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Tachypnoea Meaning
Video shows what tachypnoea means. hyperventilation. Tachypnoea Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say tachypnoea. Powered ...
Transient Tachypnea of Newborn - Dr Praveen Venkatagiri
Transient Tachypnea of newborn Hello everybody, I am Dr. Praveen, a neonatologist at NCRI Neonatal Network. Today I am going to talk about transient ...
Charlie Showing Retractions & Tachypnea
I wish I had taken a video for the purpose of showing retractions, but all I have is a video of us playing where they happen to be visible. This video shows Charlie ...
Did your son ALWAYS have the fast breathing??! I'm curious because my son
will breath 72 breaths per minute for a while but then once he falls asleep
he's back to normal. So by time i get through in the ER he's back to
normal. But he always has the subcostal retraction. And all they do is
listen to his heart and lungs and hear nothing so they just say he has a
virus, but that still doesn't explain the retracting. (been happening for a
week now). But just sounds almost similar to yours.
My son's tachypnea started about 48 hours after he was born. Have they said
why they believe he's having subcostal retractions? Are you counting a full
60 seconds to get his respiratory rate? Infant periodic breathing can lead
to artificially high or low respiratory rates if you don't count the full
60. You can always ask for a second opinion or seek further referrals from
your pediatrician. You know your child best. If you think something is
wrong, push to get a definitive answer.
Hi :) My son was in heart failure. He saw a cardiologist to diagnose his
specific defect. Bronchilitis is an inflammation of the airways that can be
another cause of respiratory distress. It can lead to asthma later in life.
If steroids and nebs aren't helping, ask for further investigation. How old
is your son? Has anyone said they heard a heart murmur? You can always ask
for a second opinion. There are many root causes for the symptoms my son
had. Do his lungs sound clear?
@tjmacs54 That sounds very scary. I'll be praying for you all.
Suck-Swallow-Breathe is a hard skill especially when these kids are working
so hard to breathe and have such high respiratory rates. I'm assuming he is
under medical care and they are addressing these issue, if not, those
symptoms are a medical emergency. It sounds like aspiration would also be a
concern given the information you've provided. Please keep me updated.
The breathing can get in the way of eating, it also burns more calories.
You absolutely have the right to get a second opinion. You can use the US
News Rankings site to find a good Children's Hospital in your area I'd
start with pulmonology. CHOP is #1 ranked in pulmonology, you can reach
them at 215-590-3749. If you send me a message we can discuss more options
in finding answers for your son.
i am babysitting a 7 week old boy who has these retractions, stridor,
grunting, and difficulty feeding--he chokes and seems to hve difficulty
breathing and swallowing in any co-ordinated fashion. heart rate is
140-160. Please wish us a safe ride...
He is adorable. Great video I now know what retractions look like. I have
an exam on Friday so this helped. Thank You. :) P.S. Wishing you guys well
with Charlie's conditions.