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Spring break rape victim Videos

What Would You Do Rape Victim Edition

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User Comments

If that is happening here in my country, its kinda hard to defend, because most drunk guys on bars are armed with handguns and knives here.
No, somewhere in SouthEast Asia
+Carl Dallo are you in North Korea?
Ty for getting back to the great videos. You can see true heros standing up for a woman in need. God bless those good people who act in the time of need.
+Tony Self The Cop that let the woman be taken advantage of.....I hope you are exposed. Shame on you, who wears a badge to protect and serve.
This just made me cry. I was brutally beaten and raped in the washroom of a restaurant and when I managed to escape the restaurant owner dragged me out of the establishment and never even asked if I was ok. A bystander outside saw my condition and flagged down an ambulance and police. I was hesitant about the cops but they kept reassuring me that they were the good guys who just wanted to help. I managed to get some items off of my attacker and gave it to the police when I finally gave in. They started asking me questions and assessing the situation and all seemed normal until they started asking highly inappropriate questions. I told them that I wasn't comfortable answering (that one question) and they pretty much told the investigation is up and they don't want to help me. All I got was a big EFF YOU in the end and the guy walked free.
Thank you, it's nice to hear this  from someone. Most people can't even get past the initial shock of my story. It's nice to hear some words of encouragement.
+Shawntel King I'm very sorry that happened to you! I don't even ask if you're okay now, because I question if life can ever be the same after such a horror... I hope you found some help in your family or from friends! I guess those cops had the hots for you themselves, so they thought you deserved what happened to you, but you certainly did not! You are a human just like them, you have dignity, even if you seem to have lost it in that washroom, it's still there, just hidden by someone else's dirt. Don't let that fool you, you deserve to be treated with respect!
When a guy gets intoxicated and bout to get raped, no one will fucking react.
fuck men.
I think most of men are happy to have sex with pretty girls, as long as they don't get STD
I have an idea for a WWYD episode. So a person with self-harm scars is showing them in public for the first time. A woman/man can make fun of them telling them to cover the scars and tell them how disgusting it is to see. I would really like to see how people react to this.
I would say, cover then up u edgy cunt and live like a normal person i fag
That's an amazing idea I would love to see that!!!! :D
+Hidden Secrets search wwyd on google or something
+Von Simmons how do I email them?
I really think you should email them this idea, I would like to see this play out
Me 2 good idea :)
hmm, normally when a woman is in danger and you must intervene you see alot of kicking screaming and resisting. I see her making minor complaints while going along with him, SHE IS WILLINGLY GOING WITH HIM. So what they're telling us is women are too stupid to make their own choices and need to be treated like a child. Usually they do these experiments reversing the genders, but with this one they did not! why? only women need to be treated like a child? I know shes drunk, but a responsible adult knows not to drink if they know they cant stay in control. But not women apparently, they're just stupid dependant children and need us to baby them, right?
+Alex Armstrong Most of the time victims are drugged by the rapist.....
assuming that she never drank while underaged, how would she know how to handle alcohol ?? it was stated multiple times that it was her 21st birthday, and I'm definitely presuming that this takes place in the states so ??? also, alex, i've seen you comment practically the same thing three times now. its getting redundant and i'm finding it hard to take you seriously

Suspect in Alleged Spring Break Gang Rape says he knew the Victim

One of the three men arrested in the alleged Spring Break gang rape admitted he knew the victim and was dating her at the time of the incident. One of the three ...

'Missoula' Rape Victim Secretly Records Rapist Confession: Part 1

Allison Huguet was one of the women "Missoula" author Jon Krakauer profiled in his new book.

