Thanks!! I'm really glad to hear that (: I agree with you about the XBEE.
The reason why its not inside the controller is that I initially designed
the controller without the XBEE in mind because I thought I would just use
the controller to controls things on a computer through the serial port. By
the time I had made into an RC set, I no longer had access to a
laser-cutter so I couldn't modify the design of the remote. (I'll continue
in a second comment...)
Thanks! Glad to hear that! I would be glad to. I've actually already shared
all the files and code needed for this project. You can find the code if
you follow the link in the video description. The link will send you to my
article on Instructables com and there I explain the entire process and
provide the links for downloading the code from my website. Let me know how
it turns out!
Thank you! That's a very hard question to answer! I've been building with
Lego Technic all my life (I'm still a teenager believe it or not) so
designing Lego vehicles like this one is second nature to me. Feel free to
check out my site ( to see the other Legos I've built and to
read about how I made them! That might give you a better answer than I can
give here (:
You can stop the screen flicker by storing the current value in a temporary
value and then compare them. If they are different, show the value,
otherwise don't. By minimizing the screen flicker, you can send the data
faster, and it makes the overall look, look much better. Im a member on the
Arduino Forum, HazardsMind, and can help you if have any questions or
(...continued from first comment) Fortunately, though, the remote is
designed in such a way that I can always make an attachment later that will
hold the XBEE or other additional devices nicely. I hope you get around to
making your own! Let me know when you do (: -Cyrus (aka Crtlego)
Thanks! Yeah looks can be deceiving haha. They're completely different in
design I can tell you that. And yes, if not sooner, I'll definitely
document the whole thing when I take it apart and let you know when I do (:
Really great. maybe the xbee could be inside of the controller but its just
cosmetic detail. This is awsome rc car. i wanna build it right now :).
Great video also! Keep it up.
Awesome video. I am new in the Arduino world and i have no regrets . Could
you kindly share the code on how you control the servors with the analog
In the meantime, you should check out my Instructable! There are pictures
there that show the drivetrain in closer detail. There's a link the