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Pronounce zerubbabel Videos

How to Pronounce Zerubbabel

This video shows you how to pronounce Zerubbabel.

Zechariah and Zerubbabel

23 5 = part 239 of series Next: 23-6: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR9Y3iSD6Sk playlist 11 ...

User Comments

The family of king james through the ugle built the 32nd degree and ordered the holy islamics in to america to kill all non order select christians. 123 degrees is zeus jesus the anti hamachia and the 32nd degree is the worship,valuing of the beast sphinx mohhamed.The 33rd degree is the luciferian/helel/holy secret degrees,the 100th degree is child sacrafice to helel the holy angel and god alais hasatan.
Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel Zerubbabel
Yahweh does not say worship God-Dagon-Dragon-GAD. That type worship is condemned by yahwehs scribes....look at the yahuwshua site
Go dis the alias of hasatan ,lord is the alais of baal,jesus is the alais of zeus get your facts right.
Holy is the alias of helel/lucifer.....yahuwshua org
@chuckyskeys What on earth are you talking about?

Who are the two witnesses? Elijah and Moses? No! Part 1 of 2

Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11:3-4? Some say Enoch and Elijah because Hebrews 9:27 says that everyone must die. However, that verse refers to ...

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I always believed john of Patmos would be one of the two witnesses as jesus told he him must prophecy again before many people tongues and nations
+Tracy Lipman I think that Jesus was referring to John prophesying of end time events by writing the book of Revelation. At least, that's my view on it. At least you've got scriptural support for your theory. I wonder how some people come up with what they believe. Thanks for watching and commenting.
This is clearly speaking of a spiritual atonement which required death. This entire chapter is discussing the eradication of animal sacrifices due to the final offering of which Christ gave with his own life, His death gave us life... 26 He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. 27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation. Hebrews 9:26-27 Pay attention to when he says that it is appointed for man to die once, and THEN the Judgment. It is speaking of their final death until they are raised at the Last Day. Did Lazarus die twice? Physically, yes...but by the grace of God, he was risen, and given rest in Paradise when he "fell asleep" the second time. This was grace that Christ did not have to give, yet it was still APPOINTED for man ONCE to die. God is a God of miracles....and he told Adam that man would surely die when they ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They would "return to the dust" from where they came. This has not happened to Enoch....and he is not appointed judgment yet, because he has not yet Fallen Asleep. St. Jude links Enoch's prophetic writings with the saints returning with Christ to judge the wickedness of this world. Interesting that Enochian literature would be affiliated with apocalyptic scripture....perhaps his work is not finished as the theologians have written for many centuries. You are wrong about Christ raising 500 Saints from the dead with him as well. He did raise saints with him, though we don't know how many.....but St. Paul writes that there were over 500 living witnesses who had seen him AFTER he revealed himself to his disciples... 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. 6 After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. 1 Corinthians 15:4-6 AFTER the disciples had seen him, over 500 others had as well. Most were still living. This was not referring to the resurrected saints who came up with him, and spread their witness through the city, according to St. Matthew's account. You are clearly not qualified to teach scripture.....you and anyone else who deceitfully divides scripture into 7 dispensations because you cannot accept the fact that reading it straight forward contradicts your Calvinist "theology."
But ANYWAY....no hostility.....It seems like The Word means a lot to you, and there's larger problems in the world, which should keep the Body united for the progress of the Kingdom.  In Christ, may God bring the best fruits from your work.
Paul actually teaches us that Lawlessness is not good.  He tells us what kind of people will not be in Heaven. He gives instructions of how to live an orderly and Godly life, and he also tells us the righteous works which are the traits of a Christian.  These are the same teachings which are in the Gospel.  What he spoke against was the legalisms from the Old Covenant which they tried to attach to salvation.  Mandated ordinances were not necessitated under the Law of the Spirit (Romans 8....Ephesians 2:14-18; Colossians 2:13-17) and The Law of Liberty (James 1:25. 2:12)  He then gave long discourses concerning the difference. Paul is very specific about this in the Corinthians, Romans 12, and Galatians 3.  We are all One in Christ without distinction.  The Church Body, (Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12) what he calls the "Israel of God." (Galatians 6:16), and differentiates the covenants in Galatians 4.  The Covenant of Hagar is the Dead End of the Law, and the Covenant of Isaac is the Covenant of the fulfillment of the Gospel.  We read in Acts 9 during Paul's conversion when he is commissioned by Ananias, God uses him as an instrument for the Jews, Gentiles, and Kings of the Earth.  There is no Dispensation between Jew and Gentile in the New Covenant.  ALL Apostolic writings and the Gospel are significant to how we conduct our lives today.  St. Paul writes ALL scripture is God breathed, and good for doctrine, correction, and reproof to equip the man of God for every good work....and to work out our salvation with God with fear and trembling.  They are all standards for how we conduct our lives today, and critical for salvation.  The Word of God is not divided....but the Old Covenant is best understood through the lenses of the Gospel. 