User Comments

these bicthes ,, wtf it's all their fault all their fault drunk sluts
Rapist! !!
it's the victims fault.
+Kimiko no. i don't exploit the mistakes of women.
Are you a rapist
yes! maybe is her fault or maybe his fault!!! it's depend on the situation what was real happened on them, the worst! ever things happened to the victims!
+alexwasonfire you got trolled
News flash: ignorance is your new best friend.
If thats the case then you're an asshole.
Yes, if you rape someone you're really a slut.
notice how the blonde girl say's after the penis was in her face she blacked out and doesn't remember anything.. Okay, how does she know all 3 men gang raped her then. The problem with black out rape allegations is it really is a girl who doesn't remember, you can't ruin a man's life off of the belief that he acted with no consent- you need to A. have reliable testimony or B. EVIDENCE other than the belief he acted with no consent. I have seen plenty of drunk girls and guys give consent to eachother. Consent isn't a black and white issue. It's so much more complicated than it is simple.
Feel when you're incarcerated and a big guy big inmate fucks you in the ass while he drugs you? It's going to fucking hurt you immediately afterwards! If you are afraid adrenaline builds up and your muscles throughout your body tenses up including your ass and a vagina. That means if they force them selves in there...you better believe you will wake up with incredible pain and blood coming out of the cuts and blunt trauma out of you ass. The same happens to the vagina! So yeah you wake up feeling the aftermath of the rape you idiot!
...you don't understand how a person gets rapes without remembering. You don't understand how they are traumatized if they don't remember. Wow...you do have the IQ of a fucking potato! When a woman is raped she goes to the hospital to get a rape kit. They test it. It proves that you've been raped. The woman is traumatized because "newsflash" when a girl is raped and she isn't enjoying it or aroused wtf go you think happens? If you have sex as a woman and you aren't relaxed or turned on guess what? Her vagina gets cut up, her vaginal canal is heavily bruised! Her insides will hurt! She will bleed from her vagina being dry and her mentality of fear or of being incoherent causes the vagina to constrict!! You obviously don't know shit about the female anatomy or how it functions. Forced sex fucking hurts!!! It hurts like you wouldn't believe!! It leaves you sore, cut up, bruised, immense pain...don't you know that?! Jesus! That's enough to traumatized anyone for life! How would you fucking
You must have the IQ of a fucking potato. She said NO before she was blacked out, and not to mention if you're blacked out YOU CANT SAY YES. You can't consent! This really is as black and white as people make it. Now go get sterilized so you can't have little entitled rapist kids/pigs.
+d low if you don't really remember the trauma, how can you claim to be traumatized.. this is something I will never understand.
Some marginally intelligent person please explain to me without resorting to dumb, thoughtless bromides about "victim-blaming" how a stupid 19 year old woman can go to a frat party and get so sloppy drunk she has no control over herself or her situation and can't even remember what happened and she isn't responsible for her choices, yet a stupid 19 year old man can go to the same party, drink the same amount of liquor until he's just as sloppy drunk as she is so that he has no control over himself or his situation and can't remember what happened but he IS responsible for his choices? How do her bad choices become everybody else's responsibility but his don't? What I want is an explanation, not a fucking bumper-sticker.
+christen m So, just to clarify, "initiating sex" is rape. Yeah, that sounds legal and intelligent. You're clearly not pulling nonsense whole cloth out of your ass at all. 
+WikeddTung Initiating sex with a person that can't give consent (aka an intoxicated person) is rape, same way that driving a car while drunk and hitting someone is manslaughter, alcohol doesn't excuse your actions.
+Jefferson Street Jesus, the head-up-the-assery is breathtaking. If I actually claimed what you suggest I did, you wouldn't need to ask "Are you claiming...?" The fact that you insist on paraphrasing my argument suggests you need to create a straw man to attack because you can't find a legitimate way to argue what I've actually said.And, +Anna Graves' insistence that my argument "comes across" the way she wants it to come across only reinforces my point that you victim advocates have a MASSIVE BLIND SPOT about this issue by choice. Just because your filter only allows you to see and hear what you want doesn't mean that's what you're seeing or hearing. You want a man to be a rapist so he's a rapist regardless of what actually happened or what the woman is. It's pathological.I've repeatedly stated plainly the scenario I'm talking about. YOU keep changing the subject. Literally. And laughably."Forget about verification for the moment."??? Really? So the veracity of people accusing others of crimes shouldn't be verified? If someone called you a pedo and accused you of fucking a baby that person should be believed because we all agree that pedophelia is a despicable crime and the victims are the most vulnerable people so we should take every accusation very seriously and "Forget about verification for the moment."?Funniest shit about that phrase is that it implies you're going to get back to it at some other moment in your argument which, of course, you never do. I've repeatedly conceded throughout this thread that if a man forces himself on a woman against her will he is guilty of rape. Reread the thread if you have to. At no point have either of you ever conceded that it's possible for a woman to lie or claim rape after having consensual sex she regretted the next day. That says everything about who the rigid ideologues hell-bent on their one-note agenda are here. 
I think that is what he is saying yes. But no doubt he will try and twist his own words. I genuinely think he doesn't realise that what you have said is exactly how his argument comes across 
+WikeddTung The guy admitted it to her on the phone.  You are changing the argument from one about responsibility to one about verification.  So let me make it easy for you. Forget about verification for the moment.  Let's  make this about responsibility (which is a word you have used frequently in this discussion.  Are you claiming that a woman who gets drunk and is not completely in control of her faculties and gets touched by a guy without her consent is equally culpable to a guy who gets drunk and sexually touches a woman without her permission? 
+Jefferson Street Dude, your argument is laughable because "for sexually assaulting her" is a conclusion that takes for granted something that may not have happened. Don't you get that? Of course if he "sexually assaulted" her he's responsible for that. If just simply fucked her consensually he's also responsible for that. The issue is the conclusion you come to just by calling it something it may not be. 
+WikeddTung Dude your argument is ridiculous.  If people are held responsible for their actions, then in the case of this video the woman is responsible for getting drunk. The man is responsible for sexually assaulting her. Those were their actions.  And those actions are markedly different.
You would know...
+Anna Graves Yeah, it sucks to realize you're on the losing end of an argument. LOL.
