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White city movies Videos

Scorsese and DiCaprio Reuniting for 'The Devil in the White City'

On this clip from our weekly movie news podcast we discuss Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio re-teaming for 'The Devil in the White City' adaptation.

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I own Studio A.. Inc. Who wants to write The Oscar Wilde, a novel about a poor sap who has to do tricks dressed up in bondage gear for an Oscar that he already won.
That's right, you kiss that ass Hollywood boy.
Really, I thought the other guy Nicholas Cage was gonna play the serial killer? What are they talkin', "Spanky the Clown" and a bull whip? Who's drivin' this slave train? Granholm? It's a good thing he had that thong portfolio done, it's always good to be prepared.
+Krista A Martin It's not known yet who will join DiCaprio in this movie but it's rumored that he'll play the serial killer.

All Def Movies Awards Presented by Fusion

Join us on Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. ET as Fusion presents the first-ever All Def Movie Awards, which will celebrate diversity in motion picture entertainment. Hosted by ...

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I like this but everybody looks high as hell
Cause Snoop was there. Lol
Why Franklin Armstrong from Peanuts nominated?
+Shen Kai It don't even make since
+Malik Felder He should have won :(
great more shit to glorify blacks...I will care about the Oscar's being so white, when the NBA all star game isn't so black.
+Tiara Pugh my poeple?? I'm sorry but I'm a 3rd Gen immigrant so I've got nothing to do with the English slavery my people came here during the invasion of Czechslovakia and poland. so no I can't and won't relate. And this is America, not Africa America you fucking cry baby ass.
+Tiara Pugh lol No you dnt have those BECAUSE U HAVE EVERYTHING ELSE .. You dnt have a NAACP its for the ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE .. When has the "White Man" needed an ADVACEMENT ON ANYTHING .. theres a thing called white privelage that you have that pretty much covers you in any and everyt fuckin thing you do so spare me.. and lets stop pretending like my people werent just slave less than 151 yrs ago Dec. 6, 1865 to be exact not Jan. 1, 1863... we still have fmily members that were slaves or was around when it was happening (great grand parents or great great grand depending on their age) but of course were gunna sweep that under the rug like it still doesnt fuckin affect us today , just like a uneducated white person to try to less the blows of how white america hasnt given us fair chances in life or always shooting and killing my people just beacuse were fuckin black.. whens the last time u heard of some one of colored getting tasered.. ill tell u no time recently we've been fuckin shot IN THE BACK .. UN ARMED .. and fuckin framed but I guess your going to pretend like you dont see it happening every fuckin day on the news.. please spare ME the Bs. There are 77.35% whites in America and only 13.2% of blacks in the Usa and you wanna pretend White privilege doesnt exist? Your the fuckin Majority oh and As for Indians theres a measly 2% of both American indians and Alaskan natives most of which were killed off when your people ran them out.. Also from small pox and other dieases that they couldnt withstand .. but again like I said educate yourself before your try to come for me or and Black for that matter.. Good Day!
+Tiara Pugh atleast you have a fucking history month stop whining. you should feel fucking special for that. us whites don't have a entire month to celebrate our nationality, and how about the Native Americans that were hunted down like wild animals, slaughtered, took their land, raped their women killed their children. made SLAVES! you don't hear them crying like little babies about it. us whites don't have a NAACP bc that would be racist! or how about a Negros college fund program??? nope we don't have that either.. so fucking spare me about your poor black people, always trying to keep us down bullshit.
+ken martin so if u know they ALL WERE! U STILL SOUND JUST AS DUMB AS UR INITIAL STATEMENT... "MORE SHIT TO GLORIFY BLACKS" HUH WHEN WERE WE GLORIFIED EVER? They take the real outta text books in school.. they water down black history month .. like really what do we have?????
+Tiara Pugh fucking moron all American sports were invented by whites lmao. but blacks have overtaken the majority of American sports aside from hockey. and it will be a cold day in hell before that happens.
+ken martin lol really? look up the hostory of the nba it was majority white for majority of the time plz educate yourself b4 u decide to say something dumb..
Everyone should get a Oscar for participating even though they weren't the best. But that couldn't possibly be the issue, it's the color of skin right?
+Malikk Oliver It's ironic that the All Def Movie Awards theme was diversity yet all the winners were black... Talk about hypocrisy and contradiction!And yea the All Def Movie Awards nominated white actors only so they would not appear to be racist but the simple truth is only blacks were going to win from the second Russell Simmons created the award show out of spite that there were no black nominees in the oscars. It is so obvious and transparent... Anyways since when does two wrongs make a right? #BlackIgnorance. And if the Oscars were playing favorites why did it take Leonardo DiCaprio 6 nominations and all these years to finally win a Oscar? There's not enough ethnic diversity in the NBA. The NBA is racist right? Maybe it's because NBA teams pick players based on their skill/talent and not color of skin. You don't see whites playing the race card in regards to NBA diversity do you? Grow up black people...
yeah oscars are racist
why they mess it up with pimp award man who's idea was that???? smh
+tim johnson  Dam.... I can't stand how people are brainwashed to dislike PIMP's , same as Oscar's being  white. Those that judge don't matter and those that matter don't judge, word's to live by.
That shit was hilariously racist as hell at times. Can't wait to see the next one.
+ken martin
Not my forefathers turtle.
+ken martin
so racist jokes are acceptable if fucking black people say them?? you and others like you are what's wrong with our brainwashed #blacklivesmatter bullshit society. fuck double standards.

