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Was ist tonic water Videos

Der Licht-Trick: Wenn Tonic Water plötzlich tiefblau strahlt

//focus.de/videos - Neonfarben sind der Hit auf jeder Party. Sogar Tonic Water und Rostkastanien besitzen die Eigenschaften, solches Licht mit hoher ...

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Was ist denn "Malaja"?

Tonic Water and Mentos in Blacklight

Main channel CrazyRussianHacker - //www.youtube.com/user/CrazyRussianHacker Slow Mo Lab - https://www.youtube.com/user/SlowMoLaboratory.

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I can't see anything
I think he lives in the USA because when you saw the vlog og Gilroy he never showed the airport or something to Russia and when the get to a restaurant all men wo work there speaking english you should watch the vlog of gilroy
Oh i know what u did I guessed it u ate your Mentos and then u emptyed out the Coke
Hey Taras, this black light you call isn't called Black Light, It's called UV light which stands for "Ultra Violet Light". So try saying UV light instead thanks!
+Nicoge Calas LoL
He said black light first and if you lactually listened he said uv light in there
you are racist, it's not black light, it's afro american light
It's called blacklight. Google it.
Oh i see what you did there ;P
Its called blacklight for normal people
Mr. Kul, you are very good at handling that camera at 0:18, turning it directly from yourself to the subject and back. Are you looking at a monitor someplace else in the garage that allows you to point the camera with such accuracy?
+Robert Goodman He probably uses a stick, most laptop cameras tend to be laggy
+icanotspel I just appreciate good work such as CRH's, and sometimes wonder how things are done.
Ok, why are you looking so much into this? Are you into photography/filming?
Oh, I get it, duh! Should've been obvious to me that the harder part is getting yourself framed nicely, which is probably achieved by just a little practice pointing the lens at yourself, and then videoing another subject is done thru the view finder. I'd been thinking in terms of the people who have their laptop on their arm.
No, he can just aim the lens at himself xd

28 Drinks Tonic Water Test

28 Drinks Tonic Water Test Eine 28 Drinks Dose hatte sich noch unten im Kühlschrank versteckt, jetzt wurde sie gefunden und ist fällig. Letzte verbliebende ...

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Schmeckt echt scheiße

Tonic Water - Mime In His Cage

Uey ! Das erste Lied auf meinem Kanal, das mal kein Cover ist ! :D Das Lied heißt Mime In His Cage und ist von unsrer Band Tonic Water. Ich hoffe, dass es ...

User Comments

nein aber ohne scheiss das ist so geil das lied ich hör das au oft *_____* ps ich mach auch kraaas werbung :)
jo gail :D aber wer singt nachm sole mit dir nachm solo ?? :0 ^^
chitzofren oda waas ?!? HAupTscHuLää
Ich sing mit mir selbst :DD
Thumbs up! 
Muss ja :D

What Is Tonic Water? / Bitter Lemon Drink

In today's WTF, Daniel Delaney learns about the age-old elixir, tonic water, and uses it to make a non-alcoholic cocktail, bitter lemon. Today's sponsor is Stage ...

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@anewonn Really weird, right? This is the third time it's happened to me... I was researching papayas the week he did the papaya episode, THEN I ate sardines in Macau for the first time the day before the sardine episode, THEN I was out last night for my buddies birthday and we were having an argument about tonic and why it's called 'tonic' if it isn't medicine. LOL too funny. He's reading our minds.... DUN DUN DUUUUN
Also tonic water is normally best for when you have a minor upset stomach and you just need to burp, or drink ginger ale which my stomach was upset and burped it and felt better afterwards. And/or if you feel "fat" you could also use this drink to make you feel better and burp your "fatty" feeling away. It works for me a lot.
I love tonic water too. Every now and then I'll get a couple little glass bottles and sip one in the evening. Mmmm. Reminds me of days past, sitting on the back porch at my grandparents house in Louisiana, listening to the crickets and cicadas. ^_^
Tonic water has Quinine which is good for anxiety and stress. It works too. I always drink some before bed to relax me. They say..."Have a Gin & tonic, somrthing to calm your nerves." It's actually the Quinine that destresses you.
You dont get enough recognition here on youtube.All of your videos are creative and fun and most of them very affordable. Thank you for this (once again) amazing video. Take care you two!!
I like tonic water, but i absolutely HATE the aftertaste. the only reason i drink it is for the water. but i always have a cup of normal water nearby to wash down the after taste. :)
@tiffbott41 I agree. a WTF on simple syrup would be great. Just because its called simple doesnt mean everyone knows what it is and all you can do with it.
I wonder if tonic water might be a good choice for women to drink during menstruation, if it helps with cramps, I mean. Has anyone tried that?
Tonic water is my favourite fizzy drink, If they sold this in vendors theres no doubt I would opt to this than any other sugary fizzy drink
hhahah i was just drinking it the other day and was wondering why it was so tasty, then became so bitter.
Yes, and also when your eye is twitching, one sip of tonic water thanks to its quinine will stop it! :)
@Principalies Yea - I think if you keep drinking and drinking it stays sweet. Pause = bitter!!!
And wow that drink looke refreshing im gonna try this after I type this. =]
Those "cramps" are not actually cramps. It's the uterus lining shedding...
Info please: What are the high end tonic waters that just have quinine?
Id suggest you try it because my mom uses it just for that problem.
If you were to put tonic water into food would it still glow??
hey dan plz will u cover kool aid how the heck is it made wtf
@TigersPrettyBunny What a great picture! Nice memory to have.
@whoobonhooaglo Thanks a lot! Please tell your friends.
Yick. Never liked Tonic Water. I'll stick to seltzer.
this video is so old that the comments is messed up
@Thetom5000 Kool Aid!? - what do you need to know?
Is it me or does his mouth move an insane amount
@sillysnowflake Muahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!
@thePowerPlant Ah - that's a shame! I love it!
@hamev1001 Muahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!
that shit is nasty, made not with alcohol
@anewonn Muahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!
@Caniced Hah - ah yes, the soft drink.
@tiffbott41 Ah interesting request!
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