Maybe you genuinely don't realise that that is what comes across in your 'argument'Maybe this is why you are so defensive. But honestly, if you don't like the way your opinion is translated, look at yourself. Don't name call because you can't think of anything better to say. 
It is considered a round up. You seem to not know what it is you are actually portraying through your opinion. You are the one making out like if a man rapes a woman while drunk it isn't all that bad because he couldn't control himself. Fuck off. Seriously. 
+Anna Graves The best part of your dumb reply is "Oh OK, so you are saying..." as you then proceed to type a bunch of words I NEVER ACTUALLY SAID. If I did, quote me.You see, moron, the very fact that you need to paraphrase, frame and spin what I've actually said suggests the super-fucking-weak position you're coming from. I couldn't call out PC victim-culture bullshit any better than you just have.If a man forces himself on a woman (or vice versa for that matter) and refuses to stop (refusal suggests an actual plea or demand to stop has been made) then he is in fact and deed a rapist and we have no problem.But how the fuck can a plea or demand be made when she's "passed out"? It can't be. And at what point did she "pass out"? After they consensually made out? After she let him put his hand under her shirt? After he was already inside her with her consent? At what point is he supposed to interpret that her consent was withdrawn? Unless you are in fact a moron, we both know there are far more gray areas in this debate than you'd like to admit to. This is what I'm referring to and you know it.It boils down to who gets the benefit of the doubt. PC culture wants to give the women the benefit of the doubt which would be fine except that women can lie as easily as men can rape and young men's lives can be destroyed. To me the issue needs to be whether actual "force" is used. And if there's no evidence of force, the benefit of the doubt needs to go to the man. Again, push in the other direction and you're going to get pushback.
+WikeddTung Oh OK, so you are saying that women should just get over it because while men are undressing then, forcing themselves inside of them and refusing to get off them it is just a "stupid moment" and they had no control over it?Wow, for someone who likes to call others 'morons' you really do an incredible impression of one...
+Anna Graves No, moron, I'm stating flat out that no drunk 18 year old man is any more responsible than a drunk 18 year old woman. Just because a person has a vagina doesn't always make them a victim any more than having a penis always makes someone a criminal.Going to a frat party and getting drunk to the point where you have no control over yourself or your situation is a monumentally stupid idea no matter who does it, but this PC victim culture bullshit that's going on on campuses all over the country is hell-bent on turning every woman who makes that choice a victim and every man who makes the same choice a rapist and the more it's pushed the harder will be the pushback.
+WikeddTung Yes, she is responsible for getting drunk. She is not responsible for him raping her.So I still don't get your ridiculous point. Are you seriously suggesting that no man has control of his penis?
+Anna Graves Translation: "Um, yeah, under those circumstances she's just as responsible for her choices as he is."
+WikeddTung oh, you're a name caller. What a surprise!OK then, you were commenting on a video where women were drunk and had both mentioned either falling asleep (passing out) or blacking out (passing out).You called this being sloppy drunk to the point of not being in control of their actions. The women had said they had passed out. So, 'Moron' don't comment on these videos without very clearly outlining your change in context and situation when you are trying to liken the situation you are describing to theirs. 
+Anna Graves Another moron. When have I ever said anything about a girl "passed out"? Reread every one of my comments and quote where I suggest any such thing.Let's try this, moron, are you suggesting that as long as she's awake even if she does not give consent that it is not rape? The only thing that qualifies it as rape is that she has to be passed out, moron?Now try thinking; if she is not passed out, how much fucking responsibility does she bear for her choices, moron?
+WikeddTung OK, If a girl passes out drunk, she is incapacitated. If a man does not pass out, but walks in, sees said incapacitated girl, takes her clothes off, forces his erect penis inside her and finishes (or not) I would say that he probably had a lot more control over his actions than said girl who cannot move. It isn't difficult. If you are drunk and see a cute girl passed out, don't have sex with her. No matter how drunk you are.
+Jefferson Street I'm still waiting for the part about passing out. Jackass. 
+WikeddTung "how a stupid 19 year old woman can go to a frat party and get so sloppy drunk she has no control over herself or her situation and can't even remember what happened" 
+Jefferson Street No, my question has been the same from the very beginning. YOU keep trying to change the subject.Where the fuck do I say anything about anybody passing out? Quote me.I won't reply again until you quote where I say a person passing out is the same as ANYTHING.Shoot, genius. 
+WikeddTung You keep changing the issue.  The question you are asking is about proving allegations.  That is a different and difficult issue.  But you also continue to claim some kind of equivalence between an individual --of either gender--who passes out and another individual who initiates sexual contact with that person without permission.  The difference between those 2 behaviors is so significant that it strains credulity for you not to understand this.  I don't think "a marginally intelligent" person is the issue if you can not even understand or accept the obviousness and enormity of that difference.
+Jefferson Street "How dense are you, dude?"That's the whole fucking point. If both assholes are drunk, whether one party is taken advantage of without permission or not boils down to he said/she said. How the fuck does her word have more validity than his when nobody poured booze down her throat; she chose to go out and get drunk just like he did? How do you determine she's a fucking victim? Are you ignorant of all the stories about "campus rape" that have turned out to be bullshit? Again, I go back to my question, "How can two people make exactly the same choices and one is responsible and the other is not just because their genitals are different?"
+WikeddTung I am certain that the majority of hook-ups are consensual albeit aided by drunkeness.  But every time a party takes advantage of another without their permission, it is abuse.  
+Jefferson Street Are you suggesting that every drunken frat party hookup that somebody regrets the next day is rape?
+WikeddTung How dense are you dude?  She didn't make a choice to have a guy touch her sexually.  That is HIS choice.  Only he is responsible for that.  Your view seems to be if a woman is really drunk she is fair game. Moral equivalence isn't even close as one only harms themself, while the other harms another.
+Jefferson Street But if she's too drunk to consent that means she's too drunk to take responsibility for her choices. Why does being drunk alleviate her of responsibility and not him? It is indeed a gender issue. 
+WikeddTung If the girl sexually assaults the guy, then you have moral equivalence. It is not a gender issue. It is a matter of one party infringing on another without permission.