Nice White Lady

Parody on a bunch of feel-good teacher movies, but mainly Freedom Writers stands out. Hilarious.

User Comments

A parody of Hilary Clinton....
well said..unfortunately so many Black ppl are still looking for the "white savior"
a parody of the white saviour complex
this is golden
"With all due respect .. I'm a white lady, I can do anything" uhh ... the teacher's a bit racist ?
+Finozzi96So ... the joke is that the movie wants to make an international appeal by including all races being nice to each other but ultimately always choses a white person to sort of save the day for all the other races ...... lol thats an intelligent one .. great comedy ..
+88feji that's the joke
Dangerous Minds sucked! The 90s had some wack ass movies.
+ShannaCaine Even the woman that the film was based on hated Dangerous Minds.
What's with the inner city minorities?
+Yotto O. thank you. But I have always wondered why or how they ended up in the inner city? the central and probably the most elitist part of the city?
+Jiustas Brolickaitis - They usually have a ghetto culture, tons of bastard children who grow up without fathers, and they mock each other whenever one of them speaks and acts with intelligence and sophistication (accused of "acting white"). That's the problem with inner city minorities... If they would just band together to fix their ghetto culture, they could heal their communities and rise up as a people. But I doubt that will ever happen, sadly.
Because white people always have the best in mind for minorities right lol *extreme fucking sarcasm*
+Shy Li It's 'they're' superior.
I'm sorry if that's the way you really feel.
+Shawn Gates well minorities don't try to fuck over everyone just because they think their superior. Remember who's land you are really on. 
+Shy Li Just like minorities have the best in mind for whites.
I've always found it strange how Asians are included in this ghetto stereotype. Even in the ghetto other races will tell you they're not that bad, they just have their own ways of doing things there. Looking at the FBI's websites of violent crime statistics is also like this huge joke. Whites (of course being an overwhelming majority) commit most, blacks commit about 2/3s the number of whites despite being only a little over 10% of the population, and then there's the Asians. The whites and blacks are in the hundreds of thousands. There's like...1,000 Asians. LMAO!
+David McClelland you dont have to admit to being a racist, your comment spoke for itself. #blocked
+BriefcaseWanker Where did I say I was a white supremacist or racist? I love Mad TV, including the black and Asian American actors on here because they were dripping with intelligence and talent.  Just fuck right off....
+David McClelland oh look it's another white supremacist who brings up bullshit stats to justify racism
+BriefcaseWanker OMG it's the overreacting Wanker who acts like someone kicked him in the ass when they brought up race, like it's a BAD THING.  LOL  Come to think of it that's a little creepy.  Are you following me? 
+David McClelland can u shut the fuck up

Watch The Rise & Fall of a White Collar Hooligan Watch Movies Online Free

The Rise & Fall of a White Collar Hooligan.

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Cool movie.
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