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Wie oft aquarium filter wechseln Videos

Cleaning and maintenance: Fluval 106, 206, 306, 406 canister filter

Cleaning and maintenance: Fluval 106, 206, 306, 406 canister filter https://www.facebook.com/EverydayAquaristBlog Fluval 106, 206, 306, 406 external ...

User Comments

Very helpful as I have recently got a 90ltr tank with a 106 filter unit and it is chuffing minging! I plan on replacing the hoses and attachments as well as renewing all the media. Any suggestions as to the media I should use for a simple cold water tank? Using tap safe solution and running the tank for at least a week before introducing fish. I have 2 baskets and the sponge holder thingy.
+Thomas James Just use the recommended media for that filter and you will be fine, however dont bother with carbon unless you want to
Do you think the ball at the end of the intake tube will keep opae shrimp from getting sucked in?
+Kelly Tynes - Peissner I have shrimp they are adults and jeuvenilles they dont get in it but they do sit on the intake as they like to catch the flow of particles.Only thing you will have to watch for is fry, they would get sucked in
+Everyday Aquarist Ok thanks!
+Kelly Peissner I doubt they will go near it
shouldnt the filter sponge and media be cleaned under tap because arent you building up bad bacteria by not cleaning them properly?.
+Blake Garvey Tap water would kill all bacteria good and bad and you would be stuck cycling again. Rinsing in the aquarium water is best.The filters oxygen and constant flow stops anerobic bacteria building up (bad bacteria) so its fine
+Blake Garvey Competition in this environment allows the Nitrifing bacteria to out compete pathological bacteria. The "cleaning" is done to ensure good flow, and has nothing to do with bacteria. If fact he does it correctly ensuring that he keeps his bacteria alive.
I'm a newbie to all of this & that was a nice easy vid to watch on the 206 without a load of ummmm's & errrr's like other vids that make them twice as long. well done. .
+Chris Thanks I try my best
Just got done cleaning my Fluval 306 after watching this and it helped a lot. The filter is now shite free, ty sir
+vsx1 Sweet
cheers mate.. very helpful :-)
+Dos Format No problem

Fluval 206 External filter review and unboxing

Fluval 206 External filter review and unboxing https://www.facebook.com/EverydayAquaristBlog Fluval is a well known and trusted brand. The Fluval 206 ...

User Comments

Would this be good for a 29 gallon tank with 2 fancy goldfish?
+yogosans14 I would think so
EA - I notice you have an open top tank. I suppose condensation is not too much of an issue but just wonder whether you have ever had any problems with jumping fish ? I ask because I have just set up an all glass tank (Clearseal) and am in two minds whether to enclose or not. I like the open top for plant growth as it adds another dimension but just worry I might lose the odd fish. Many years ago we noticed a Harlequin had gone AWOL and we later found it dried out and stuck to the inside of the glass top.
I have had the odd Jumper but just choose fish that don't scare easily. I do now have an African butterfly and a Senegal birchir in an open top and haven't lost them yet...
EA - Do you have any video's or recordings of the noise level of your 206 now it is up and running? I want to do a benchmark test. Many thanks. PS - Love the videos by the way.
+Everyday Aquarist Thanks for the quick response.
No sorry i don't, however it is virtually silent, i have it in my bedroom and cannot hear it running.
Thought about getting the 106 for a 70L tank, but 550 litres per hour didn't seem like quite enough, especially when it's full of media and the pipes are on. So I got the 206 as it's 780 litres per hour and that sounds a bit better, hopefully just about right. Having the extra media basket also appeals too. Saving it for Christmas so I am rather exited! Subscribed as well. You have good stuff and you're not completely crazy either!
+DeepFriedFuzzball Thanks, glad I'm not crazy
hi very interested in getting the fluval 206 I have a 60 litre tank I love keeping my water very clear do you think it's to big for my size thank
+john dow Not really too big but you could get the 106 if you wanted.
what size canister would you recommend for 30 gallon tank. in the 06 series
+darcy oliphant 206 will be fine if US gallons

JAC Mobiler Mattenfilter - Biologische Filterleistung für das Diskusaquarium

JAC bei //www.diskus-direkt.de Der Mobile Mattenfilter mit der neuen Lufthebetechnik, kurz JAC (Jonnys Air Concept) bringt einfach und effektiv biologische ...

User Comments

Hi ! Mir ist unklar wieso es eine so große Filtermatte ist wo doch der Wasserfluss wie es ausschaut nur von unten her ist. Meiner Meinung nach ist es doch so das bei jedem normalen Schwammfilter immer mehrere Löcher in einem Rohr sind wo eben das Wasser durchfliesen kann. Hier jedoch habe ich nur die Öffnung unten gesehen. Kann mir das mal einer erklären ? MfG Axel
hier mal grundlegende Infos zum Mattenfilter (HMF) an sich, dann sieht man schon was klarer :-) //www.deters-ing.de/Filtertechnik/Mattenfilter.htm aber warum noch zusätzlich zu irgendwelchen anderen Filtern, der Mattenfilter, entsprechend ausreichend dimensioniert, reicht völlig und grün wird der von alleine
Excellent filter!. Very similar to the filters of HMF ;)
I need the translated lol that's good work!!!
Wie oft Mus mal Mattenfilter austauschen ????
Good Work!

JBL ActionAir

JBL ActionAir Figuren -- nicht nur für Kinder Im Gegensatz zu vielen Erwachsenen starten Kinder ihre Begeisterung für Aquarien nicht immer mit interessanten ...

User Comments

Hallo Tassenfrakrs, hast du den Text unter dem Video gelesen. Das beantwortet deine Frage sehr gut. Man muss nicht alles gut finden oder mögen. Wenn es Leute jedoch zum Hobby bewegt, dann ist es ein gutes Mittel. Den Fischen schadet es nicht und sie freuen sich an der Struktur.
Yes, that's true. But maybe some interesting point for kids so they want an own tank. Everybody can choose if this deko is good for the tank. The fishes inside love structure. So it's only a thing you have to decide. Sometimes we have to accept other persons linking.
wer stellt sich denn sowas ins AQ???
Is not natural...

Garnelen füttern mal anders

Fütterung von Garnelen mit einer Salz/Pfeffer Mühle Man kann mehrere Futtersorten mixen sie so frisch zerkleinern und gut dosieren und es gibt kein Streit ums ...

User Comments

Hallo, welche Lampen verwendest Du zur Beleuchtung? Hast Du vielleicht ein paar Infos zu Deinem Setup? Das gefällt mir alles nämlich sehr gut ;-)
Hallo! Danke für diese tolle Füttermethode! Dein Becken gefällt mir sehr gut! Wie sind die Masse und Liter? gruss
nicht klug das futter sickert in den boden und fault !!
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