrong person to ask on hair
growth supplements but I heard (emphasis on heard) that pre natal vitamins
help growth. good luck!
@gmillhouse heard good things - but havent tried it since i lived in north
africa 10 yrs ag!. argan (or moroccan oil) is super trendy right now. from
what ive heard/read it does more or less the same thing as shea butter.
both are kernel extracts from a tree.
Thanks for all of your tips, especially about using the Gliss kur spray,
love that stuff! I have been using Banana Shampoo and conditioner from The
Body Shop, really good stuff and not that expensive. Have your tried it?
Thanks again :)
@mistameener I was trained on phyto products back in '97 & became a
phytojoba fan back then. furterer I've been using for 2 years & fekkai for
6 years. However,its only been over this last year that I've used them all
I love that you're so real! It's really inspiring because I have trouble
finding genuine gurus here on YouTube that are naturally gorgeous and
classy and who are such a joy to watch and learn from. Thank you! :)
@MissPinkDollz have you talked to your doctor about this? if no, I would
book an appointment right away to discuss with a medical professional b/c
lots of hair loss is not good. let me know, bhb
Your hair is so lovely. And your throw-away comments make me lol so much:
"The packaging is nothing to write home about." I hope you get the
@lizzycify nein. aber das erste shampoo enthält krebserregende stoffe.
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Appunto. Con un make up semplicissimo, lenti a contatto e parrucca ha fatto. La bellezza è proprio nella semplicità!A volte non pensiamo nemmeno alle cose semplici
Allora dillo che vuoi proprio farti amare ( anche se devo dire in che in
questi anni la tua bravura, simpatia e i tuoi splendidi bimbi avevano già
ampliamente fatto avvenire ciò ) interpretano una delle mie supereroine
preferite ^-^
Giuly sei straordinariamente meravigliosa ★.★
Un abbraccio ♥
PS. finale tipicamente tuo ahahahhahhaha i love it ;) :D