Levia® provides Personal Targeted Phototherapy™ for the self-treatment of small area plaque psoriasis. This new, safe and effective treatment is directed by a ...
Guérir du psoriasis - Dr John O.A. Pagano
Une méthode naturelle et une invitation à parcourir le chemin permettant de « se soigner soi-même » le psoriasis. Ce livre (les extraits sont disponibles sur ...
HA COOL oui je me doute que c'est dur surtout que j'aime mangé et boire lol et ca fait 8 mois que j'ai du psoriasis (première de ma vie) et j'avoue que ca casse le moral et le mal etre s'installe :s mais est tu obligé de faire ce régime a vie ? ou temporairement c'est a 3 a5 mois ?
+Sebastien Senthamarai c'est pas facile a suivre comme régime mais oui ca marche vraiment. en fait le dr a vraiment trouvé l origine de se probleme qui est foie et instestins qui ne font plus leur travail. alors les toxines sont évacué par la peau et nous cause ses lésions. pas mal plus logique que ce que nos dr nous disent ici (c est loin d'etre irréditaire)j'en ai eu confirmation quand j'ai eu le malheurr de prendre de la pénicéline pour un micro mal de gorge. bref mon sporéasys est guéri a 90% depuis se regime de vie et je suis convaincu qu'il le serait a 100% si je ne trichais pas a l'occasion ;)
La méthode du Dr Pagano marche du tonnerre ! J'ai souffert d'un pso il y a
trois ans pour la première fois. Ma toubib a appliqué la méthode du Dr
Pagano à la lettre et tout a disparu en moins de trois mois.
Le régime est assez contraignant, mais une fois que les intestins sont bien
nettoyés, vous pouvez recommencer à manger à peu près normalement, mais une
cure à base de plantes est nécessaire une fois par an pour éviter de rendre
à nouveau l'intestin perméable.
Le pso se guérit très bien, ce n'est pas une malédiction !
Psoriasis Diet ► The Right Diet For Treating Psoriasis
Click Here ▻ //psoriasiscure9.com/ Psoriasis, a very chronic disease. It mainly affects the body skin. In this condition the old dead skin cells are unable to get ...
Usually, psoriasis indications first appear between the ages of 15 and 25,
but can evolve in patients of any age. Fortunately there many treatment
options receivable and some of the best call upon nature’s pharmaceutics
As underlying cells reach the skin's surface and die, their sheer volume
causes raised, red plaques covered with white scales. If you want to
accumulate the information about psoriasis you need to see this video.
If you have psoriasis, your skin cells grow faster than normal. If you want
to right diet and right treatment of this disease you should go for the
natural cure.
A healthy diet can really help to treat psoriasis so if you want to
accumulate the information about psoriasis diet then you can consider to
watch this video.
Psoriasis Diet Diary Week Nine
As of 2015 please note I do not endorse any other diet or plan than an alkalising, high carb vegan diet with appropriate water consumption. I also take next to no ...
+mom2alexnjax Hi, the only allergies I have are hayfever and cats. Allergies just like psoriasis have been linked to poor gut health too which I find interesting. I should find a cat to sniff to test this theory out!
+mom2alexnjax UK is generally all over the place for weather. Currently we have got very wet mild weather for this time of winter. When we get cold snaps, that's when my skin becomes very dry. We do have an icy blast heading our way again, possibly bringing snow with it. Spring is normally quite pleasant, and summer varies between scorching and dry, to miserable and wet. Autumn in recent years has been strangely warm and sunny. So lots for the psoriasis sufferer to contend with! I imagine a desert environment causes havoc with skin hydration.
Psoriasis Diet Diary Week Two
As of 2015 please note I do not endorse any other diet or plan than anhigh carb vegan diet with appropriate water consumption. I also take next to no ...
+gata gata No fruit at this point, a big mistake looking back. Don't be afraid of fruit, the fibre cancels out any effect the sugar will have and they provide so many vitamins and minerals. Also very hydrating. I wish I had eaten lots of fruit from the start.
+David Moss Currently I don't use any, but I used acidophillus back at this stage. As high a strength as you can afford. Kefir is also good as well to make with non dairy milks.
Hi Jon, me again. Your psoriasis is almost identical to mine, which I got
at the age of 36 after the lining of GI tract was taken away by non
steroidal anti inflammatories followed by several rounds of broad spectrum
anti biotic. Before I saw your video I started doing my own, but I fell off
the wagon and have just started again. The flare is pretty bad and I have
small spots everywhere (like guttate) some of which get larger then join
into other ones. It then becomes plaque like and depending on what I eat
can make it go a lighter pink, so im hopeful.
I'll be posting up my progress. I think perhaps an even quicker way to heal
it is to fast for 2 days in every 7, giving digestion a complete break.