Hannity & Guest Blames Gang Rape On Jon Stewart

Sean Hannity and his guests blamed Jon Stewart's mockery of their salacious spring break coverage last year for a gang rape this year that was recorded on ...

User Comments

They should eliminate the word "news" it just Fox or better yet Fuck.
+gustav Mendes remember it's Faux news.
Rape happens everywhere. The thing that makes this CRIME so vile is that it occurred on a public beach - daylight, right out in the OPEN - the woman was out of it - apparently drugged - and the MOST DISGUSTING part - people just stood around and did NOTHING - DEGENERATE COWARDS.
+socalsun7 It happens at a much higher level on Spring Break. When a bunch of people in their sexual prime are on drugs, or black out drunk, and wearing almost no clothes. And for a father to be concerned about that, only to be mocked by liberals is annoying as hell...
don't blame the parents for not "protecting" their daughters from rape, blame the parents for not teaching their sons NOT TO RAPE
+Jamie Giv Everybody knows Rape is wrong. Do Parents need to teach their Sons, not to Kill?
1. What's up with the weird close-up of Ana throughout this entire video? 2. Why didn't they show the actual clip of Hannity blaming Stewart?
+Kenneth Huang-  mmmm, i see now that u're wasting ur time on ben1860 :-/
+Kenneth Huang- eXACtly!  and b/c conservs, pro-foxers, and anti-stewart folk don't like his comdey, they either did NOT watch his clip OR they did not understand his joke(s).  :-/
+Kenneth Huang good Hannity has the right to be angry... same way comedians can't make jokes about nigga word when they are white. he did not lie... the liars are tyt 
+benalvino1860 "when you mock the messenger delivering a message... you mock the message as well."Wow really? Is there no such thing as comedic nuance?And I know what Hannity (and Gavin McInnis) said. I know they weren't blaming Stewart per se (and yes, that may have been an exaggeration on TYT's part). But they did say that Stewart's mockery did a disservice to those who are abused during Spring Break, when it did no such thing, and it's just them (and you, apparently) being unable to see what Stewart was actually making fun of.
+Kenneth Huang when you mock the messenger delivering a message... you mock the message as well. the thing you did not see is that Sean Hannity never said the rape occurred because of Jon Stewart... that was the spin I was talking about. ana went on to say fox news don't care about the people, they went there so they could show bikini. that is childish and stupid. see my channel.
+benalvino1860 I saw the actual clip. There is nothing to spin. Hannity and his guests inaccurately make it seem like Stewart was mocking the real dangers of what might happen during Spring Break (or during any other time there's a lot of drinking going on, really). Stewart wasn't; he was making fun of the way Hannity's visual coverage focuses on gyrating scantily-clad women.
+Kenneth Huang because they can't spin the actual clip. see my channel for the actual clips
*"Women aren't strong?"* Giving birth isn't strong? XD
+A86 who said we're all equal. That individual must be arrested. Was it T Jefferson? Canker worm. ..
+Zack Casey - Yes, women and men are both strong. Just in different ways and different areas at times. There will be more peace in the world when people realize that men and women are two halves of the same whole, and stop this inane contest and battling over which gender is "better".
Women are strong
Shawn hannity is a dumbass conservative
lol and you guys don't make fun of conservatives? It sorta goes both ways.
+Monk3ygames conservatives tend to be ignorant and hypocritical , eg , they are against gay marriage but lust after underage boys
+Monk3ygames what?