+Sean ChaneyEverything you said is scriptural. Therefore, it is all true. However, NONE of it applies to us today. Jesus came to the lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL (Matthew 15:24). Jesus was a minister of the CIRCUMCISION (Romans 15:6). These are instructions that apply only to Israel's program. God started something new with the apostle Paul, and we are under the instructions found in Paul's epistles only.
Christ says if you love him you will keep his commands.St. John reaffirms this on multiple occasions in his epistles....and likewise, if you do not love him, you will not keep his commands.  If you choose to follow Christ, you will repent, carry your cross daily and follow him.  You will endure to the end.  If you are his, people will know you by your fruits, because you are to be salt and light to the earth.  Your faith without works is Dead, Void. You have to stay on the straight and narrow....It's not about "work," as much as it is abiding in The Word and living the Life that Christ instructs us to live as Christians.  If you are not living according to his Word, your faith is void.  Being a Christian includes accountability and striving for the Holy Life God has planned for you to live.  This is righteous faith.  Christ said there is no greater love than one who lays down their lives for their friends. That is the kind of faith which God seeks from us, and that is the faith which saves. Yes, Christ paid it all...which is why there is no more need or intent for animal sacrifice.
+Sean Chaney You only need to trust in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection as atonement for your sins. There are no works required, because Jesus' death paid it all.
The reoccurring themes which can be found in Hebrews 7, 9-10 is the insufficiency of animal sacrifice to atone for the sins of humanity, both personally, and universally.  Christ's sacrifice, once, and for all, however is sufficient to atone for the sins of all.  It is throughout Hebrews 9-10, which further emphasizes its insufficiency as read in Isaiah 1:10-20  The righteous will live by faith (Hebrews 11), giving up their own lives for the sake of the Kingdom as an acceptable sacrifice to God, rather than placing your own sins on what was ultimately not meant to bare it.  This is insulting to God for those with full knowledge concerning this, because you are saying to him that coming to repentance, and forgiveness through Christ's atonement is not enough to pay the debt for your transgressions to God, when it is through repentance and confession that he came into the world to save sinners, including yourself.  Scripture is clear that Christ is our risen temple, and that our bodies are personal temple for the Holy Spirit, and the collective Body of believers functions as his active temple.  It is not a building.  We reflect on this consciously when we receive communion, rather than continue to offer what was only meant to be temporary.  Like circumcision, and kosher rules...it was still observed before the prophesied destruction of the temple to be a faithful witness and not cause their brethren to stumble.  It was not mandated for those who have come to know the risen savior.....and after the destruction of the temple and its system, it was time to accept Christ as our new priesthood, and that he is our sufficient sacrifice for all time. Don't take Ezekiel's temple vision of of context with the perpetual atoning sacrifice of animals which are offered on the altar.  In his vision, God said that, he, himself would be their inheritance, and as the living temple, Christ is the fulfillment of these perpetual sacrifices which atones for all things....except rejection of it.  They would have understood this symbolism through the perfection of a temple system which Christ fulfilled at the cross by his death and resurrection, and the Witness of his disciples fulfilling the Great Commission which is perfected temple without walls.Concerning "believers alive at the rapture"....read the Olivet discourse in Matt. 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 17; 21.  You will see that the believers in Heaven and Earth are gathered during one single event.  When Christ returns.  There is no pre-tribulation rapture. That is the single exception in all of history. When the saints who are alive are transformed, and the once departed are reunited with their bodies which occurs prior to the living being transformed.  If Elijah comes again to give witness and is martyred, there is a very good case to make that Enoch is as well.  Man's spiritual death "The Second Death" follows the first if he never came to repentance, and was not covered by Christ's sanctification at the cross.
Animal sacrifices were not eradicated. They are still seen in the kingdom. But, yes, it is referring to a spiritual death in Hebrews 9:27. How, then, would you say it also applies physically, especially when believers alive at the rapture and the believing remnant at the second coming will never physically die?Who the 500 were is of little consequence.I am not a Calvinist, and I do not teach 7 dispensations. I teach the truth of God's Word rightly divided. That is all.

Who are the two witnesses? Elijah and Moses? No! Part 2 of 2

Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11:3-4? Some say Enoch and Elijah because Hebrews 9:27 says that everyone must die. However, that verse refers to ...

Consider Your Ways - Robert Blais - Feb. 1, 2014

A Call to Build the House of the Lord 1 In the second year of King Darius, on the first day of the sixth month, the word of the Lord came through the prophet ...

Armstrongism-Was Herbert W Armstrong End Time Zerubbabel?

Was Herbert W. Armstrong the end time Zerubbabel as some of the splinter groups believe? And who is end time Joshua? Download our booklet here ...

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The Plain Truth about the Worldwide Church of God This is the story of the Worldwide Church of God and what destroyed it //www.unityinchrist.com/wwcofg/wwcofgod.html
He speaks of of don'ts, but what about the does.We need to hear about those.
It's good to see Christians speaking out against Christian cults.
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