I came across this cream on amazon (USA) which looks to have amazing
ingredients for psoriasis. Have a look, and tell me what you think. I found
just about every type of moisturizer aggravated it badly, even chlorinated
water. So instead I just used a little coconut oil in the bath. Having just
come across this ill give it a go.
+Damon Hirschl Cool it would be great to hear how you are getting on. That cream looks like it has some good stuff in it so it certainly won't do any harm. You will find as you heal you will need less and less moisturisation. All I use now is coconut oil in the bath like you. It's liberating not having to slather myself with stuff several times a day.
At week two it was not, but it is now. I'm following a high fruit plant based diet now and have seen very good effects so far. I changed diets about week 9/10 I think. :-)
I have eczema on my hands, and it has been with me just shy of two years
(though I've had it on and off for about 15).
Have you looked into the link between your auto-immune issue and candida
overgrowth? I'm currently doing candida diet combined with eczema diet.
It's only my first week, but itchiness has already gone away.
Yes that's exactly what I've been doing, although just recently I've been thinking about leaky gut syndrome too. Sounds like you have found your healing path very quickly! Well done
OriferaShoppe.com - Coconut Oil Helps with Rashes, Psoriasis and Eczema by Dr Bruce Fife
//www.OriferaShoppe.com - Natural Supplements and Nutrition Video source courtesy of iHealthTube.com 1) Olive Leaf Extract 500ml: - Contains ...
Psoriasis Diet Diary Week Seven
As of 2015 please note I do not endorse any other diet or plan than an alkalising, high carb vegan diet with appropriate water consumption. I also take next to no ...
Totally cured my psoriasis with diet. You've given up totally the wrong
things. The things you need to give up are meat, dairy, eggs (go vegan
basically) and nightshade vegetables.
I hear you, I don't trust the world any more. People who give the truth via youtube or other media are worth their weight in gold. I think the tide is changing though and people are starting to switch on to diet being the root of all evil. Thanks for your input, all theories welcome. Yes I love that clean sheets feeling too haha.
What actually angers me more is you'll read no reference to diet really on Wikipedia where most people go to read up about it first. There must be so many people that tried to change it but because no "scientific study" has been done they refuse to change it. The problem is that to do a "scientific study" you'd need 100s of people to make this massive dietary commitment and most people lack willpower.No I don't think it is dust mites. But it's like when you put a clean t-shirt on. That soothing feeling. I think that has something to do with the healing process. Just a theory. Maybe it's just about controlling the minor infections.
I agree it makes doctors seem very untrustworthy. My dermatologist was openly agitated by me refusing treatment and going down the natural path. They must know it works, too many people like you say have healed themselves. I've got an appointment due in May for no other reason than to go and prove it to them. I can't say I've ever given my bedding a second thought in relation to my skin. They're changed frequently in my home but your theory may have something to do with dust mites perhaps? I heard a horrible fact that after a few years a third of our pillows weight is dust mite faeces. Not sure how true that fact is, I hope it's not!
Yes, it really is a miraculous thing. I had huge plaques over areas like my knees and scalp. My doctors were talking about Methotrexate too and for me that was the final straw. That's when I went vegan and dropped the nightshades, etc.To be honest this will always make me weary of doctors, because they were very dismissive of the diet thing. I hear so many stories of this diet change totally clearing psoriasis that it must be well beyond the burden of proof now!Presumably we're the primary market for topical steroids........Oh btw, do you find clean sheets were important? I found clean sheets soothed psoriasis once it was down the healing path. So I changed them almost constantly.
Already read your comment on my week 21 video, but yes totally agree with you vegan works. The difference between my latest videos and this one is amazing.
You look exactly as I did when I had my first flare up 15 years ago. I
still have psoriasis but I just found out that it's gut related. Have you
tried cooking Bone broth? Keep up the good fight! Cheers
+Joel Wallin That's so strange! I only just heard of bone broth this morning via a link that another subscriber sent me. Does look very beneficial, I'll look up a few recipes. Thank you for getting in touch.
Psoriasis Treatment ► How To Cure Psoriasis ► Natural Psoriasis Treatment
Click Here ▻ //psoriasiscure9.com/ Welcome to my channel, here in this channel we are discuss everything about psoriasis. And today we are discussing ...
Usually, psoriasis indications first appear between the ages of 15 and 25,
but can evolve in patients of any age. Fortunately there many treatment
options receivable and some of the best call upon nature’s pharmaceutics
If you have been using medicin related treatment then, believe me, you are
not going to be cured. Natural therapy is the only source that can cure
Psoriasis is one of the most prevalent autoimmune disorders in the United
States, affecting an estimated seven million Americans and 125 million