hope you like it...:) if you want another video just tell me! espero q les guste, si kieren algun otro video solo diganme :) ingles español o español ingles :) pidan x ...
@alexandraporfin quiero hacer la traduccion al Ingles de otra de Ricardo
Arjona, "porque es tan cruel el amor", no la encuentro en video subtitulado
en la web :( Ojala me salga ... Saludos y gracias!
Hola por favor que programa utilizas para hacer el video con los subtitulos
por favor. Quisiera hacer uno personalizado. Te quedo bonito.. Agradecere
tu respuesta... Diana
@DianaMVilla lo hago en windows movie maker... pero al principio comprimia
los videos y se oian muy mal asi q sin comprimirlos kedan nitidos e igual
puedes subirlos :)
dont meant to offend you or anything but some things in your translation
have some flaws, mostly because spanish is a weird language even for
spanish and latin american people because the way you say it changes the
tone of the thing you are saying,some parts of your translation didn´t nail
the hard part of the song and other words were wrong, she didn´t mean
"cartera" as purse, she mean it as wallet (making much more sense) if you
dont mind i would like to give you a more accurate translation
this girl, from Guatemala, was rolln her eyes as this song rang her phone n
tha library.. i begged her to tell me tha artists and tha name of this
song. i love tha most ignorant rap out there, but this song BREAKS ME DOWN.
it is fate, that i have found tha english translation...this is for my
hero, he know who his is and why.
Every now and then I am asked to listen to a song that just blows me away.
This is one of them. This world has been given a great gift in these two
artists and what a thrill that they chose to collaborate in this piece.
Isn't "lo que nos pidan podemos" translates to: "what we can ask?". Yet the
written translation of the screen says: "What you can ask, we can" I seem
the poor translation.
Para desintoxicarme del pasado.....powerful interplay of lyrics. Gracias
por ayudando la gente que no habla español entender la magia de Ricardo
a la!! calidad Bro yo te sugiero que otros cuantos mas
y no le hagas caso a cualquier comentarios que no estan
deacuerdos con tu traduccion. ME LLEGA.