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Sacred Name Movement Accusation : Scripture vs Deception

Music CALL TO GLORY STEVE ROSEN I do not own this music. It was used in this video to show the passion for our Savior Yahushua. I hope you enjoyed it.

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because I have a name I hear it when someone calls me by my name, if someone calls me by a different name then MY NAME...I will not hear them! I want to know the true name of the ONE which I must be saved by, and the one true name that hears my prayers!...so I went to you tube to find some teachings about the correct pronunciation of the TRUE names of HOLY Scriptures, but was shocked to see how many are trying to argue with the truth from the ORIGINAL Language, the language of our Creator, the language our Savior spoke. I seek truth and I like this video answer to those who want to debunk truth...a memo.
A whole bunch of truth in this video. It could use a bit slower running though. YAHWEH bless you in Messiah YAHSHUA! Shalom, Teddy Wilson www.yahwehsmessenger.com
Prove to us that the name of our God and Saviour is not Jesus Christ!

Iesus Ahatonhia - Jesus est née - Jesus is born

Hurons - Nahuatl - French - English Ehstehn yayau deh tsaun we yisus ahattonnia O na wateh wado:kwi nonnwa 'ndasqua entai ehnau sherskwa trivota ...

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merci pour la musique! :)
Merci d'avoir aimé et commenté :)

The Project Hate MCMXCIX - "Iesus Nazarenus Servus Mei" lyric video

Lyric video for The Project Hate MCMXCIX's "Iesus Nazarenus Servus Mei", off of their 2011 album "Bleeding the New Apocalypse". I make no claims of ...

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whats a shitty bitrate

"Jesous Ahatonnia (The Huron Carol)", Bruce Cockburn

Huron Lyrics: Ehstehn yayau deh tsaun we yisus ahattonnia O na wateh wado:kwi nonnwa 'ndasqua entai ehnau sherskwa trivota nonnwa 'ndi yaun rashata ...

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Wonderful to hear this in translation. Thanks for making the effort.

Road Keys to Tap The Zen of Ascension, 12/24

Jesus Christ Superstar - Gethsemane (1973)

Great vocal performance by Ted Neeley.

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This opera (yes, it's an opera) is so full of symbolism, metaphors, and other great writing. It's just got so much to chew on and interpret. I've gone through so many different interpretations of the show's meaning. I constantly have to expand my interpretation to include some new analysis I overlooked. Some of the greatest songs for interpretation are Pilot's Song and I Don't Know How to Love Him. The great thing about this show is that you can add so much symbolism to each scene. Love this show. It's a masterpiece.
+Pappa Bear Um..k? 
+Mathew Hutchins ROCK opera
From strictly historical and philosophical perspectives, is there not some degree of similarity between Christ's ultimate acceptance of the Will of the one God and the teaching of Mohammed (Islam = submission)?
I would say yes, both are abrahamic religions that share similar teaching but are separated by pivotal/important teachings about the character of God(Allah/Yahweh) and the perspective of certain books. I'm rusty on biblical history but I hope it helps.
I Don't believe in the Christian religion or any at that but this is the single greatest musical of all time.
+Pinky Purple I'd understand your question better if you spoke proper English. how am I stupid?
+Light Darkness  what do u believe in? You came come a nut shell, you stupid ass!
I was scared by those paintings as a kid.
me too i saw this in third grade In 2008
How can a sin (the murder of Jesus), absolve the sins of humanity? Two wrongs don't make a right! God is supposed to be the infinite intelligent force in the universe, why would Jesus have to die? The god of the bible is so duplicitous that he doesn't even follow his own commandments. He glorifies murder (Jesus death), yet "thou shalt not kill" is one of his rules! This is absolutely ridiculous. Using logic, and reason destroys this paradox!
+MochaGirl3 Sin did not absolve the sins of humanity. God came in the form of a man and taught us how to live correctly, those who would listen. Knowing full well what the sinners were going to do to him. That is just how much he loves us all, he did it anyhow so that any who would listen could know him and therefore know God. No greater love has man that to lay down his life for a friend. Pretty awesome I think.
+MochaGirl3 The murder of Jesus should not be seen as homicide but rather a sacrifice; a peace offering. His value is infinite because He is God, and when you sin against God, your offence is against One of an infinite value; therefore sacrificing Jesus Christ would cancel out mankind's offence of sin. I hope this gave you an insight to what we believe even though I know you may not choose to believe the same :)
The best film about Jesus. This is the ONLY movie in which the movie itself isn't Christian nor Atheist. It depends on the viewer.
+Cé Té Completely agree! I am not religious, and never have been - but this movie is gold! Fantastic vocal performances and amzing music. I am so proud to have seen Ted Neeley perfom this song and the entire musical last week in the Netherlands! Never thought that day would come.
i agree entirely. as a christian child i watched this countless times, and now as an atheist adult, i watch it many more. i adore the story for what it is. no judgement, no anger, no hate. Just love of a great story and brillint movie regardless of everything else.
+WankingforPeace Best movie that definitely wasn't about Jesus.
+Andrew Ouellette It's one of my favorite movies, too. But Superstar is much better in my opinion.
+Cé Té I'm Atheist, but I LOVE this Jesus... u__u
+Cé Té Last Temptation Of Christ anyone?
It's good also.
+Cé Té: Life of Brian was the best movie about Jesus. Or Brian, rather.
+Cé Té absolutely agree with you. I'm not religeous, but I am impressed, can listen to him for hours

Huron Carol with Huron/Wendat and French Lyrics and English Translation

No copyright infringement intended; all rights belong to Heather Dale. This translation is intended to be used as an educational aid for language learners and ...

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Who is singing/vocalizing?
+Russell Swinehammer Heather Dale is the singer!
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