As interviewed by Sean Hannity. JUANITA BROADDRICK has accused Bill Clinton of rape while he was AG of Arkansas. She detailed how Hillary Clinton ...

User Comments

The Clintons are business partners first, and Hillary would eat someone's face off if they were a threat to their brand. It's a pretty shitty brand for those who know the truth. She won't get nominated because her baggage is becoming too much of a burden. Elizabeth Warren will come to the rescue for the dems.
+Mark Pugner I usually vote democrat but I might have to sit out this election, these people are just plain sociopaths.
+Mark Pugner #Sanders/Warren for America 2016Bill never wanted to be president; hell, he wanted a divorce from Hillary years before he was elected. SHE wouldn't let him divorce her. It's always been about Hillary. Bill's been a sideshow.
hillary clinton is a dumb BITCH i hope she gets what she deserves
+3xoticx Succinct but correct.

Male Rape Victims - CJ Project Spring 2014

The harsh and cruel reality of male victims in the rape culture of America. Project put together for the Crime In America/Ethics In Criminal Justice classes by Dr.

Former Roommate Of Alleged Victim Testifies In Vanderbilt Rape Trial

The eighth day of the Vanderbilt rape trial resumed as a former roommate of the alleged victim testified along with other athletes and two, close friends of one of ...

User Comments

When I first went to college, we had freshman orientation. There were thousands of us n00bs in the auditorium and one of the topics that was covered was how to be safe and prevent yourself from being a sexual assault victim. They talked about the use of date rape drugs. One of my best friends was a female and I was really worried about her, so I raised my hand to ask a question. They called on me and I stood up and asked "How can I tell if someone is under the influence of a date rape drug?" I asked this question so that if I was out with my friend, I'd know if she had been drugged and could keep her safe. Standing there in front of thousands of kids though, my question was answered by thunderous laughter. Everybody was laughing! It was surreal, and I looked around in disbelief at all these freshman, and they were all looking at me while laughing. It took a few seconds for it to sink in, but I realized why they were laughing. They thought I wanted to know how to spot drugged girls so that I could rape them. AND THEY WERE LAUGHING ABOUT IT! I was angry and embarrassed, so I sat down. My question was never answered by the person hosting the orientation. So in the end I looked like a total pervert, I never did find out how to know if someone had drugged my friend, and now thousands of people thought I was a rapist... and everyone just laughed about it. That pretty much told me how bad the rape culture at college.
+XXXThanos There is no such thing as rape culture.
Hope all of them get raped every day in prison!
Me too!
All of these young men are cowards and should have faced charges
it's a crime,it's called RAPE.You go to JAIL for it...your a gutless pig if you harm any woman
+Toni Tommasi They aren't cowards. They were just some horny ass fucks that found a sexy ass college girl to play with.
what do you mean male rape?   men raping women or women raping men,you're not very clear....I'm against abuse & rape of anyone...man,woman or child...It's a crime,they should face punishment...are you clear on my stance now?
+rande stuart Its always women that defend male rape, and abuse of men. why is that?
It's always men who defend rape and the abuse of women.Why is that?
+PLAYBOYD would you be saying that if it was your sister? and don't say yes cause we know u wouldn't. You're just a pussy.
some channel ran a hour long story about this case,my god,it's worse than I had first thought.people on the jury were horrified by the proof..the girl did take the stand...I don't know who you were posting to
and why shouldnt the girl that testified?
I agree with you,the more I read and hear about this case sickens me to death.I hope they do some long hard time
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